No. 20804
Replies: >>20833
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This started off pretty promising but it really took a nosedive in quality after Five showed up. ... I don't think I have much else to say - when a show with potential just fucks it up entirely I simply grow apathetic rather than angry enough to point out all things that went wrong. I could swallow some old boring tropes like superhuman projects (even though it was a lame explanation, might as well include some convenient amnesia while they were at it), that the protags are conveniently highschool age, that they included a useless character like Lisa and instead of eliminating her right away they let her stick around just to fuck up their plans etc. etc. but starting with Five it just went dildos.
The show was really ugly, too. I can swallow some 3DCG. Some. And I felt the OST was pretty disappointing considering Kanno Youko worked on that.
That covers the 'official' part of what I had to say. Now to get a bit more personal...
Twelve you little shit, I can't fucking believe you betrayed Nine for some dumb whore, the fuck is wrong with you? It's a damn shame you simply got sniped like that, you deserved a death far worse than that.
>noitamina has been almost 100% shit for the last two years, ping pong being the only exception. lets hope that they're reversing the shit trend, because for it's first few years noitamina was almost 100% solid.
It's mindboggling how many people are seemingly still stuck in 2007. These days most noitaminA shows are no better and no worse than your average anime (i.e. pretty bad).