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21032 No. 21032 [Edit]
I recently got into an argument with a room full of around sixty anime fans. The topic of "how can we support shows we want" came up. People actually thought that by buying localised, translated DVDs and such, they could affect the anime market in Japan.

The statement I made was as follows: "We are not the target demographic for anime and manga. We are separated from them by half a planet, a language, an economy, and a culture." I was immediately booed and people started yelling about Space Dandy and "how the American anime industry and Japanese anime industry are becoming one entity"

I backed it up by a disclaimer that "it is okay for western animation and Japanese animation to draw inspiration from each other, but American animation will never be designed for a Japanese audience, and Japanese animation should never be designed for an American audience."

I also said it is not okay for people to think that a product of another culture should also cater to their sensibilities. I got booed at this point. People brought up social justice and said Japan sucks etc etc.

Is this an example of Western Supremacist thinking conditioned into society by media and education? Why does it always have to fucking fit your sensibilities and morals?

I really just want to fucking boot a lot of people out of anime fandom sometimes. I really do. These stupid Sarkeesian Effect shitscrapes. If you don't like it, get the fuck out. We don't want bullshit western tropes shoehorned into anime. We use anime to escape that fuckery.

So what are your thoughts? What would make people think it's okay for anime to become another bullhorn for Amerocentric bullshit? Is anime becoming, or in risk of becoming, influenced by the American market? Or is this just yet another case of group narcissism and internalised nationalism?
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>> No. 21033 [Edit]
>the American anime industry
>> No. 21034 [Edit]
Oh please no more of this

Did this story actually happen?
>> No. 21035 [Edit]
If it's Shinden9, I'd believe it.
>> No. 21037 [Edit]
>Japanese animation should never be designed for an American audience

But Shinden, aren't you American? If you want anime to stay pure that badly, you need to stop watching it yourself.
>> No. 21038 [Edit]
People just want to ruin another hobby. You know the type, the people that ruined american comics and video games. I highly doubt anime will fall to them, though, as the Japanese market is way too large and they don't care about this sort of bullshit over there.
>> No. 21039 [Edit]
It did happen, and I think it's absolutely hilarious what weeaboos have become.

From "Japan is the greatest nation on the planet" to "JAPAN IS LITERALLY HITLER I just watch annie-mae because it's fun"

And the social justice bullshit is really irking me. The Japanese have three hated foreigner archetypes, I've noticed: the "I know everything about Japan and want to experience it all", the "I was just stationed here, let's be complete cunts" and the "You should follow what we do in my country, because it's just better that way!"

Weebs seem to have migrated from the first to the third.
>> No. 21040 [Edit]
Just ignore those fucking weebs, they are just idiots and they are irrelevant to the japs anyways. I honestly think it's also your fault for going to a con, you should have seen something like this coming.
>> No. 21041 [Edit]
>Is anime becoming, or in risk of becoming, influenced by the American market?
Well marvel did try already to force it's god awful superhero shit into anime by making madhouse produce anime versions of Blade, Xmen, and ironman. Around that time there was also that heroman turd. Shit like that is why I hate the comic book industry and superheros. Bad enough they've been beating that dead horse for the past 70 years, now they have to push it on other country's too. I'm okay with dubbed american stuff getting sent over there, but when they're making them create more of the same garbage we have an abondance of thats when I get pissed. I don't even want to think about feminist shit corrupting anime/manga.
>> No. 21042 [Edit]
Unlikely that I will purchase things, and unlikely that anyone's money would be enough for studios to change to catering to the self-important Americans.

Even if they did give a shit, you have studios like Trigger and the creators of Space Dandy saying the dubs and localisations suck. Even though they take inspiration from American shit all the time. If even the americanophile Japanese can't stand Americanising their anime...

Remember the Rapelay controversy? The closest feminists have gotten to infecting Japan. All that happened was Tora no Ana banning shipping to addresses outside Japan. I just hope that they don't look at the Fuckimation patrons shelling out cash for Hetalia Butler Host Club and think "oh, we get money from them, so we should make more products like that!" It's unlikely, right? What does the American anime market look like in terms of cash, compared to the domestic market?

On a related note: Anybody see that CNN thing where the reporter said all manga was child porn? Would Cool Japan put a halt on production of anime with loli characters in it, to "boost Japan's image"? The Diet is a bunch of spineless pussies, after all.
>> No. 21043 [Edit]
>What does the American anime market look like in terms of cash, compared to the domestic market?

I dont know, but looking at the population of Japan compared to America and the rest of the world, surely you can see there is huge potential there. Thats why theyre interested.

I think you need to chill out and trust that there will always be enough people out there who like the same stuff you like.
>> No. 21044 [Edit]
See, I'm the victim of nothing, so nothing is anyone's fault.

Whether I went to the con or not doesn't change the fact that you have cultural imperialists in the American anime fandom who force their moral supremacy onto the shows they watch instead of just fucking enjoying a show.

I'm glad I could butt into a circle jerk and perhaps change someone's mind, or incite discussion. I'd do it again gladly.
>> No. 21045 [Edit]
That type of person can't be reasoned with and their mind can't be changed, but at least you tried.
>> No. 21046 [Edit]
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>If you don't like it, get the fuck out.
>Is anime becoming, or in risk of becoming, influenced by the American market?

Good luck, they've long entrenched themselves. These sorts of people silently invade a medium and slowly dial up their PC bullshit. Look at whats happened to comics. Pic related.

These people sneak into the land of other cultures, they tell them they're terrible. Anyone that disagrees with them is told they're exactly why. Facts and reason don't matter, only the invaders feelings. They'll pick a few figureheads that stand up and call bullshit to hoist on spears to be made examples of. Nobody wants to speak out against them because of fear. Fear that they'll have barrages of lies made about them, that the power tripping tyrant will turn their own people against them. They jam their ideals, their culture down the throats of others. If they don't accept it they won't give them coverage, they'll say bad things about them that clearly aren't true. They wrestle control of everything they touch like this and then have the gall to claim we're oppressive.

I just hope it doesn't get to this point with anime, but in the last few years we've been in what seems to be the early stages of experiencing this cancer. The narcissism of these people knows no end.
>> No. 21049 [Edit]

>it is okay for western animation and Japanese animation to draw inspiration from each other, but (...) Japanese animation should never be designed for an American audience.

Can you actually back up that rather ridiculous claim with any arguments aside from 'because I wouldn't like that'?

>I also said it is not okay for people to think that a product of another culture should also cater to their sensibilities.

Same as above, can you explain that in any reasonable way?
We're not talking art here. We're talking about anime. An extremely cheap, shallow, commercial product.

>Is this an example of Western Supremacist thinking conditioned into society by media and education?


>I really just want to fucking boot a lot of people out of anime fandom sometimes.

I could say the same about you. What happens now?
You don't get to decide who watches anime, what they are supposed to think about it and which shows they are allowed to like.

>What would make people think it's okay for anime to become another bullhorn for Amerocentric bullshit?


>Is anime becoming, or in risk of becoming, influenced by the American market?

It's already happening.


>I think it's absolutely hilarious what weeaboos have become.

No Shinden, you are the weeaboos.
People who say 'JAPAN IS LITERALLY HITLER I just watch annie-mae because it's fun' are about as weeaboo as your average stormfront user. If they watch anime/read manga/play Japanese games etc. they do so because they like them and for no other reason. They don't give a shit about how it's a product of 'another [superior] culture and other [superior] sensibilities'. They don't (secretely or not) wish to be Japanese and lament the cruel fate of a gaijin born with a Japanese heart. They are just looking for a fun pasttime without trying to attach some retarded philosophy to it.

>the "I know everything about Japan and want to experience it all"

AKA 'the Shinden'.

>Weebs seem to have migrated from the first to the third.

No, weeaboos are by definition the first and the first only. That's what makes them weeaboos to begin with.


>unlikely that anyone's money would be enough for studios to change to catering to the self-important Americans

How delusional are you, really? I'm sure this is precisely why Trigger kickstartered LWA2. Poor Trigger, they must be sick of all that foreign money, I bet it keeps them awake at night, they would totally prefer to have pure Japanese money. What a cruel fate, who forced them to sell themselves out like that?


>Whether I went to the con or not doesn't change the fact that you have cultural imperialists in the American anime fandom who force their moral supremacy onto the shows they watch instead of just fucking enjoying a show.

You're literally the same, though. They say 'Japan must learn how be American, that's the only right way!'. You say 'Japan must do their best to stay Japanese, it's the only right way!'. You and them, you're no different at all. You're just two sides of the same coin.
>> No. 21050 [Edit]
>Can you actually back up that rather ridiculous claim with any arguments aside from 'because I wouldn't like that'?
Because there's plently of American centric television shows. What? The Walking Dead et cetera. It's not like I need that Americanised shit in anime.

>We're talking about anime. An extremely cheap, shallow, commercial product.
Did you come here just to hate on anime and Japan? If it's shallow, you've obviously no reason to be here otherwise.

You sound like a Jew.

The rest of your post just makes you sound like you hate Japan and Japanese nationalism. Just makes you look like your insecure about yourself and/or your nation, Japan is definitely in the top 5 greatest nations on this planet. If they had their way with Asia during the 30s, I'd reckon they'd be considered the Roman Empire of the Asians.

I wonder how you even found this website.
>> No. 21051 [Edit]

>Because there's plently of American centric television shows. What? The Walking Dead et cetera. It's not like I need that Americanised shit in anime.

You do realise I just said 'any arguments aside from 'because I wouldn't like that'', right?


>Did you come here just to hate on anime and Japan? If it's shallow, you've obviously no reason to be here otherwise.

I never knew I'm not allowed to enjoy anything but masterpieces of highest artistic quality.
It's shallow but I enjoy it. I could watch cute girls doing cute things all day long and it'd never get old. It doesn't change the fact that it's cheap. The real difference between generic high-school-setting-anime-#28929 and garbage-American-TV-show-#9482892 is that one panders to your tastes and the other doesn't. Objectively both have nothing going for them.

>You sound like a Jew.

Cool meme you've got there.

>The rest of your post just makes you sound like you hate Japan and Japanese nationalism.

I openly admit I'm not a fan of either. It's kinda funny you're calling me out on that in the thread where OP goes full 'AMERICAN NATIONALISM IS THE EVIL THAT KILLED HUMANITY'.
Whether it's American, Japanese or Guatemalan makes little difference to me; I'm no hypocrite.
>> No. 21052 [Edit]
>You do realise I just said 'any arguments aside from 'because I wouldn't like that'', right?
But it's entertainment, it revolves around the word 'like'. A more objective argument would be then there's nothing Japanese to watch. And for those who may like it, they are left in the cold.

>It's shallow but I enjoy it.
Sounds like you're insecure about how people view you, to measure care about what it is or isn't besides fun.

>Cool meme you've got there.
Am I not allowed to hate Jews or something?

>It's kinda funny you're calling me out on that in the thread where OP goes full 'AMERICAN NATIONALISM IS THE EVIL THAT KILLED HUMANITY'.
Might have something to do with the fact that this is a website for Japanese culture enthusiasts. And maybe you haven't been outside the U.S, but their shitty culture is invading almost every nation.

>Whether it's American, Japanese or Guatemalan makes little difference to me; I'm no hypocrite.
You're not a nationalist? then shut up. Or are you a anti-nationalist? then you are a hypocrite. Anti-nationalism is the same as nationalism only hypocritical, both advocate strong feelings towards a object, the object of anti-nationalism would be 'nothing'.

>I openly admit I'm not a fan of either.
You might as well leave then. You know? I don't think you actually watch anime in any case.
>> No. 21053 [Edit]

>But it's entertainment, it revolves around the word 'like'.


>A more objective argument would be then there's nothing Japanese to watch.

I'm pretty sure anime is Japanese.

>And for those who may like it, they are left in the cold.

Somebody is always left in the cold. It's either people who want to watch [A] or people who want to watch [B], provided only one of those can be made. The needs of one of those group will outweight the needs of the other in some way or form. In entertainment industry the criteria are usually extremely clear cut: 'whichever is more profitable'.

>Sounds like you're insecure

You sure do love that word, don't you?
Let me just play along here. Let's say I am in fact insecure. What of it? Is it a crime? Am I not allowed to be insecure or something? If you'd consider the place where you post you'd realize that 'being insecure' is hardly out of place here, we more or less have an entire board (the third biggest board on the site) dedicated to talking about what could be summed up as our 'insecurities'.
Whether I'm 'insecure' or not is completely irrelevant to begin with, it's basically an ad hominem.

>Or are you a anti-nationalist? then you are a hypocrite.

In that case everybody who ever held any socio-political views is a hypocrite since a view which is the exact opposite of their stance exist. I don't remember my views being inherntly incoherent though so I fail to see how this is hypocrisy.
I'd just like everybody to think for themselves even though I do realize I'm asking for the impossible.

>both advocate strong feelings towards a object

I'm sorry but I'm the exact opposite, I'd like everybody to be more calm and realize that there are people who don't share your views on everything and they are not some devilspawn.
In fact the #1 people I dislike are those who have strong feelings about some matter and they do their very best to shove their opinions down everybody's throats.

>You might as well leave then. You know? I don't think you actually watch anime in any case.

I have finished over 400 TV shows. If you insist I could send you a link to my MAL but I'd rather avoid doing that on an anonymous imageboard.
>> No. 21054 [Edit]
Why are you shoving your opinion down everone's throat? You sure do have strong feelings towards not having strong feelings.
>> No. 21055 [Edit]

What's with all these off-topic remarks all of a sudden? I'm pretty sure the topic of this thread wasn't me. Do you enjoy intentionally derailing threads or something?
>> No. 21056 [Edit]

Ah yes, I forgot the absolute pleasure I got from being strawmanned because I made a post five million years ago about waning Japanese patriotism.

First off, I'd like to introduce you to the fact Americans fancy themselves to be personal rulers of the fucking world. They induce their systems and mores on other cultures like it's their fucking jobs.

Now to say that domestic entertainment should cater to people on the other side of the planet? Fuck off. Nobody likes your shitty Law and NCIS: Special Miami Unit bullshit. Nobody wants your token X character bullshit. If you expect Japanese animation to cater to your sensibilities and mores, you should also allow American shows to cater to Japanese sensibilities. Stop trying to pull this cultural domination bullshit. Americans are not better than the Japanese. They just have more tanks and land.

I want to let you know something: if you're an American anime fan, you are, and are part of, an anomaly. The fact that there is such a strong following for anime is incredibly dependent on circumstance. If it weren't for some idiots buying Gatchaman on tape and dubbing over it with some bullshit story that had nothing to do with the actual product (a tradition that continues to this day, mind you), you would be just as likely to be an avid fan of Vietnamese dramas or Mongolian throat singing or Estonian street music.

In other words, you walked into this side alley restaurant and continued to come back. Nobody asked you to come in. So stop trying to fucking change the menu.
>> No. 21057 [Edit]


If you're gonna call me out on some strawman you might as well tell me where you see it.

>First off, I'd like to introduce you to the fact Americans fancy themselves to be personal rulers of the fucking world. They induce their systems and mores on other cultures like it's their fucking jobs.

I don't like how you use the world 'fact' frivolously. It's not a 'fact', it's a 'exaggeration'. Some Americans are like that, some aren't. If you hate USA that much you might as well stop hurting yourself and leave the country.
They can't induce jack, though, unless they do it with force. If they'll invade Japan and force some kind of propaganda let me know.

>Now to say that domestic entertainment should cater to people on the other side of the planet?

Nobody said that. Nobody used the word 'domestic' to begin with.

>If you expect Japanese animation to cater to your sensibilities and mores, you should also allow American shows to cater to Japanese sensibilities.

I never said I expect Japan to carter to 'American' needs. The thing you fail to understand is that 'American' needs don't even exist. If people want something they want something. Their nationality has nothing to do with it.
If USA were somehow to carter to 'Japanese' needs (which actually happens every now and then I bet) they don't do it because they take pleasure it cartering to 'Japanese' needs, they do it because it's profitable.

>Stop trying to pull this cultural domination bullshit. Americans are not better than the Japanese.

Where did you ever see anybody ever mention anything of the sort?

>if you're an American anime fan, you are, and are part of, an anomaly

Thank God I'm not American then?

>If it weren't for some idiots buying Gatchaman on tape and dubbing over it with some bullshit story that had nothing to do with the actual product (a tradition that continues to this day, mind you), you would be just as likely to be an avid fan of Vietnamese dramas or Mongolian throat singing or Estonian street music.

I completely fail to see your point. Is this supposed to be some sort of take on butterfly effect? What's the point, though? There are no 'ifs' in history, it already happened.
Both of us are much more of anomaly as we are direct descendants of some protocell from primodial soup. This chain must've remained unbroken for some four billion years in order for us to get born.
So yeah, let's say it's an 'anomaly'. What of it?

>In other words, you walked into this side alley restaurant and continued to come back. Nobody asked you to come in. So stop trying to fucking change the menu.

Nobody told me to take my money and get the hell out either. On the contrary, I was asked if I wanted to fund stuff. If the chef will change the flavor to carter to the needs of a bigger crowd - good for him, he'll make more profit. If not - it's his call. But here's the funny thing - you're not his spokesperson and you don't decide what he'll do.
I like how you pretend 'anime fans' are some sort of uniform group to begin with. It's not like some of us like drama and despise SoL, like harems and despise mystery, like mecha and despise romance. We all like the same things afterall.
>> No. 21060 [Edit]
>In other words, you walked into this side alley restaurant and continued to come back. Nobody asked you to come in. So stop trying to fucking change the menu.

Except they did ask us to come back, and they even translated the menu for us. But there is one crazy foreigner who is trying to stop other foreigners getting in.
>> No. 21061 [Edit]
Whoa, a Shinden thread. I haven't seen one of these in a long while.
>> No. 21062 [Edit]
They didn't translate the menu and have no interest in doing so. Some random guy gave the restaurant $5 for a copy of their menu, translated it himself, and is selling the same stuff but keeping that money for himself.
>> No. 21063 [Edit]
Everything you say amounts to 'no country has their own culture, every country is exactly the same so there's no harm in cultural globalization'. And some sort of anarcho-communism bullshit.
>> No. 21064 [Edit]
Okay then, we're on the same page now. So the entire basis of your argument is money. I fail to see how westerners' money is a big enough impact to change anime production in Japan. Most all industries in Japan cater to Japanese interests first (electronics especially) and the outside market secondary.

Still, I stand firmly behind my statement that anime should be made for a Japanese audience. The reason most of us like it is because it is a departure from the shit we see at home constantly. If an American wants American shit, he should watch American shit.

In what planet do anime producers do translations? Either shit gets pirated when it's not picked up by localisers, or it gets picked up by a localisation company (ADV, Fuckupmation, Aniplex of America etc). No content producers really think about what will happen with the anime outside of Japan, and why should they?

I'm not saying I don't buy shit sometimes. I did just this weekend. But I don't delude myself into thinking it has any impact on the content of anime.
>> No. 21065 [Edit]
>No content producers really think about what will happen with the anime outside of Japan, and why should they?
This. They don't know and don't care. They take a small license fee then it's out of their hands and minds.
>> No. 21066 [Edit]
They licence anime to American/worldwide companies and are involved with approvals throughout the process.
They send guests to conventions around the world.
Aniplex and Bandai have set up American branches, Shueisha co-owns Viz.
There have been many co-productions.
The Manga Anime Guardians campaign was launched to combat piracy around the world and direct worldwide fans to legal anime.
>> No. 21067 [Edit]
>I stand firmly behind my statement that anime should be made for a Japanese audience.

I agree with this 100%. The stories, characterizations, artwork etc in anime are so much different than anything the west puts out and I want it to stay that way. For the record I hated western influenced shows like panty & stocking, space dandy, and baccano. If anime starts to become more western-influenced I would just stop watching new shows. That's why I'm so wary of things like the LWA & kick-heart kickstarters, I really don't want japanese studios to think that it's OK to pander to the western market and produce shitty content.
>> No. 21068 [Edit]
But the majority of people on this board, probably including yourself, ARE the "western" anime market.
>> No. 21069 [Edit]
So? we came to like anime for what it is, not what we think it could or should be. You don't go to a Chinese restaurant and tell them to make you a cheeseburger, you go for the Chinese food and get that burger from a god damn burger joint. Likewise you don't watch anime and push for more American style animations, that's what cartoons are for.
>> No. 21070 [Edit]
That doesn't mean I want anime targeted at me. I like anime BECAUSE it's made for the Japanese market and doesn't have as much of the stupid shit western shows do.
>> No. 21071 [Edit]
thats probably not the best example, since Chinese food outside of China is totally different to the real thing.
>> No. 21073 [Edit]
I'm sure you're the only weeb here who actually buys licensed shit. Most people here don't buy anime at all and those few who do just import the original.
>> No. 21074 [Edit]
So you're like a guy at our imaginary restaurant who rarely goes in. You mostly just complain that the menu is changing too much, then go around the back and steal food out of a dumpster. The chef doesn't care about you because they are too busy feeding their regulars and making small changes to the menu to attract more people.
>> No. 21075 [Edit]
I don't know about your city but mine has several authentic run-by-immigrants chinese restaurants.
Can we please stop with the stupid food analogies?
>> No. 21076 [Edit]
how do you know that guy you are responding to doesn't support the industry?
>> No. 21078 [Edit]
Great. But I think its a well established fact that Chinese food in America has evolved to suit the tastes of American people, and it has been wildly successful. Its a perfect example of the good things that can happen when cultures influence each other.

>> No. 21079 [Edit]
Cool. Too bad food and anime have nothing in common.
>> No. 21082 [Edit]
selling well doesn't make it a good thing.
>> No. 21084 [Edit]
>It's kinda funny you're calling me out on that in the thread where OP goes full 'AMERICAN NATIONALISM IS THE EVIL THAT KILLED HUMANITY'.
It did though. American interference is what turned Shintoism from an actual faith and religion into mythology and folklore.

Americanised Chinese food taste like crap though, so of course it's popular, but it's still crap.

Post edited on 22nd Oct 2014, 2:00am
>> No. 21087 [Edit]

No, I've said absolutely nothing of the sort, that's a nice strawman though.


>So the entire basis of your argument is money. I fail to see how westerners' money is a big enough impact to change anime production in Japan.

Whether it's big enough is hard to say at the moment. One way or another we've seen two recent examples of that between Space Dandy and LWA's kickstarter. One thing that's undeniable is that 'the West' (in a somewhat broad sense) is a bigger market than Japan alone. To be honest even United States by themselves are. There's more money to be made there, you just have to figure out how to go about it.
Unless you don't want to make money I guess. I'm sure nobody in the entertaiment industry has ever cared about money.

>Still, I stand firmly behind my statement that anime should be made for a Japanese audience.

Anime should be made for whoever anime makers want to make it for.

>In what planet do anime producers do translations? Either shit gets pirated when it's not picked up by localisers, or it gets picked up by a localisation company (ADV, Fuckupmation, Aniplex of America etc). No content producers really think about what will happen with the anime outside of Japan, and why should they?

Japanese releases which include English subtitles are hardly unheard of. Terraformars BDs/DVDs will have them for example. I think Ghibli BDs/DVDs also have English subtitles.


>You don't go to a Chinese restaurant and tell them to make you a cheeseburger

That would be rude but if I were asked 'hey, how about I make you a cheeseburger instead?' I would have to think about the answer.


Selling well is what businesses strive for. Nobody in the anime business (or ay other business) wants to produce an anime that will bomb.


>American interference is what turned Shintoism from an actual faith and religion into mythology and folklore.

Yeah, all those pure shintoists who were burned at stakes, why were they persecuted so hard?
Japan is a free country and it's free to believe whatever they want to.

>Americanised Chinese food taste like crap though, so of course it's popular, but it's still crap.

That's nice, I'm sure your subjective view on that matter might as well be considered a fact.
>> No. 21088 [Edit]
>Yeah, all those pure shintoists who were burned at stakes, why were they persecuted so hard?
>Japan is a free country and it's free to believe whatever they want to.
No, they were explicitely forced to denounce any form of god that didn't fall in line with the Abrahamic idea of God. After being burnt by atomic fire.

'Money money money!' A literal Jew.

Here's a shocker, countries like Japan and Germany are less interested in monetary gain than America. They fought a whole war about it.

What happened to your:
>In fact the #1 people I dislike are those who have strong feelings about some matter and they do their very best to shove their opinions down everybody's throats.
Because you're doing it now, forcing your opinion that people shouldn't force opinions.

Man, I didn't come here to talk to the same kind of hypocrites back there.

Post edited on 22nd Oct 2014, 5:33am
>> No. 21089 [Edit]

>No, they were explicitely forced to denounce any form of god that didn't fall in line with the Abrahamic idea of God.

This is the first time I heard about this. I would like you to provide some further material so I could read about this.

>Here's a shocker, countries like Japan and Germany are less interested in monetary gain than America.

First of all if you make such claim it would be good to have some research results to back it up. I'll just give you the benefit of doubt and believe that you could provide those if asked.
So okay, Americans are more concerned with money than Germans or Japaense. ... And? Does it mean Japanese companies do not try to make money? What other goals do they have in mind? What are people in anime industry striving for? Do they have some secret socio-political agenda like some people in this thread would seemingly like me to believe? After all they don't want any filthy, non-Japanese money.

>Because you're doing it now, forcing your opinion that people shouldn't force opinions.

Could you explain what you refer to in particular? I have a hard time seeing it. Which opinions do I even have? For the most part I more or less brought up facts like 'you aren't the spokesperson of anime industry so you don't get to decide things for them' or 'we've seen examples of anime cartering to western needs in the past'. Just about the only views of mine which I mentioned were in response to your ad hominem attacks and they have next to nothing to do with the discussion at hand.
>> No. 21090 [Edit]
'The Emperor was not put on trial, but he was forced[54] to explicitly reject (in the Ningen-sengen (人間宣言?)) the State Shinto claim that the Emperor of Japan was an arahitogami, i.e., an incarnate divinity. This was motivated by the fact that, according to the Japanese constitution of 1889, the Emperor had a divine power over his country, which was derived from the shinto belief that the Japanese Imperial Family was the offspring of the sun goddess Amaterasu.'

'According to local folklore, deer from this area were considered sacred due to a visit from Takemikazuchi-no-mikoto, one of the four gods of Kasuga Shrine.[2] He was said to have been invited from Kashima, Ibaraki,[3] and appeared on Mt. Mikasa-yama riding a white deer. From that point, the deer were considered divine and sacred by both Kasuga Shrine and Kōfuku-ji.[3] Killing one of these sacred deer was a capital offense punishable by death up until 1637, the last recorded date of a breach of that law.[3]'
'After World War II, the deer were officially stripped of their sacred/divine status,[3] and were instead designated as national treasures and are protected as such.'

Arguing with you about your opinions when you can't even see them is pointless.
Let me say this:
Neutrality is not a position; neutrality does not have a voice. If you are truly neutral, shut up. If neutrality had a voice, was a position, then it is the position of neutrality, but neutrality is the position of imposition. It's a paradox. Neutrality does not have a voice, so be quite.

Post edited on 22nd Oct 2014, 6:12am
>> No. 21091 [Edit]

Okay, so the emperor was forced to denounce his divine status. But did anybody actually force the people to believe in anything? Were people forced to believe that those deer are no longer sacred beings? They had the freedom to do whatever they wanted. If they weren't actively persecuted for their beliefs they weren't forced to do anything.
Of course removing the emperor from the equation hurt shinto in the long term so it's not like you don't have a point period but I can't say I agree with your views 100%.

>Arguing with you about your opinions when you can't even see them is pointless.

It annoys me that you are seemingly incapable of pointing out those views yet you attempt to call me out on them.

>Neutrality is not a position; neutrality does not have a voice. If you are truly neutral, shut up. If neutrality had a voice, was a position, then it is the position of neutrality, but neutrality is the position of imposition. It's a paradox. Neutrality does not have a voice, so be quite.

Neutrality loses it's voice the second opinions are exchanged as those are subjective. Neutrality however trumps any subjective view the second facts are being bent to support one view over others. Facts are by definition neutral. And it's a fact that OP has no say in how Japanese companies decide to do their business unless he's some sort of shareholder, and, well, he's not.
>> No. 21092 [Edit]
>But did anybody actually force the people to believe in anything? Were people forced to believe that those deer are no longer sacred beings? They had the freedom to do whatever they wanted. If they weren't actively persecuted for their beliefs they weren't forced to do anything.
Oh yeah, the Japanese could be all like 'hey, lets defy the order of those who dropped two atomic bombs on us!'.

Jesus fucking Christ, neutrality does not exist, the universe wasn't created out of neutrality, it was matter and anti-matter fighitng each other.

Are you a fucking dudeist from that kike film 'The Big Lebowski'? You're just as annoying as those militan Christians.

I'm not talking to you anymore, you're as annoying as those militant Christians and Islamist, forcing your opinion on me.
>> No. 21093 [Edit]
However to add to this, the Emperor declared he specifically was not a living kami, but he still firmly believed that the Imperial Family was descended from divine origins. And today he is regarded as a kami, his grave is even a Shinto shrine.

The current Emperor has not voiced an opinion either way.

how the fuck did this turn into this conversation

Post edited on 22nd Oct 2014, 6:45am
>> No. 21094 [Edit]

>Oh yeah, the Japanese could be all like 'hey, lets defy the order of those who dropped two atomic bombs on us!'.

And why couldn't they do just that? Was there some thought police preventing them from believing what they wanted? Unless you can legitimately provide a couple of examples of somebody getting persecuted because of his shintoist views this won't really get anywhere. If they denounced their religion the second they thought 'something bad could possibly but not necesarilly but just maybe happen' then I have to question how serious they were about their religion to begin with. I don't think religion is something you an just denounce the second it no longer suits you. Religion is who you are and what you believe in (in a broad sense).
If they cared about it they could keep practicing it up to this day. And some actually do just that. Mostly because they're free to do so.

>neutrality does not exist

You were the one to use the word 'neutrality', I never even claimed to be just that, I just played along because I thought you're going somewhere with that. Now, barely 15 minutes later you tell me that neutrality isn't real and it doesn't exist. ... Okay?
Whether you call them 'neutral' or not is up to you, I don't care either way. Facts will remain facts. That's the cool thing about them. Whether you believe in them or not doesn't even matter, they will remain true either way.

>forcing your opinion on me

You say that again without being able to provide a single example of me allegedly forcing anything on you.
Unless 'forcing one's opinion' means correcting somebody who claims 2+2=5. If that's what 'forcing one's opinion' means then sure, I will keep doing it for as long as I possibly can.
>> No. 21096 [Edit]
>how the fuck did this turn into this conversation
Get this right, there's this guy, a real fucking nutter he is, who believes every word that comes out of his mouth is the gospel truth!
>> No. 21097 [Edit]

>how the fuck did this turn into this conversation

Mostly because of stuff like:

>Is this an example of Western Supremacist thinking conditioned into society by media and education?
>another bullhorn for Amerocentric bullshit
>cultural imperialists in the American anime fandom who force their moral supremacy onto the shows they watch
>> No. 21099 [Edit]
You were bitter about the anti-Americanism all along.
>> No. 21100 [Edit]

I'm not even the same person who's been arguing about this shit throughout the entire thread. This thread is pure cancer and should be purged. Just wanted to point out it's Shinden starting shit yet again. If he wants to vent about his perceived 'American cultural imperialism' or 'cultural Marxism' he should stick to tumblr. I come to Tohno-chan to escape that kind of bullshit.
>> No. 21101 [Edit]
>perceived 'American cultural imperialism'
Well, if you live outside the U.S you'd probably notice it more. Because it is happening.
>> No. 21102 [Edit]

I'm from Europe. I don't give a fuck. Just fuck off back to tumblr with this shit. It belongs there and I'd be grateful if it didn't spread anywhere else.
>> No. 21103 [Edit]
That's strange, there's no way you could have missed the Americanisation of Europe, yet you called it a 'percieved' cultural invasion.

This is strange.
>> No. 21104 [Edit]

Okay, my bad, I shouldn't have said 'perceived'. Maybe it's real. I don't know. I don't give a fuck.

The real problem isn't whether it's real or not. The real issue is that there are 10302203 sites on the net where you can discuss that kind of garbage and one site entirely dedicated to it (tubmlr). I suggest you keep it containted there.
>> No. 21115 [Edit]
File 141405234065.png - (54.14KB , 150x225 , jade raymond orgasm.png )
what about the Europe-ization of Native American culture huh?
and if American culture influences Europe so much, why do Americans keep remaking UK TV shows? French fries originated in Belgium!
>> No. 21119 [Edit]
You came to a Japanese culture enthusiast website to get away from anti-Americanism?
>> No. 21120 [Edit]

No, I come here to escape from all sorts of sociology, economy and politics related bullshit. I couldn't care less. I don't care about America runining everything, I don't care about gender being a social construct, I don't care about how Jews are poisoning American culture, I don't care about thin privilege, I don't care about white genocide, I don't care about women's right, I don't care about men's rights. Take it elsewhere. Why the fuck would you even discuss anti-whatever on /an/? It has fuck all to do with the board. At least keep that shit in /ot/ if you absolutely have to post it on this site.
>> No. 21125 [Edit]
If you don't care then you have no reason to speak against it.

Not caring means to not care, that is, to not be against nor for. But you are against it; you do care, only your cares are for your own selfish reasons in that you care that it is bothering you.
>> No. 21133 [Edit]

The only thing I care about are anime discussions on /an/. If you have nothing to say about anime then get the fuck out.
>> No. 21135 [Edit]
Your previous post have little to nothing to do with anime.
>> No. 21146 [Edit]
File 141420731261.jpg - (138.89KB , 639x1000 , USA wins again.jpg )
usa is the best country
>> No. 21148 [Edit]
Seconded. This is simply the wrong place to discuss this dreck.
>> No. 21189 [Edit]
Anime is for everyone
>> No. 21190 [Edit]
That would mean everyone is the same and not seperated by language and culture.

Japanese make anime for Japanese first and foremost. Everyone can try and enjoy it, but it is not made for everyone.
>> No. 21203 [Edit]
I don't see what the big deal is if Japanese companies want to cater to Americans a bit. I mean, some of the American shows I have seen (Avatar The Last Airbender) were very similar to tame anime shows. I don't see why it can't be the other way around though.
I do think that freaking out about American taboos in Japanese shows is really dumb. One of the top things that offended people in Elfen Lied was that Yuko was in love with her cousin. Gore and rampant death is fine, cousin sex is not. America!
>> No. 21283 [Edit]
File 141613125749.jpg - (73.31KB , 704x396 , zMik.jpg )
USA hates everything
>> No. 21315 [Edit]
France <3 anime & animation. Am I right?
>> No. 21386 [Edit]
File 141715581368.gif - (1.89MB , 1112x324 , Guileeeeee.gif )
Aren't cute girls a universal idea?
>> No. 21387 [Edit]
Not in the 3d world.
>> No. 21398 [Edit]
The west hates cuteness.
>> No. 21399 [Edit]
pretty much
>> No. 21415 [Edit]
File 141760976693.jpg - (675.40KB , 1277x719 , you are a toy.jpg )
The inspiration for anime comes from the 3D world. The animators, directors, writers have 3D wives and girlfriends. The cute characters are voiced by 3D females. Anime and manga is often made into live-action 3D. Anime cels themselves are 3D; the paint is raised above the surface of the cel. Your 3D hands are typing on a 3D keyboard. You are 3D.
>> No. 21418 [Edit]
I never asked for this!
>> No. 21421 [Edit]
That don't mean cute girls are a popular concept in the 3d world. Most of what you're going on about seems completely unrelated.
what people call 'cute' in the 3d world are typically ugly trashy slutty disease ridden piles of walking garbage. ...with dark nipples and hair in weird places.
>> No. 21447 [Edit]
Thanks for your witty comment! Who would have realized we live in a world with 3 spatial dimensions?

If you really don't get what 3d world and 2d world mean you are too young (or stupid) to use internet by yourself and should go spin a top or something.
>> No. 23288 [Edit]
File 14341739891.jpg - (91.94KB , 566x381 , AAA.jpg )
3D should not invade into 2D

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