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File 140497166885.jpg - (113.51KB , 610x863 , Tokyo_Ghoul_Visual_2.jpg )
19936 No. 19936 [Edit]
I'm watching this.
Grim dark. Looking good.
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>> No. 19937 [Edit]
File 140497197010.jpg - (124.50KB , 1122x630 , Tokyo-Kushu-episode-1-Rize-kamishiro.jpg )
First lesson of seinen: never, ever, trust the moeko. She's evil incarnated.
>> No. 19938 [Edit]
There's the serious face with glasses, the crazy grin face, the one hand over half the face face, the silent moe face, and finally the non-distinct mc face - with eyepatch for good measure. Off to a good start.
>> No. 19952 [Edit]
please keep us updated, i'm on the fence for considering picking this one up
>> No. 19953 [Edit]
File 140506139869.jpg - (76.87KB , 646x362 , logic.jpg )
>> No. 19993 [Edit]
Seems interesting but I heard its censored to hell and back. I'll just wait for the BDs. Zero point watching a show with gore if its all censored.
>> No. 19995 [Edit]
>I heard its censored to hell and back
Apparently yeah. Such a shame.
>> No. 20695 [Edit]
File 141154571782.jpg - (217.26KB , 668x1503 , life.jpg )
Finally, at episode 12, this turned good.

And then just ended.

But it's ok. The rest can be easily inferred.

Just for that final episode, passable series after all.

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