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File 142316061486.png - (0.98MB , 1280x720 , anime scrrencap2014-09-23-20h05m54s128.png )
22042 No. 22042 [Edit]
>[DamnSubs] Nisekoi - OVA 2 [576p].mkv.torrent
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>> No. 22043 [Edit]
thanks for the shitty thread, op.
>> No. 22044 [Edit]
Don't be mean
what if you made op feel bad.
When interacting on the internet you should always do it as if the other poster is a cute anime girl, unless they're being really gross and/or mean
>> No. 22045 [Edit]
>When interacting on the internet you should always do it as if the other poster is a cute anime girl,
I for one actually do that.
btw, I got some candy and dolls in my van if you wanna see.
>> No. 22047 [Edit]
I can sort of do that, but when I start learning of the other person it gets harder and I just tend to ignore them afterwards or at least try to be as neutral as possible.

Do you also have video games in your windowless van?
>> No. 22048 [Edit]
why don't you come and find out ;)
>> No. 22085 [Edit]
I watched this OVA last night and it was just superb.
The Nisekoi women are hot as hell even if SHAFT did leave the loli out of the harem.
>> No. 22189 [Edit]
File 142430638695.jpg - (121.38KB , 1024x745 , z20150219.jpg )
Posting Mikuru in a SHAFT anime thread. Why?
>> No. 22190 [Edit]
Probably because he had something to tell us

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