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File 139631107728.jpg - (421.48KB , 800x600 , azusa x Tsuzuki .jpg )
18996 No. 18996 [Edit]
ITT; characters look alikes. Matching personality for extra points.
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>> No. 18997 [Edit]
File 139631136779.jpg - (180.19KB , 600x338 , Isumi Saginomiya & Shirayuki Mitsumine .jpg )
might be stretching it, but close enough to warrant a mention I think.
>> No. 20414 [Edit]
File 140825029463.jpg - (131.40KB , 225x700 , 158365 copy.jpg )
Before Nanba Mutta became an astronaut he was a car designer, but before that he was part of a band called beck.
>> No. 20419 [Edit]
Pretty much all harem MC-kun ever.
>> No. 20424 [Edit]
File 140844352612.jpg - (57.40KB , 822x354 , same person.jpg )
>> No. 20457 [Edit]
Pics please.
>> No. 20479 [Edit]
File 140880102631.png - (20.44KB , 490x535 , Untitled.png )
That's just the same expression.
I watched Final Stage yesterday, it was pretty great, it was so exciting I watched all the episodes in one run, like I did with the other seasons. Shame I really can't like eurobeat when not watching or playing Initial D, the lyrics ruin most of the tracks in my opinion.

Also funny how I got this banner when I opened the thread.

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