No. 20207
Replies: >>20211 >>20221 >>20230
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Today episode was the last drop for me. It's was completely disgusting.
I thought the Mana wanking in Doki was bad but they somehow managed to surpass it with Hime. Mana at least had the excuse of being overbearingly charismatic and competent, say all you want about it, but the wanking was justified. Hime? Hime is selfish, whiny, weak, rude and cowardly but EVERYONE on the fucking show loves her. EVERYTHING on the show resolves around her. Hime is the nicest girl in the universe and she can do no wrong because everything that was implied to be her fault has been waved away one way or another, even opening Axia is not her fault anymore because "she heard a nice voice from it". Well, at least it was not "Hime was mindcontrolled" in which case it would have been utterly lame.
Hime is also the most unselfish girl on earth because she sacrificed her wish. Which is the only wish that can be accomplished by just beating the shit of the Phantom Empire, unlike Yuuko whose wish was literally to end world hunger or Megumi wish to heal her sickly mom, oh, and let's not forget how those two simply decided to give the wish to Hime because of how much they love her and how much of a nice girl she is and how much she deserves the wish instead of them.
Wait, nevermind the thing about weak. Because apparently she's now the strongest Cure of the group if the plot requires it, for example, when she saved Iona from the Mom and Kid Saiark because Iona could not defeat because she didn't love Hime enough at the moment or whatever and in today's episode she soloed the Saiark Megumi, Yuuko and Iona COMBINED could not even scratch.
Honestly, I know I'm cherrypicking and going out of my way to shit on Hime here but I really can't stand her character, the massive focus the narrative puts on her and how much those two things combined detract from all the other characters.
Megumi? A pink only in name. Easily, the blandest and most boring of all the pinks so far. Her only notable characteristic is being a walking Mazinger reference booth.
Yuuko? Dear god, if you thought Alice got shafted on Doki then looking at Yuuko will give you an aneurysm. After she joined the group practically all her lines are related to food or to rice, or to be Hime's personal babysitter for whatever issue of the the week Hime has and is running away from.
People are not joking when they say Seiji is your typical haremshit self-insert MC, he has the personality and charisma of a potato. And Blue is one of the creepiest motherfuckers in the history of the franchise, not even early Joe gave such creepy vibes.
The romance stuff while I do not mind it, I think it should have been left to just Megumi and Blue. Putting in Seiji and then Hime into a love octagon is just plain overkill, convoluted and feels like a shoehorned attempt to force even more drama. Oh, and to somehow shoehorn Hime into the narrative too. Spotlight being on someone that is not Hime? Not on my watch!
About the villains. Namakelder and Oresky are a joy whenever they are on screen, specially Oresky. Hoshiiwa is extremely boring, and for some reason all her episodes are quality as fuck which makes me not want to see her appear at all for that too, and calling Phantom a walking plot device is a overstatement to his character. He's kinda amusing to watch because of his edge and obvious mommy issues though.
I immensely agree about the cards. They feel horribly tacked on and without purpose, they are just there for the sake of being there and trying to deny they feel like an attempt to cash-in on Aikatsu's success is almost impossible.
HaCha has been a disappointing for me overall. When I figured out that Hime would be the main character of the story I was bummed but I still, somehow, managed to obtain some degree of enjoyment from the series every week so I still looked forward to it, but that's not the case anymore. The current arc finally managed to burn me out, there's no fun or enjoyment to be found on it anymore. I had hoped that even with my inherent dislike for Hime's character archetype they would be able to write something compelling enough to counter that but instead I just got yet another creator's pet.