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File 142571728252.jpg - (393.74KB , 1044x1500 , kisuki_net_images_nanatsuiro-drops_38.jpg )
22317 No. 22317 [Edit]
We're marathoning Nanatsuiro Drops this Sunday starting at 8pm UTC (3/8/15)

Get yourself this http://syncplay.pl/ so you can watch with us.
room: tc
address: syncplay.pl:8995

^ this is the version we're using.
Expand all images
>> No. 22321 [Edit]
You'll want to use Syncplay 1.3.0 beta for that so you have managed rooms inside.
>> No. 22331 [Edit]
no thank you.
if i wanted to associate with the faggots from /irc/ i'd just go on irc
>> No. 22333 [Edit]
You could probably make due with just joining syncplay and changing files when the ep is over and everyone else does. All without joining IRC.
>> No. 22336 [Edit]

No reason why we can't talk about it here, that's what this thread is for after all.
>> No. 22342 [Edit]
Ten minutes people.
If anyone's interested in watching nows a good time to join.
>> No. 22343 [Edit]
File 142585163635.png - (262.23KB , 864x480 , shot0209.png )
The heck is this?
>> No. 22344 [Edit]
It looks kind of.. like a...
...what the fuck is that thing?
>> No. 22345 [Edit]
File 142585224431.png - (387.22KB , 864x480 , shot0210.png )
Hey look, here it is again!
>> No. 22346 [Edit]
File 142585984235.png - (509.25KB , 864x480 , shot0211.png )
The moe is strong with this one
>> No. 22347 [Edit]
File 142585986526.png - (368.00KB , 864x480 , shot0212.png )
>> No. 22350 [Edit]
And we never found out what it was...
>> No. 22351 [Edit]
Might be something made clearer in the VN.
>> No. 22355 [Edit]
Why was that dog guy carrying around those chemicals again? Did he have to drink one every time he wanted to transform? If so, why couldn't he have just given MC whatever he drinks to change back?
>> No. 22356 [Edit]
Nah, I don't think there was a reason for him having the chemicals/soda/whatever. Just had em.. cuz. I dunno, don't think that was explained. If mc drank another it probably wouldn't change him back, just turn him into something different, maybe.
>> No. 25880 [Edit]
Yeah man this show was pretty great.

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