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File 142342883983.jpg - (1.01MB , 1600x1300 , Suigintou-Rozen-Maiden-illusiondolls-35986659-1600.jpg )
22078 No. 22078 [Edit]
Are any of you girls following or (already dropped it)? I am enjoying the fuck out of it. The art is a bit on the disney side, but not too much to be offensive. Also I think i saw gargamel eating a smurf in the background of one ep.
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>> No. 22079 [Edit]
I can't wait for the next installment of Rozen Maiden!
>> No. 22081 [Edit]
File 142342928421.jpg - (27.93KB , 500x375 , mfw desu takes my last strawberry.jpg )
Don't tease me
>> No. 22083 [Edit]
Better question would be who here ISN'T following Rozen Maiden? and who in their right mind would drop it?
>> No. 22099 [Edit]
its been over for a long time
>> No. 22100 [Edit]
yeah but they might release a new installment someday.
>> No. 22101 [Edit]
I wanted to pick it up. But I didn't. I don't think there's any way around this most unfortunate state of affairs.
>> No. 22123 [Edit]
you should pick it up

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