No. 22625
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Impressive. Truly impressive. I'm at a loss of words really.
A worthy successor to Valvrave; more than just that even, Sunrise managed to achieve the unthinkable and actually surpassed Valvrave in every possible aspect. I simply refuse to believe they will manage to outdo themselves yet again after this. Not because it's not possible but because it shouldn't be possible.
This was easily one of the worst pieces of fiction humanity has ever committed. The truly amazing part is that it actually does manage to get progressively worse with each single ep. Just when you think you can't shit it up any further... they actually find a way. To say it's amazing would be quite an understatement. By the time it was over I started thinking that when something you made gets this bad you should actually get jailed for a crime you committed against all of mankind. Everybody who was somehow involved in this project - including the seiyuu, as much as it pains me to say this because I had to endure hearing a couple of my favorites defile themselves by participating in it - should feel deeply ashamed of themselves.
I've gotta say I actually liked the artstyle to an extent, though. The lips especially were pretty well done - a fair share of anime triedto experiment with lipstick-like effect and they all fell short. I liked what they did with it in this show, though.