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File 142112227643.jpg - (9.42KB , 188x200 , z20150113.jpg )
21766 No. 21766 [Edit]
2014 recap~ How does your anime taste stack up to Amazon JP's best-seller list?

"Amazon Japan has unveiled sales data for their best selling anime discs of 2014, unexpectedly revealing that even the likes of Madoka and Love Live! cannot triumph over the might of Gundam.

The ranking:

1. Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn 7 – First Edition
2. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica: Rebellion – Limited Edition
3. Love Live! School Idol Project Season 2 Volume 1 – Limited Edition
4. Kara no Kyoukai: Mirai Fukuin – Limited Edition
5. The iDOLM@STER Movie: Kagayaki no Mukougawa e! – Limited Edition
6. Girls und Panzer: Kore ga Hontou no Anzio-sen Desu!
7. Kabukimonogatari Volume 1 – Limited Edition
8. Attack on Titan Volume 6
9. Kabukimonogatari Volume 2 – Limited Edition
10. Otorimonogatari Volume 1 – Limited Edition"
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>> No. 21779 [Edit]
A hell of a lot better it seems.
>> No. 21799 [Edit]
well, they got the correct gundam at #1.

I have to give them credit for that; Amazon.JP's taste isn't quite as bad as it has been in previous years.
>> No. 21803 [Edit]

>well, they got the correct gundam at #1.

But that's not Build Fighters.
>> No. 21923 [Edit]
Only watching Build Fighters for Iori mama.
>> No. 21924 [Edit]
That list is pretty shite and I'm sure that there are people on the JP side that would also share that opinion.
>> No. 21966 [Edit]
No, impossible. There is absolutely no way on earth that people have different opinions. You are talking nonsense.
>> No. 21968 [Edit]
Japan's taste a shit. Ping Pong was the B E S T thing this year.
>> No. 21976 [Edit]
If it was so great why was it so ugly?
>> No. 21977 [Edit]
Wow, that's probably the worst post I've seen here in a long while.
>> No. 22056 [Edit]
File 142326567413.jpg - (211.48KB , 1127x1000 , 2015.jpg )
Shafffffftttttttttt *head tilt*

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