No. 19558
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I love how meta the show is. is about time we see something take the piss out of how cliche anime can be, rather than just making pointless family guy style references. 'omg he's doing the gendo pose rotfl!!!! omg It's funny becuase it's referencing something I'm familiar with! xD' They have so many opportunity to pick on specific material but choose to go for generalizations instead. Still, wasn't too crazy how they only pointed out the cliches at first but at least in the latter half they started doing more with them. also love that OP, It's a shame some groups don't like to sub op/ed songs becuase this is one op that definitely needs the translation.
Something that I never really noticed before watching this was how so many sol anime try to sell us on the characters being such good friends who have fun chatting about whatever and that sort of thing but you never hear them legitimately laugh or giggle or talk over each other. The honesty and natural feel behind the adlib parts of this show makes them more fun I think. In contrast it makes discussions in other sol anime feel more like VAs taking turns reading their lines, not that it's their fault by any means it's just how the stuff is written. Anyways this is a pretty decent underrated show. It's a bit of a shame many would pass it up due to how low budget it is, and the whole mmd thing. Bit of an acquired taste this one is.