No. 21563
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ep12 was...
so retard...
on so many levels..
This whole thing is spoilers so don't bother reading if you haven't seen ep 12.
oh my god...
They fucking started calling random people up to visit the park and straight up offered to pay some of them!!! WHY THE FUCK DIDIN'T YOU RETARDED FUCKS DO THIS MOTHS AGO?!?! AND THEY"RE DOING IT RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE ASSHOLE MONITORING THE NUMBERS!! WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Oh god this shit is so fucking retarded it makes my head hurt....
So glasses douching was the wizard? are you fucking shitting me?
First off, Are you telling me an entire army sent after this guy never bothered to confirm his death?
Now, I'm just gonna assume none of the cast members knew he was the wizard (because that would be even more retarded if they never said anything) but I gotta ask... if he's been hanging around this whole time, why hasn't he tried doing... anything?
For one, he wanted to marry the princess right? so naturally you'd think he'd be trying to kidnap her or something right? where's the logic behind his motivations here? WHAT are his motivations for that matter?
lets say he cursed her because he thought he was gonna die. okay sure. so once he survived why why kidnap her or try to seduce her or use his magic to make her fall in love with him or something?
alternatively, lets say that maybe he just hates her now. maybe he's got some misplaced hostility after being rejected and betrayed. okay, so why not finish the job? seems like he's just been sitting around doing nothing until Kanye West showed up. If he wants her dead, killing her shouldn't be so hard for an all powerful wizard.
So you might now be saying "hey faggot, maybe he just wants her to suffer?" first off no, he put that curse on her to kill her, it's only by relocating to the park that she's being kept alove. Second problem with that is were that the case not only are there much much MUCH better ways to make people suffer, and besides he'd be trying to stop Kanye West from hitting that visitor mark don't you think? now there's still an ep left (somehow) but you'd think he'd want to reinstate the curse as well for that matter. ...maybe he will, we'll just have to see but so far this shit is fucking retarded.
so moving on... the king sends an army to kill the wizard because he doesn't want to hand over his daughter to him... (insane but fair enough) but does nothing when he shows up again as part of a corporation trying to take over or shut down the park she's living in? Now you might be saying, "hey maybe he changed forms so nobody knew it was him." Then by that same logic the army shouldn't have been able to ever find him in the first place. now you might be saying "well what if that's why the army wasn't able to confirm his death, he shape shifted and got away" then why not shape shift his way into the castle and just take the princess? why even bother with the curse bullshit? It's implied he set that curse as a last stitch effort to get back at the king, but if he's okay then why bother? Are you telling me this wizard single handedly kills a dragon and fights off an army for the princess, but decides he doesn't want her anymore just because her dad changed his mind and instead tries to kill her?
and don't say he changed his mind due to having to fight off that army, that army is nowhere to be found in this anime and nothing is stopping him from getting to her now.
Did the wizard attack Kanie there? Kinda hard to tell but if that's the case this would be really weird because he had plenty of opportunities to kill him up till now, so why would he wait until after Kanie restored the park and hit the visitor goal?
why didn't the rape gang rush in when they passed by the first time? maybe I'm mistaken but they passed by before too didn't they? well whatever.
for that matter, they said they were going to a family restaurant or something the first time they pasted didn't they? First off, the park surely has tons of restaurants you could have invited them too. secondly, what fucking family restaurant were they going to? If you look at the map the only thing for what looks like a mile in the direction they were heading is the love hotel.
I know they're just doing this next thing because it looks cool, but if all the park employees are standing in front of the park gates, then who's manning all the rides stores and attractions? Not like it's just a one time thing, they did it the very next morning too. All those kids running past the employees were gonna find themselves waiting on a bunch of rides they can't ride because the employees are all being retards standing at the front gate. wtf?
I knew they were gonna break the curse, that much was obvious. I was waiting eagerly to see what kinda bs they come up with. I honestly thought they'd go with pure love breaking curse or a kiss or some shit like that, but they go with an overcharge...
Now I'm kinda drawing at straws with this one, but wouldn't this have already happened when the park was still new and working at full capacity?
I'm pretty sure overcharging a battery doesn't stop it from slowly loosing it's charge. ...but hey it's magic so I guess they ain't gotta explain shit with that one right?
That counter reset and said they had 365 days to reach the visitor count again right? so I'm to assume this is a yearly thing then? This park looked horribly dilapidated at the start of shit show and like it had been for a good long while. Maybe I missed something but how in the hell did they hit that visitor count the year before this one? They restore the park to better than new condition and struggle to hit the goal while they were able to hit the goal before with a park that was run down empty and falling apart?
How was this not the last ep?
unrelated to this ep but I just got to wondering. THE KING... the mother fucking king sends her daughter to this theme park knowing that a high amount of happiness or whatever is all that will keep her alive... so why the shit doesn't he make sure the park is doing it's best? He sends an army to kill the guy that wants to marry his daughter but he can't send some people to renovate the park that's keeping her alive? what the fuck? are you fucking shitting me with this retarded crap? who came up with this shit?
Post edited on 20th Dec 2014, 12:05pm