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File 142860319659.jpg - (167.76KB , 640x410 , 76ef4115e7718b2494b35bef4ad6d64a1424368687_full.jpg )
22723 No. 22723 [Edit]
I'm just posting here to say that if Punchline is some sort of two minute anime I'm going to be PISSED OFF! (underline) so if there are any japs readings this you have one day to extend that first ep out to full length if it isn't already.
or else

Post edited on 9th Apr 2015, 11:13am
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>> No. 22724 [Edit]
Great thread.
>> No. 22733 [Edit]
punchline is 328.9mb@720p
lookin good
>> No. 22741 [Edit]
File 142865240818.png - (616.22KB , 1280x720 , anime screencap2015-04-10-00h30m54s130.png )
this is really fantastic
a full-length, season-long anime all about pantsus
anime is wonderful.
and theres a new kissxsis ova too
so much hot, horny little 2d snatch around can't be a bad thing.
>> No. 23005 [Edit]
i don't even know wtf is going on in this anime
>> No. 23110 [Edit]
I had no idea there was even a storyline until i was halfway through episode 4
>> No. 23146 [Edit]
File 143166298888.jpg - (166.51KB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
I was kind of getting fed up with it between episodes 2 and the end of 4. Nothing interesting was really going on.

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