No. 21057
If you're gonna call me out on some strawman you might as well tell me where you see it.
>First off, I'd like to introduce you to the fact Americans fancy themselves to be personal rulers of the fucking world. They induce their systems and mores on other cultures like it's their fucking jobs.
I don't like how you use the world 'fact' frivolously. It's not a 'fact', it's a 'exaggeration'. Some Americans are like that, some aren't. If you hate USA that much you might as well stop hurting yourself and leave the country.
They can't induce jack, though, unless they do it with force. If they'll invade Japan and force some kind of propaganda let me know.
>Now to say that domestic entertainment should cater to people on the other side of the planet?
Nobody said that. Nobody used the word 'domestic' to begin with.
>If you expect Japanese animation to cater to your sensibilities and mores, you should also allow American shows to cater to Japanese sensibilities.
I never said I expect Japan to carter to 'American' needs. The thing you fail to understand is that 'American' needs don't even exist. If people want something they want something. Their nationality has nothing to do with it.
If USA were somehow to carter to 'Japanese' needs (which actually happens every now and then I bet) they don't do it because they take pleasure it cartering to 'Japanese' needs, they do it because it's profitable.
>Stop trying to pull this cultural domination bullshit. Americans are not better than the Japanese.
Where did you ever see anybody ever mention anything of the sort?
>if you're an American anime fan, you are, and are part of, an anomaly
Thank God I'm not American then?
>If it weren't for some idiots buying Gatchaman on tape and dubbing over it with some bullshit story that had nothing to do with the actual product (a tradition that continues to this day, mind you), you would be just as likely to be an avid fan of Vietnamese dramas or Mongolian throat singing or Estonian street music.
I completely fail to see your point. Is this supposed to be some sort of take on butterfly effect? What's the point, though? There are no 'ifs' in history, it already happened.
Both of us are much more of anomaly as we are direct descendants of some protocell from primodial soup. This chain must've remained unbroken for some four billion years in order for us to get born.
So yeah, let's say it's an 'anomaly'. What of it?
>In other words, you walked into this side alley restaurant and continued to come back. Nobody asked you to come in. So stop trying to fucking change the menu.
Nobody told me to take my money and get the hell out either. On the contrary, I was asked if I wanted to fund stuff. If the chef will change the flavor to carter to the needs of a bigger crowd - good for him, he'll make more profit. If not - it's his call. But here's the funny thing - you're not his spokesperson and you don't decide what he'll do.
I like how you pretend 'anime fans' are some sort of uniform group to begin with. It's not like some of us like drama and despise SoL, like harems and despise mystery, like mecha and despise romance. We all like the same things afterall.