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File 141480563739.jpg - (65.29KB , 700x394 , MangakasantoAssistantsanto-BD5-ExtraEpisode-44.jpg )
21178 No. 21178 [Edit]
season is nearly halfway over now
what did you pick up?
what did you drop?
what have you still not gotten around to checking out?
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>> No. 21181 [Edit]
File 141482312258.jpg - (64.91KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Gundam Build Fighters Try - 03 [720.jpg )
>what did you pick up?
Log horizon, Fate, Gundam Build Try, chaika s2, Gugure!

>what did you drop?
nothing yet

>what have you still not gotten around to checking out?
Grisara, Gundam G-reco, twin tails, Amagami, Cross Ange, Shirobako, Karen Senki, World Trigger, tenchi muyo 5m
>> No. 21182 [Edit]
File 141483652210.jpg - (308.91KB , 935x1200 , withc.jpg )
All of them
>> No. 21200 [Edit]
I started up late but I'm watching a few. I just don't feel like talking about them on /an/ this time. Either no one cares or just get mad and never say anything interesting anyway. So I'll rather keep things to myself again.
>> No. 21221 [Edit]
File 141535505453.jpg - (401.69KB , 1060x1500 , zKad.jpg )
>what did you pick up?
Amagi Brillant Park, PsychoPass

>what did you drop?
Didn't drop anything, just didn't watch the ones that don't appeal to me

>what have you still not gotten around to checking out?
Log Horizon
>> No. 21226 [Edit]
thanks for letting us know why you don't post here anymore
>> No. 21296 [Edit]
File 141621962984.gif - (278.47KB , 450x300 , yks.gif )
This season needs more passion!
>> No. 21298 [Edit]
>> No. 21340 [Edit]

>clearing backlog of:

Blade, Cowboy Bebop, Devil May Cry, Kill La Kill, Tengen Toppen and maybe starting Hellsing Ultimate.
>> No. 21342 [Edit]
Dude, how have you not managed to watch Cowboy Bebop by now? Jesus christ.
>> No. 21355 [Edit]
If that is his entire backlog, and judging by its contents, he is obviously new to anime.
>> No. 21357 [Edit]
And you're pissed off that they haven't watched Cowboy Bebop because... why?
>> No. 21359 [Edit]
No, Anonymous, it is you who is pissed off.
>> No. 21361 [Edit]
no u
>> No. 21445 [Edit]
Watching Street Fighter II V, Alpha and Alpha Generations
>> No. 21498 [Edit]
File 141820639730.jpg - (295.32KB , 1024x680 , lup.jpg )
Watching cute shows
>> No. 21618 [Edit]
File 141974515345.jpg - (89.63KB , 353x500 , z20141228.jpg )
Naruto is ending.. finally!
>> No. 21709 [Edit]
Amagi, Gugure, Denki-ga, Danna Ga.

Dropped Grisaia.

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