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File 139752551428.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , inuneko.png )
19092 No. 19092 [Edit]
Any of you give this a shot yet? I had my doubts since the director's numerous past works were exclusively porn, but while it clearly shows it's still a pretty decent little anime from the looks of it.
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>> No. 19094 [Edit]
It's quite bad. The only thing they offer is a mildly forced erotic relationship between the two main girls while the third acts as tsukkomi. Nothing worthy to see here.
>> No. 19104 [Edit]
I liked it. Whether by accident (short episode length) or diector's deliberate decision the comedic pace is very well adjusted. Slooow comedy never works. Will keep watching this.
>> No. 19130 [Edit]
File 139812661027.png - (796.98KB , 938x528 , mouse girl.png )
After this I half expected a lard-ass girl named zou*** to show up.
>> No. 19133 [Edit]
Wow, this pacing. So good, so brisk, so refreshing. Everybody in the industry should be fored to watch this and learn a thing or two.

Good show, a shame it's just a 3m short, though.
>> No. 19238 [Edit]
File 139935617592.jpg - (70.96KB , 1096x619 , [Commie] Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san - 04 [B58D8F7.jpg )
Why she always gotta cock block her..
>> No. 19262 [Edit]
the episode where cat girl drank the drug tea got me so fucking hard its unreal.
>> No. 19283 [Edit]
File 13999417568.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san - 05 [F0AB5C4.png )
I love how the characters aren't bothered by how the karaoke place has a photo of Nekoyama and her classmates.
>> No. 19359 [Edit]
File 140057735477.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , 1345tgedws3.png )
So what animals do you guys think they'll get associated with? The one on the right gives me the frog vibe but I got nothing on the left one.
>> No. 19362 [Edit]
>I got nothing on the left one.
>> No. 19364 [Edit]
yes I'm sure she has a nice beaver but what animal do you think she's gonna be like?
>> No. 19365 [Edit]

Their names are Torikai and Sarutobi.
>> No. 19372 [Edit]
Oh okay.

Alright then, so chicken and gorilla? I think we nailed this one, guys.
>> No. 19483 [Edit]
Monkey girl don't seem very monkey like...
>> No. 19652 [Edit]
File 14023614109.jpg - (60.38KB , 793x446 , [Commie] Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san - 09 [94A92E1.jpg )
Guess it's time to find a new sub group for this show...
>> No. 19653 [Edit]
well that cow girl didn't seem much like a cow if you go off anything other than the odd tropes in anime that suggest girls with big tits and droopy eyes are somehow indicative of cows.
>> No. 19654 [Edit]
That doesn't seem that bad. I've seen a lot worse subs.
>> No. 19656 [Edit]
File 140237702426.jpg - (899.22KB , 650x2534 , commie subs.jpg )
That's what I thought too...
>> No. 19660 [Edit]
I honestly laughed at those subs.
>> No. 19664 [Edit]
The "[wanting] to kill myself"-frame got me.
>> No. 19736 [Edit]
File 140296865653.jpg - (642.79KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san - 10 [B45A062.jpg )
Doggy style gets this pussy wet!
>> No. 19738 [Edit]
That would only be amusing if anyone on earth still equated pussies with cats.
>> No. 19846 [Edit]
File 140367969067.jpg - (554.12KB , 1280x720 , aftersex.jpg )
A cat is fine too.

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