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File 139670576262.jpg - (337.60KB , 1920x1080 , kana hana best girl.jpg )
19030 No. 19030 [Edit]
This anime has the Kana Hana of the season and it looks mildly interesting.
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>> No. 19031 [Edit]
File 139670587495.jpg - (320.13KB , 1920x1080 , 437568578364.jpg )
>> No. 19034 [Edit]
Replies: >>19045
>This anime has the Kana Hana of the season

Oh, thanks for the warning. Dropped.
>> No. 19045 [Edit]
She only has 10 lines or so in the first episode, so it's not that bad.
>> No. 19049 [Edit]
Replies: >>19050
I may regret this, but: What's so bad about Kana Hana?
>> No. 19050 [Edit]
In a similar fashion to K. Rei, she is shoehorned into one voice for one personality for most characters she is assigned to voice.

Only her voice lacks most of the charm Rei has, and she can't sing quite as well her Rei either.
>> No. 19250 [Edit]
This is one of those shows that makes me depressed upon watching it, but I can't stop watching. Ritsu is so fucking cute.

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