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File 142298742052.png - (792.27KB , 1024x567 , original.png )
22029 No. 22029 [Edit]
the new season of kamisamahajimemashita is really cute and wonderful
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>> No. 22061 [Edit]
Replies: >>22062
i think people tend not to watch this because its considered shojo.
their loss, its every bit as good as fruits basket.
>> No. 22062 [Edit]
I watched the first season of it, don't really remember much but it was probably alright. Nothing great I don't think... at least in my opinion.
>> No. 22213 [Edit]
Replies: >>22219 >>22241
File 142457665225.jpg - (103.88KB , 1280x720 , Dictator.jpg )
Girls kissing? EWWWWW
>> No. 22219 [Edit]
>> No. 22241 [Edit]
that that's even a thing is wrong
>> No. 22277 [Edit]
>some kind of side character story arc
fukken a

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