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File 140495920716.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , joy.png )
19932 No. 19932 [Edit]
calligraphy bitches!
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>> No. 19934 [Edit]
This show ended up being a fair bit different than I had expected. Thought it might be something more mellow and easy going.
kid was annoying and the artist was a unlikable douche. we'll see how it goes.
>> No. 19940 [Edit]
>kid was ryushika ryushik
>> No. 19941 [Edit]
Please don't misuse the quoting function.
>> No. 20057 [Edit]
File 140564441693.jpg - (78.46KB , 1123x632 , loser.jpg )
Seems like most of the people in that town are annoying assholes. If I were him I'd invest in a baseball bat, or at the very least some locks for his doors.
>> No. 20060 [Edit]
The loli reminds me more of Ritsu than Ryuushika. But kudos to the anon that knows about that.
I'm not sure about this show. I think it's very boring and uninventive despite the occupation of the MC. It follows a very common formula.
Maybe I just don't like anime anymore.
>> No. 20069 [Edit]
>I think it's very boring and uninventive despite the occupation of the MC. It follows a very common formula.
It's not just you, shows like this can be made by having a writer play madlibs with a generic plot summery.

"(name here) is a normal (skill/occupation) who's stuck in a rut in his career. one day he suddenly finds his world flipped upside down when he gets introduced to a cast of unlikely new friends. Follow along this summer as (name here) rediscovers how to let people in again what it means to have fun."
>> No. 20094 [Edit]
File 140580816044.jpg - (65.94KB , 633x625 , dying_fish.jpg )
This kills the crayfish.
>> No. 20173 [Edit]
File 140626927924.jpg - (52.25KB , 1082x608 , read it.jpg )
Of course the meganekko would have to be a fujoshi.
>> No. 20282 [Edit]
File 140687630465.jpg - (477.91KB , 1280x720 , [Anime-Koi] Barakamon - 04 [h264-720p][53D14F7C].jpg )
The whole cat scene sure came out of left field.
>> No. 20294 [Edit]
File 140691849866.jpg - (600.11KB , 1280x720 , 32456y4u6uy.jpg )
How the hell does someone of his age not know how to use a rotary phone?
>> No. 20309 [Edit]
You just stick your finger in the leftmost hole and drag it to the number you want, one at a time?
>> No. 20332 [Edit]
He's a hipster.
>> No. 20403 [Edit]
File 140808174286.jpg - (644.49KB , 1280x720 , none for you.jpg )
Harem end confirmed.
>> No. 20417 [Edit]
File 140829639071.jpg - (51.78KB , 793x446 , monstor ball.jpg )
haha pokemon reference...
>> No. 20517 [Edit]
File 140921147574.jpg - (605.07KB , 1280x720 , shot1140.jpg )
so was she sitting out there all day yelling to herself before those guys showed up?
>> No. 20518 [Edit]
probably saw the car coming from a mile away and set things up before they got there.
>> No. 20599 [Edit]
File 14104845037.jpg - (88.36KB , 1279x721 , tell me about it.jpg )
>> No. 20643 [Edit]
File 141100748849.jpg - (83.37KB , 1282x722 , sghrhtsrghrthgrt.jpg )
I'm not sure which is more impressive. That the stick stayed in place, the amount of bugs inside the stick, or how he didn't even flinch when they poured out all over him.
>> No. 20712 [Edit]
File 141168647728.jpg - (56.42KB , 965x542 , huh.jpg )
Is this how she acts every time she sneaks into his house when he's not home? surely this wasn't the first time.
>> No. 21504 [Edit]
File 141829322694.jpg - (269.68KB , 1007x1000 , z20141210.jpg )

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