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File 142207122188.jpg - (116.34KB , 640x355 , b7be440ea5cdefd87c9854fb1dd27fa01417107919_full.jpg )
21907 No. 21907 [Edit]
watchin' this who be?
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>> No. 21908 [Edit]
File 142207149265.png - (1.10MB , 1280x720 , shot0176.png )
is it even possible to slide down a hill like that?
>> No. 21909 [Edit]
File 142207154064.png - (954.81KB , 1280x720 , shot0175.png )
>> No. 21911 [Edit]
File 142207188825.png - (867.18KB , 1280x720 , shot0180.png )
tru dat
>> No. 21912 [Edit]
File 142207194456.png - (879.36KB , 1280x720 , shot0179.png )
I don't get this type of fang
>> No. 21913 [Edit]
I think it's a lazy type of fang where they couldn't be bothered to separate it properly.
>> No. 21914 [Edit]
Anything is possible in the world of anime!
>> No. 21915 [Edit]
File 142207246590.png - (938.69KB , 1280x720 , shot0182.png )
It's also strange how the outlines are sometimes in different colors. Like blue in this picture or pink at other times.
>> No. 21916 [Edit]
File 142207308268.png - (824.74KB , 1280x720 , shot0183.png )
looks like they drew it properly in this shot.
>> No. 21917 [Edit]
eh... after watching ep 1 it's just meh I guess. Nothing great here.

Post edited on 23rd Jan 2015, 8:53pm
>> No. 21918 [Edit]
Looks like what happens when my printer runs low on ink.
>> No. 21919 [Edit]
yep. they really over did it. would have been better without it
>> No. 21921 [Edit]
I find it pretty cute.
This is pretty cute as well though.
>> No. 21925 [Edit]
Yes if you are pro grind skills.

Maybe their quality printer ran low on quality.
>> No. 21984 [Edit]
I don't see what's not to like about it.
>> No. 21990 [Edit]
File 142257563799.jpg - (246.26KB , 1272x715 , 1d63e6a27d[1].jpg )
Looks like they gave up drawing the figs/nendos and just plain old stuck some photos in this episode.
>> No. 21991 [Edit]
File 142257575843.jpg - (211.83KB , 1273x711 , e642618842[1].jpg )
>> No. 21992 [Edit]
lol wow.
Wouldn't their be some potential copyright problems with doing that?
Whenever I see figs in anime they're almost always just loosely based on real figs if anything, but that's really something else.
>> No. 21993 [Edit]
Dunno, could be product placement. There's also all the direct anime posters and names mentioned,gotta be some kinda back-room deal going on.

EDIT: actually, nvm. SAO, oreimo, working, menma anime were by a-1 and/or aniplex too.
Date a live had a direct mention though and wasn't by either company..

Post edited on 29th Jan 2015, 4:29pm
>> No. 21994 [Edit]
pretty shitty obnoxious product placement. It classes horribly with the style of everything else there and stands out like a sour thumb. Figs are great but that just looks ugly.
>> No. 22147 [Edit]
i just watched the latest ep of this and it was really good
>> No. 22179 [Edit]
which ep is that?
>> No. 22185 [Edit]
i am currently anticipating the next ep of this show
>> No. 22306 [Edit]
that latest ep was quite something

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