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File 139301481289.jpg - (59.97KB , 642x336 , HappinessChargePrecureSlideAlpha1-642x336.jpg )
18760 No. 18760 [Edit]
Replies: >>18761
The eleventh season of precure is here!
Expand all images
>> No. 18761 [Edit]
Replies: >>18780
File 139302287031.jpg - (78.22KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi-LPHH]_Happiness_Charge_Precure_01_[1280x72.jpg )

and it's looking to be the best yet.
and there's enough cures in the pile for every single one of them to do a greeting right before the intro.
>> No. 18764 [Edit]
Replies: >>18777
The old school cures in the intro really took me by surprise. likewise I'm surprised they skiped over splash star, and in ep 3 used cure passion instead of cure peach.
>> No. 18765 [Edit]
Replies: >>18767
File 13930331313.jpg - (53.17KB , 800x600 , 41752593.jpg )
It's been pretty good so far, I hope it manages to maintain it's quality.

I'm glad HaCha is returning to the more basic format of the pre-Smile days. Smile and Doki were too "experimental" for my tastes.
>> No. 18767 [Edit]
Replies: >>18769 >>18770 >>18780
basic format of the pre-Smile days?
This season seems very different than the others so far. for one this is the first time they've had super sentai style foot solders. While spashstar alternative outfits, this is the first time they've ever really focused on it. Letting people in on the secret identity is also something you wouldn't see in the older series. not to mention the art and animation style is way out there. Also the clothing card collecting thing, which feels like they're trying to muscle in on Aikatsu's territory.

The way whats his face told them prettycures aren't allowed to engage in romance was downright bizarre. many of the precures going back to the first season had romantic interests. anime for little girls always have romance in them with some rich handsome guy vs a bad boy type. Telling little girls romance is forbidden seems kinda fucked up and I think that one was just one for the older male viewers, who weren't taken much into consideration before smile. whats his face is obviously a bad guy, I'm just wondering why he's helping them out atm.
also, I'm not sure how I feel about them indirectly turning kids/people into monsters for precure to beat up.
>> No. 18769 [Edit]
Replies: >>18780
File 139303937329.jpg - (48.62KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi-LPHH]_Happiness_Charge_Precure_02_[1280x72.jpg )
>This season seems very different than the others so far.
I'm getting heartcatch vibes left and right. From the simple 2D designs, to the gratuitous use of 3D models, to the mostly well animated fights and brilliantly designed facial expressions.

>The way whats his face told them prettycures aren't allowed to engage in romance was downright bizarre.

The Queen is Blue's ex, that or they were childhood friends and then observed as Queen fell in love then turned EVIL due to heartbreak.

>also, I'm not sure how I feel about them indirectly turning kids/people into monsters for precure to beat up.
That's kind of been the staple backbone of the franchise since Futari Wa.....
>> No. 18770 [Edit]
Replies: >>18773 >>18780
File 139303967167.png - (469.96KB , 800x800 , 41671515.png )

>for one this is the first time they've had super sentai style foot solders.
>Letting people in on the secret identity is also something you wouldn't see in the older series.
>I'm not sure how I feel about them indirectly turning kids/people into monsters for precure to beat up.
>not to mention the art and animation style is way out there.
Honest question, have you not watched Heartcatch? Because many of the things you say are unique of HaCha or out of place have happened in HC, and many other series too.

>Also the clothing card collecting thing, which feels like they're trying to muscle in on Aikatsu's territory.
Maybe, but it's not like Aikatsu invented cards or fashion or clothes. It's just this year collectible.

>The way whats his face told them prettycures aren't allowed to engage in romance was downright bizarre.
>and I think that one was just one for the older male viewers, who weren't taken much into consideration before smile.
Couldn't you tell that Blue was projecting like there's no tomorrow? It's an obvious plot-point.

Either way, with the pre-Smile days thing I was referring to a more balanced format and approach. If you watched Smile and Doki you can easily tell how they both practically disregarded everything to focus, to the point of going to a extreme, in the SoL and Plot categories respectively.

I won't say they were bad for being different, but they simply were not my cup of tea, which is why I'm glad HaCha is not following that same kind of approach but rather something more similar to HC, Yes! 5 or Fresh.
>> No. 18773 [Edit]
Replies: >>18776
You'll have to forgive me, Heartcatch is the only season I haven't seen yet. I'm sorry for assuming that by "pre-Smile days" you were talking about pretty cure series that came before Smile Precure, and not just Heartcatch Precure exclusively.

>it's not like Aikatsu invented cards or fashion or clothes
Of course not, but it's one of the few other anime currently airing that are tarted to little girls and that clothing card thing happens to be it's gimmick. I would think it very naive to believe Aikatsu had no other influence here and it's just coincidental that precure would adopt one of it's competitor's gimmick a little over a year after it started airing.
>> No. 18776 [Edit]
File 139304657658.jpg - (628.82KB , 714x1000 , 41431074_big_p2.jpg )
Rather true, saying that the card gimmick was not because of Aikatsu would be a very silly thing to say.

To be honest, if I were Toei and Bandai, I'd be shitting my pants too considering how successful Aikatsu has been. I can't really blame them for wanting both, a slice of the cake, and a more direct manner of competing against it.

I'm just glad that the card gimmick seems fun and is interesting enough use in the show itself. That's the kind of things that give spice to the series.

The big majority of the series have been like that, true, but the motw being made from people is not a new concept for the franchise either. Again, we go back to HC which heavily focused on the victim of the week concept. Doki also featured this manner of motw.
>> No. 18777 [Edit]
I like that it is random instead of by order. Now we can try to guess which Cure will it be every week, it adds another layer of fun.
>> No. 18780 [Edit]
Replies: >>18781 >>18789

>and it's looking to be the best yet.

No way I can live with this. Or maybe I can, I just have to respond and express how much I disagree with this.


>for one this is the first time they've had super sentai style foot solders.

Not true, Heartcatch had those, too.

>While spashstar alternative outfits, this is the first time they've ever really focused on it.

Also true. It looks like it'll be the main focus of the series, different Precure 'forms' is a massive change over what we've had so far. I'm looking forward to see what Curekatsu will look like.

>many of the precures going back to the first season had romantic interests. anime for little girls always have romance in them with some rich handsome guy vs a bad boy type.

See, you don't get it. Telling them love is forbidden makes it that much better because now it's literally ~forbidden love~ and girls really like stories like that.


>I'm getting heartcatch vibes left and right.

I hear that a lot but frankly I plain don't see it. The expressions maybe but other than that... Not really.


>Maybe, but it's not like Aikatsu invented cards or fashion or clothes. It's just this year collectible.

The way they did it is literally a carbon copy of Aikatsu, though. Aikatsu might've followed Pretty Rhythm's lead when it comes to coords/clothes/cards/whatever but they did it their own way. Unless they didn't, if I'm wrong I'd like somebody to correct me.

As for Happiness Charge so far I'm not convinced. I'm still looking forward to seeing how cards will play out but it looks like they will betray my expectations in that area, too. Not a fan of those early-00s-Satou-Junichi-esque designs and I don't really care for the Cures so far. But hey, we're still early on, I didn't like Dokidoki at first but it really grew on me after a while.

The biggest disappointment for me is that I misheard some piece of news early on. Somebody was talking about a ballet form and I misunderstood that and thought ballet will be the theme this time around. That would be literally the best thing ever. Instead we don't even have a theme from the looks of it.
>> No. 18781 [Edit]
Replies: >>18783
I for one would compare aikatsu's card/cloth system more to hime-chen's than Pretty Rhythm's.

and I'd say the 'theme' this time around is fashion. Even if it is the same theme for pretty much every children's anime these days.

Post edited on 22nd Feb 2014, 3:36am
>> No. 18782 [Edit]
Replies: >>18783 >>18784
I love how in precure discussions you can have seen ten years worth of precure with every movie, but if you haven't seen HC you're as good as noob.
>> No. 18783 [Edit]
Replies: >>18784 >>18785

>I for one would compare aikatsu's card/cloth system more to hime-chen's than Pretty Rhythm's.

I barely remember Hime-chen... did they actually use cards? I barely recall they used different outfits and they had those coord segments after the ED but...

Either way Pretty Rhythm is much closer to Aikatsu because it's actually about competetive idols and the coords are related to the 'score' one way or another. In Hime-chen they did nothing.

>and I'd say the 'theme' this time around is fashion.

'Evil empire' disagreed because they are vanilla as fuck.


Lagely because most of western fans think Heartcatch is some kind of Holy Grail among PreCures.
>> No. 18784 [Edit]
I find funny how this thread has gotten so many replies in less than 1 day than other threads get in months. I hope we can keep being fruitful.

HC brought a lot of new things to the table. It's also the best selling Precure too. It may be overrated but it has with what to defend itself.
>> No. 18785 [Edit]
yes, and I'd say that's largely because Heartcatch is what got most into prettycure and they will look back on it fondly as it was their first.
>> No. 18789 [Edit]
Replies: >>18792
>As for Happiness Charge so far I'm not convinced. I'm still looking forward to seeing how cards will play out but it looks like they will betray my expectations in that area, too.

It's a bit early to say.
The detective outfit was useful, meanwhile the roller blade outfit really was a waste of time and effort, and the post-henshin cards look to be drawn out special attacks that will end up as stock footage to be repeated every few episodes with slight variations in the 3d model for new outfits/effects.

It COULD be an interesting and unique addition to the series, or it could just be a gimmick to sell little girls exorbitantly priced matching outfits in addition to low quality pieces of plastic.
We'll have to wait and see how the execution of it is, and from what they've shown so far, I'm not going to get my hopes up.
>> No. 18792 [Edit]

>the post-henshin cards look to be drawn out special attacks that will end up as stock footage to be repeated every few episodes with slight variations in the 3d model for new outfits/effects

This is what I'm really afraid of. That they'll be used as nothing but additional finishers that serve no purpose. Initially I was pretty sure there will be some differences between each one - some grant strength, some speed or something like that. I was excited about that. But now...

>It COULD be an interesting and unique addition to the series, or it could just be a gimmick to sell little girls exorbitantly priced matching outfits in addition to low quality pieces of plastic.

See, that's the thing. It could've been both. Of course they introduced them to boost the sales of merchandise. Nobody is going to question it. Heck, most stuff that happens in PreCure happens for that reason first and foremost. And I accept that, that's how they make money. But it's not cool to half ass it like that.
But for me this might end up being Dokidoki again - big disappointment at first and then I'll warm up to it. I just I could get into it right off the bat instead of feeling disappointed for half a year (which is about how long it took me to grow to like Dokidoki).
>> No. 18959 [Edit]
File 139601833090.jpg - (64.89KB , 704x396 , Masuko_Mika_and_the_Precure.jpg )
Holy fuck. Is this the first time a character from a past season showed up in a latter one? Can we expect to see more cross overs in the future?
>> No. 19011 [Edit]
Replies: >>19013 >>19027
The world of precure seems like a truly horrible place to live. For the past 11 years, once a week like clockwork a monster attacks part of japan and randomly selected young girls are forced to fight them off. with 2 bonus attacks every year, one of which so serious it requires all of the precure in the country to fight it off together. As if that's not bad enough, it's apparently happening all around the world now.
>> No. 19013 [Edit]
Still they aren't zombies fated to turn into the monsters they fight.
>> No. 19027 [Edit]
Replies: >>19029 >>19032
File 139664886025.jpg - (82.79KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi]_Happiness_Charge_Precure_08_[1280x720]_[6.jpg )
>As if that's not bad enough, it's apparently happening all around the world now.

So it's fine if not normal for an outworldly invasion takes place in Japan, but the second they show that invasion being a world-wide thing your suspension of disbelief is gone and you can no longer enjoy the show because of it?
>> No. 19029 [Edit]
Replies: >>19037

Where the hell did you read that? He didn't write anything that sounded even remotely like what you suggest.
>> No. 19032 [Edit]
Replies: >>19037
Who says I don't still enjoy the show? I'm just saying is all.
>> No. 19037 [Edit]
File 139678767613.jpg - (63.87KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi]_Happiness_Charge_Precure_09_[1280x720]_[9.jpg )

Sorry, it was late and I was tired and my reading comprehension was nowhere near where it usually was, I swear.
>> No. 19068 [Edit]
File 139733935137.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , pucker up.png )
lol them lips
>> No. 19071 [Edit]
File 13973611725.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , shot0682.png )
She didn't know who cure honey was?! Maybe she should have paid more attention to the OP!
>> No. 19168 [Edit]
Yeah fuck the world, grades come first!
>> No. 19172 [Edit]
Replies: >>19173
Man, those fashion cards feel like such a waste of potential. You'd think they could be used for more than just random four second long cosplay once an ep or two. Not like the show has time constraints to worry about.
>> No. 19173 [Edit]
File 139852529930.jpg - (121.96KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi]_Happiness_Charge_Precure_12_[1280x720]_[B.jpg )
>Not like the show has time constraints to worry about.
But what about Toei's effort constraints?
>> No. 19218 [Edit]
This season so far has left me wondering. If they're gonna incorporate a story that involves precure around the world, and have a random precure from the past do an intro thing every ep, and have a character from a past season make an appearance... why not just go all the way and just include past precure in the story? Sure it would destroy the novelty of those DX movies, but it'd make for a pretty cool season. Besides, there's way to many characters at this point for them to each have any remotely decent screen on the silver screen.
>> No. 19219 [Edit]
File 139908042421.png - (941.74KB , 1281x720 , you said it bro.png )
Because kid, they need to shoehorn in one of those outfit changes every opportunity they can to sell cards.
>> No. 19311 [Edit]
File 14002645228.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , [Doremi]_Happiness_Charge_Precure_15_[1280x720]_[D.png )
She's great
>> No. 19354 [Edit]
Replies: >>19356
File 140052944585.jpg - (139.17KB , 1280x720 , Mother's day.jpg )

Considering how filial piety is supposed to be a thing in Asia you'd think they'd come up with these on their own rather than import them.

Melody sounded really weird in last week's ep. Is it really Koshimizu? Sounds nothing like Melody did in Suite.
>> No. 19356 [Edit]
File 140053103975.jpg - (271.23KB , 1280x720 , Koshimizu.jpg )

Kinda answering my own question but she does appear in credits at least. But she sounded nothing like the Melody I know. Heck, didn't even sound like Koshimizu but Koshimizu has some range so that's not exctly shocking.
>> No. 19614 [Edit]
Replies: >>19616
File 140208044084.jpg - (74.03KB , 1296x730 , helz yah.jpg )
Well she's right. marriage is a scam that serves no purpose other than it's legal implications. If you let yourself get sucked into it you'll find your life savings dumped off onto just the enslavement ceremony alone and anything left will be seized by the courts after the inevitable divorce. After which should you happen to have had a child together you'll have a large percentage of your income taken from you periodically to support who you were married to regardless of weather or not you can afford it or if they have someone else supporting them.
>> No. 19616 [Edit]
Replies: >>19621
I can tell you were just itching for an opportunity to get that out there. Not disputing the words you speak, it's just funny to me.
>> No. 19621 [Edit]
Replies: >>19623
Someone's gotta keep this thread alive.

Every now and then the bad guys bring up complicated issues that they're not always wrong about but it's not like I expect them to have any valid reasons to back up their claim anyways, it's a kids show after all and you wouldn't want to confuse the little ones. Not that the good guys often have good reasons to defend whatever is being attacked other than "Because I said so and stuff!" Makes me think maybe they should stick to the more silly and easily shot down arguments like 'sharing is gay', 'littering is cool', 'stealing is fun' and so on.
>> No. 19622 [Edit]
Replies: >>19625
File 140209908287.jpg - (96.66KB , 1196x673 , fuck yor shit .jpg )
She asked you a simple question you jerkass. Why you gotta be such a douchbag?
>> No. 19623 [Edit]
Or maybe with responses like "nooooo, marrying is my life dream OTL I want to ditch idoling and all my idol friends to have children and become a perma-housewife with other housewife friends and talk about what diaper won't give my anko-chan a butt-rash. why must you hurt me with your mean words ;_;".
>> No. 19625 [Edit]
I bet that chick who dumped him used to be a precure and now he's taking it out on everyone else. His ass must hurt like nobody's business.
>> No. 19683 [Edit]
Replies: >>19694
File 140268906190.jpg - (105.56KB , 1282x719 , cure fortune.jpg )
Oh come the fuck on! Don't act so damn suppressed. she looks exactly the same after her 'transformation'
>> No. 19694 [Edit]
Replies: >>19717

Your first time watching a mahou shoujo show?
>> No. 19717 [Edit]
Nope. I've seen nearly every season of precure so far. Don't make that kind of situation any less retarded.
>> No. 19957 [Edit]
So the American precure are called bomber girls? wow.
>> No. 20082 [Edit]
Replies: >>20092
File 140574007170.jpg - (106.26KB , 1282x719 , 6768io.jpg )
wtf was up with the subs on this one Doremi? was it just me? the past eps don't have this problem and I tried this with multiple players which all did the same thing.

ps: good job fortune, you tell that blue faggot and his stupid rules to go fuck himself!
>> No. 20092 [Edit]
Replies: >>20093
File 140577920114.jpg - (79.71KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi]_Happiness_Charge_Precure_24_[1280x720]_[0.jpg )

if you used custom size/fonts for CCCP's sub rendering, those settings might need to be redone with the new update that was released a day or so ago.

...you are using CCCP, right?
>> No. 20093 [Edit]
Replies: >>20096
That's what I got when I played it with smplayer, zoomplayer, and a very recent install of vlc.
Turned out to be okay on mpc though.

No CCCP here, using KCP but since I get flicking & disappearing subs at times I should probably do some updating.

I noticed the contrast looks a lot nicer on your version. Mind if I ask what kind of install and settings your using?

Post edited on 19th Jul 2014, 11:26am
>> No. 20096 [Edit]
File 140582299170.jpg - (56.03KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi]_Happiness_Charge_Precure_24_[1280x720]_[0.jpg )

CCCP with mpc, default settings.
>> No. 20180 [Edit]
Replies: >>20181 >>20182 >>20207
File 140631324567.jpg - (38.66KB , 750x425 , love.jpg )
Right on the money again.

Is it just me or is this one of the weaker seasons of precure? Half way in and I'm starting to question why I bother even keeping up with it. It's like watching a lower quality version of heartcatch.
>> No. 20181 [Edit]
You're not alone in thinking it's weak. I've been neglecting on keeping up with it. The last episode I watched was around the mothers day episode.
>> No. 20182 [Edit]
Replies: >>20184
File 140632262720.jpg - (83.98KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi]_Happiness_Charge_Precure_24_[1280x720]_[0.jpg )

While I understand the narrative, the over-arching story is sorely lacking and moving at a very very slow pace (and will most likely kick into overdrive with a huge amount of phantom backstory and exposition dump all at once near the end), I find the direction, execution, and creativity of each individual episode is by far the best yet.

It is definitely more episodic than I would have preferred, and there is a notable lack of beams compared to what the OP shows, but overall I'm finding this season to be the best pretty cure to date.
>> No. 20184 [Edit]
Replies: >>20197
I wish I could enjoy this nearly as much.

I find the character art looks downright lazy. mc is an extremely forgettable and uninteresting character (I can't even remember her name) and hime is just a cheap copy of Erica. The only character in the show with any depth is cure fortune, but that character type is hardly original. Blue is a piece of shit, he bugs the hell out of me nearly every time he's on screen. The bad guy side of things is cliche as hell, but it almost always is with these shows so I can't fault them for that. still, odd how they seem to have forgotten about the whole turning everything into mold thing they were doing near the start of the show, Now their motives have become much more vague. The eps all seem really repetitive and blend into each other with none really being memorable. I can look back fondly on Smile and think about the time when they got shrunk to the size of ants, or the time when they became kids, or when happy became a mecha. With this however it's just them bitching and arguing about something stupid for half the ep, friend getting turned into a monster, precure kick it's butt, rinse and repeat. If nothing else there's tiny trickles of relationship drama working it's way into the show recently.
The hamfisted attempt at incorporating dress cards reeks of trying to cash in on aikatsu's success. Those cards come off as very forced and unnatural when they try to squeeze one in every ep regardless of weather there's a situation which truly requires one. The show has so much wasted potential with the concept of prettycure being a widely known and accepted thing around the world, but instead of doing anything with it they make all the non Japanese precures into halfassed horrible stereotypes. They could have easily done something awesome by incorporating all the past pretty cure, but instead only use them for the intro. If they're gonna acknowledge the existence of other precures, why not acknowledge the existence of the other 'real' precures?
>> No. 20197 [Edit]
Replies: >>20208
File 140638477763.jpg - (90.37KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi]_DokiDoki!_Precure_49_[1280x720]_[4997175B.jpg )
>I find the character art looks downright lazy.
Same idea behind heartcatch. Simple design means the animators can spend more time animating fancy fights with less work on the inbetweens and such. Noting that Toei did a bit of half & half, half being lazy and getting by with less work and half an attempt at putting forth what they said they would do with the animation of the simple designs.

>mc is an extremely forgettable and uninteresting character (I can't even remember her name)

She is the goddess of love. literally, well, just half a syllable away. Ai no Megumi. The puns in the important character's names are great.

Especially with Megumi's name, most people were able to put that together with Blue's pretty cure rule of no love and the big unfolding story was rather obvious.

>If nothing else there's tiny trickles of relationship drama working it's way into the show recently.

That's not recent. That's the overarching story. And that's what is going to really be shoved down our throats once we get closer to the end.

> The eps all seem really repetitive and blend into each other with none really being memorable.
I'm going to remember the ninja/mother's day episode for a good while, as well as the idol sing-off.
The humor is focusing mostly on sentai and popular culture tropes rather than going to the absurd this season, but this season is at least more memorable than Doki.

>They could have easily done something awesome by incorporating all the past pretty cure, but instead only use them for the intro. If they're gonna acknowledge the existence of other precures, why not acknowledge the existence of the other 'real' precures?

That's what the All Stars DX movies are about.
Here's to hoping Toei goes back to more DX instead of the new stage crap.
>> No. 20207 [Edit]
Replies: >>20211 >>20221 >>20230
File 140643597087.png - (465.24KB , 608x725 , 1404005932911.png )
Today episode was the last drop for me. It's was completely disgusting.

I thought the Mana wanking in Doki was bad but they somehow managed to surpass it with Hime. Mana at least had the excuse of being overbearingly charismatic and competent, say all you want about it, but the wanking was justified. Hime? Hime is selfish, whiny, weak, rude and cowardly but EVERYONE on the fucking show loves her. EVERYTHING on the show resolves around her. Hime is the nicest girl in the universe and she can do no wrong because everything that was implied to be her fault has been waved away one way or another, even opening Axia is not her fault anymore because "she heard a nice voice from it". Well, at least it was not "Hime was mindcontrolled" in which case it would have been utterly lame.

Hime is also the most unselfish girl on earth because she sacrificed her wish. Which is the only wish that can be accomplished by just beating the shit of the Phantom Empire, unlike Yuuko whose wish was literally to end world hunger or Megumi wish to heal her sickly mom, oh, and let's not forget how those two simply decided to give the wish to Hime because of how much they love her and how much of a nice girl she is and how much she deserves the wish instead of them.

Wait, nevermind the thing about weak. Because apparently she's now the strongest Cure of the group if the plot requires it, for example, when she saved Iona from the Mom and Kid Saiark because Iona could not defeat because she didn't love Hime enough at the moment or whatever and in today's episode she soloed the Saiark Megumi, Yuuko and Iona COMBINED could not even scratch.

Honestly, I know I'm cherrypicking and going out of my way to shit on Hime here but I really can't stand her character, the massive focus the narrative puts on her and how much those two things combined detract from all the other characters.

Megumi? A pink only in name. Easily, the blandest and most boring of all the pinks so far. Her only notable characteristic is being a walking Mazinger reference booth.

Yuuko? Dear god, if you thought Alice got shafted on Doki then looking at Yuuko will give you an aneurysm. After she joined the group practically all her lines are related to food or to rice, or to be Hime's personal babysitter for whatever issue of the the week Hime has and is running away from.

People are not joking when they say Seiji is your typical haremshit self-insert MC, he has the personality and charisma of a potato. And Blue is one of the creepiest motherfuckers in the history of the franchise, not even early Joe gave such creepy vibes.

The romance stuff while I do not mind it, I think it should have been left to just Megumi and Blue. Putting in Seiji and then Hime into a love octagon is just plain overkill, convoluted and feels like a shoehorned attempt to force even more drama. Oh, and to somehow shoehorn Hime into the narrative too. Spotlight being on someone that is not Hime? Not on my watch!

About the villains. Namakelder and Oresky are a joy whenever they are on screen, specially Oresky. Hoshiiwa is extremely boring, and for some reason all her episodes are quality as fuck which makes me not want to see her appear at all for that too, and calling Phantom a walking plot device is a overstatement to his character. He's kinda amusing to watch because of his edge and obvious mommy issues though.

I immensely agree about the cards. They feel horribly tacked on and without purpose, they are just there for the sake of being there and trying to deny they feel like an attempt to cash-in on Aikatsu's success is almost impossible.

HaCha has been a disappointing for me overall. When I figured out that Hime would be the main character of the story I was bummed but I still, somehow, managed to obtain some degree of enjoyment from the series every week so I still looked forward to it, but that's not the case anymore. The current arc finally managed to burn me out, there's no fun or enjoyment to be found on it anymore. I had hoped that even with my inherent dislike for Hime's character archetype they would be able to write something compelling enough to counter that but instead I just got yet another creator's pet.
>> No. 20208 [Edit]
Replies: >>20230
>Simple design means the animators can spend more time animating fancy fights
Too bad there aren't any fancy fights, just a whole lot of recycled 3dcg.

>She is the goddess of love.
She could be Jesus for all I care. Still a bland generic and uninteresting character.

>That's what the All Stars DX movies are about.
Which is why they shouldn't have created a plot centered around the existence of other precure if they're not actually going to use other precure. Besides, the format of the movies is all wrong for that gimmick anyway. There are -way- too many characters at this point to squeeze into an hour long movie and have any sort of coherent plot or character interaction. If they were incorporated into a 50ep long series they could be spread out much more easily and wouldn't even need to take up half the eps. It'd be nice to get updates on how things are going for them after the events of their series and maybe even have them help out if need be. It'd beat tossing us a bunch of fake precure who suck at their jobs. I mean hell did you see that stadium full of thousands of trapped precure? wtf was that? when did precure go from being 'legendary warriors' to weak dime a dozen disposable pawns? cool roll models for the kids yo.
>> No. 20211 [Edit]
File 140643899432.jpg - (271.15KB , 1280x720 , NTRed.jpg )
>Blue is one of the creepiest motherfuckers in the history of the franchise
lol yeah tell me about it.

I forgot I was watching a kid's show here, the ED was like a slap back to reality.
Every time he's on screen I get the feeling he could suddenly snap and start beating the shit out of one of the girls. He just gives off the vibe of a psycho who does really fucked up shit behind closed doors but forces himself to be quite and calm when people come to visit.
>> No. 20221 [Edit]
Yeah Hime is cute but that's all she has going for her. She really does seem to have a strange power over everyone around her now that you mention it.

>About the villains.
Personally I like Hosshiwa, all be it for vain and shallow reasons. I just can't ever get enough of the ojousama types. Add lolita fashion onto that and what more could I possible ask for? I think it's a shame she couldn't have been the one they brought out during that ep on the rice farm. With Yuuko's apparent obsession for rice and handing out candy, it would have made for an interesting conflict.

I thought it funny how in a recent ep they started to question Namakeruda's past and motivations with possible relationship problems but were quickly told to shut the fuck up before they make his character seem anything but two dimensional. For the most part though he doesn't seem very interesting to me. He's certainly not very memorable in my opinion. I think we've had a dozen villains just like him over the course of the franchise and many of those had much more original character designs. karryhan from splash star and that kabuki type guy from the original series come to mind.

It was kinda cute how Oresky apparently made his own costume. Military otaku I guess? Shame they seem to have no interest in flushing characters like him out a bit more. I suppose he can be amusing at times, seems like his character is meant to be a big joke.

One thing I've noticed with those three villains is they never take off their hats. At first I thought maybe Hosshiwa had a bald spot or something, but noticed the other two also always wear hats. makes me wonder if they're hiding something.
>> No. 20230 [Edit]
Replies: >>20283
File 140651403133.jpg - (40.36KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi]_Happiness_Charge_Precure_26_[1280x720]_[7.jpg )
>Too bad there aren't any fancy fights, just a whole lot of recycled 3dcg.

I'd be happy if that was the only issue.
More effort was put into animating Hime's foot than Megumi's entire fight.
Not to say that is a bad thing, and I was very pleasantly surprised at how much effort went into that left foot and I enjoyed watching every second of it, but watching Megumi's fight was like watching a fight from inferno cop only without the fire.

>Honestly, I know I'm cherrypicking and going out of my way to shit on Hime here but I really can't stand her character, the massive focus the narrative puts on her and how much those two things combined detract from all the other characters.

It's a character special arc, it should be expected that Hime becomes the main character for most of her arc.
And really, next episode is going to be more about Blue and his stupid rule than about Hime. It's about time we see that there's more to him than being an odd sort of creeper.

I'm also hoping Yuuko gets her fair share of episode treatment as well, though it doesn't look very likely as you said (and even when Arisu got her turn, she wasn't even the main star for half of them; Mega Lance almost doesn't make up for that).

I'm half expecting the next round of episodes to be Iona falling in love with Seiji (it's been hinted at already while they were sparring), and then Yuuko... being set up such that it looks like she's going to fall for him but it's actually a misunderstanding as her only love is for rice because that's all her character will ever be. Seiji is the parody of a harem MC that every girl falls far but is actually a Sunohara that is forever doomed to be single and a side character with bleach blonde hair.

I don't see the relationship stuff going away, or being toned down to where it was in the first two cours. It's meant to be the central overarching theme, and I'm more surprised it took this long before getting some actual focus.

Otherwise, I'm going to miss the first OP, but I will be happy to see the first ED replaced with something hopefully not craptastic.
>> No. 20283 [Edit]
>More effort was put into animating Hime's foot than Megumi's entire fight.
I just saw ep 26 and wow you weren't kidding.
It was quite jarring how Megumi's fight was nothing but a really stiff spinning animation getting dragged around the screen making bad guys who weren't even moving blow up when she passed over them. This in contrast to how well detailed and animated hime's foot was from multiple angles. I guess they have their prioritizes straight if nothing else.
>> No. 20432 [Edit]
File 140849194050.jpg - (61.90KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi]_Happiness_Charge_Precure_28_[1280x720]_[5.jpg )
What is the first thing the French girl does when she gets on screen?
Get on her back with her legs spread.

A surprisingly accurate portrayal of French girls.
Luckily, she's young enough such that her leg hair isn't full length and dark, as the concept of shaving one's legs is unique to America and Asian cultures.
>> No. 20434 [Edit]
I'm really glad they decided to finally do something with the other pretty cure. That is, aside from constantly reminding us how much they suck at being precure due to not being Japanese.
>> No. 20472 [Edit]
Replies: >>20514
I must also say I'm not enjoying this very much. Possibly my least favorite season yet. The characters are boring and not very likeable, the artstyle isn't my thing, the 'weekly toy commercial' part got toned down a little compared to Dokidoki but it's still glaring at times, especially with how tacked on and useless the cards are. Unlikeable mascots, unlikeable side characters, bland villains, enemy empire has no theme (neither does the series period, Cures are seemingly random - Honey, Fortune, Princess). It just feels medicore all around. My favorite part of each ep is the greeting message from old Cures, makes me remember times when PreCure used to be more fun.
>> No. 20494 [Edit]
File 140892717825.jpg - (58.22KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi]_Happiness_Charge_Precure_29_[1280x720]_[D.jpg )
Fantom becomes rule #63 of himself.

That's a first, for official pretty cure things that happen, anyway.
>> No. 20514 [Edit]
Replies: >>20515 >>20520
>no theme ... Cures are seemingly random - Honey, Fortune, Princess).
While it's true this season doesn't have any clear theme, cure names in the past didn't always match. The original series had black and white, but then included cure luminous. you could argue luminous = light, and colors are nothing more than how we perceive light reflections but that might be a bit of a stretch. In splash star it's a bit harder to connect. you got Cure Bloom & Cure Egret, a type of bird and something flowers do. They latter also became Cure Bright & Cure Windy, but I suppose you could call those elements. Even in heart catch you have to wonder what Blossom & Marine have to do with each other, but at least they have sunshine & moonlight. Doki Doki has three of those four suits but with Rosetta & Sword. Fresh mostly matched with foods with the expedition of cure Passion. Suite was probably the most if not only consistent season with all the cures having names related to musical terms.

Smile and yes! pretty cure seem to be the hardest to draw any correlation from. In smile pretty cure you have Cure Happy, Cure Sunny, Cure Peace, Cure March, and Cure Beauty. An emotion, a type of weather, a state of none violence, a military exercise, and an aesthetic description.
Yes! Pretty Cure 5 has Cure Dream, Cure Rouge, Cure Lemonade, Cure Mint, Cure Aqua, and cure Milky Rose. Rouge, Mint, and Aqua could could refer to colors and maybe even Lemonade too, but Dream & Milky Rose?

Lovely, Honey, Fortune, and Princess are probably the last thing I'd complain about in this rather mediocre season. It's a stretch but one could possible see them as being descriptive of their characters and as such still follow a theme. cure princess is a princess, fortune is a fortune teller, honey is sweet, and lovely is... well I suppose you can't win them all.
Of course let us not forget the dozen or so foreign cures named after tropes and stereotypes for their respective countries.
>> No. 20515 [Edit]
Replies: >>20516 >>20521
File 14091744172.jpg - (94.36KB , 1280x720 , [Doki] Precure New Stage 3 Movie (1280x720 Hi10P B.jpg )
>Cure princess is a princess, fortune is a fortune teller, honey is sweet, and lovely is... well I suppose you can't win them all.

Aino Megumi's name is a pun with "Goddess of Love".
Tsubomi and Blossom have the same relationship as Hime and Princess,
and honey is orange/yellow, hence she was named after something resembling her color scheme (a la Fresh and Yes5)
>> No. 20516 [Edit]
>Aino Megumi's name is a pun with "Goddess of Love".
sure that works, but even so the point is the cure names don't relate to each other.

>Tsubomi and Blossom have the same relationship as Hime and Princess,
perhaps, but that's completely irrelevant.
>> No. 20520 [Edit]
Replies: >>20521

I feel you kinda missed my point. Every series since Heartcatch had a pretty clear cut 'theme'. Some seasons before Heartcatch had that, too, most notably Splash Star's focus on nature - through Cures (their names and even attacks), through fairies (and their ... country?) and through enemies.

Heartcatch had some consistency in naming - mostly related to flowers - and in enemies - all related to desert. Desert generals make the flowers in human hearts wilt. It's very clear cut.
Same goes for Suite, very strong music theme.
Smile had no consistency when it came to naming Cures, sure, but everything else was strongly related to fairly tales - both the 'country' they were trying to save as well as the enemies.
Dokidoki was the weakst of the bunch as the 'trumps' theme didn't really shine through. Cures are related to that, yes, Mako-pi comes from Trump Kingdom and occasionally they use some attacks related to cards (Straight Royal Flush was the name I think?) but again, it feels kinda weak.

But even though it was weak in Dokidoki it was there. Happiness Charge doesn't have anything like that. Hime's country is something completely random, enemy generals are completely all over the place and there's no pattern in naming Cures. The theme is completely gone.

There are bigger problems with the series, sure. Doesn't change the fact that having no theme doesn't really help the series in the slightest.
>> No. 20521 [Edit]
I realized you were commenting on the theme of the series, and yes this season doesn't really have one. I simply wanted to point out that the names have a tendency to be random, but you make a good point in that while they aren't clearly related to each other they do still relate to the theme of the series... usually. As such I suppose they are related after all if they have the same source. Makes me wonder if black & white are named as such due to the clear cut nature of who's good and bad in precure (jk).

It's possible the theme of this season is meant to be love/romance with that being reflected in cure lovely's names as >>20515 has pointed out.
>> No. 20525 [Edit]
It's amazing how fun HaCha can be when it's focused on something that is not putting Hime on a pedestal and on the center of everything.

Next week looks fun too. A Yuuko episode is always welcomed.
>> No. 20603 [Edit]
File 141054115380.jpg - (447.12KB , 1280x720 , 2345678.jpg )
Not a half bad ep.

...Is it really okay to feed rice to a dog?
>> No. 20724 [Edit]
File 141175355176.jpg - (353.31KB , 1280x720 , 678901267.jpg )
The way everything became really under saturated for this ep makes me wonder if the creators are self aware of how bland dull and boring this series is.
>> No. 20726 [Edit]
File 141178458273.jpg - (97.83KB , 1279x721 , stupid whore.jpg )
Should have thought about that before selling your body for a dime bag.
>> No. 20728 [Edit]
File 141180181272.jpg - (462.06KB , 1280x720 , 32456y7ui72.jpg )
Wow, a characters who's actually kinda interesting. I can't believe it.
>> No. 21110 [Edit]
Replies: >>21111
File 141402320797.jpg - (63.08KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi]_Happiness_Charge_Precure_37_[1280x720]_[A.jpg )
>> No. 21111 [Edit]
I wish I knew what the fuck that thing is. I keep seeing it eveywhere.
>> No. 21162 [Edit]
File 141445757610.jpg - (64.54KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi]_Happiness_Charge_Precure_38_[1280x720]_[D.jpg )
It's time for explosions in MineCraft!

The writers didn't think through what happens to the 4-girl dynamic when a 5th, older girl is added to the mix. They are afraid of what this new dynamic means, and they lack the budget to keep a 5th main VA employed until the series ends! They need to kill her off in less than an episode, never to be seen again until the epilogue at the end where Wave and Sunset get shown one last time.
>> No. 21222 [Edit]
File 141535605747.jpg - (35.83KB , 222x300 , zKad.jpg )
HappinessCharge PreCure! 2015 Calendar
>> No. 21241 [Edit]
Replies: >>21242 >>21286
How is this show faring now, gotten any better? Last I saw it wasn't too great
>> No. 21242 [Edit]
I'm up to date and it still feels like a chore to watch.
>> No. 21286 [Edit]
If you didn't like it then you still will not. Just wait for next season.
>> No. 21490 [Edit]
Replies: >>21521
File 141808386591.jpg - (56.31KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi]_Happiness_Charge_Precure_43_[1280x720]_[2.jpg )
Honey, I always knew you swung that way.

I'm surprised Toei would show a girl kissing another girl on a children's show.
>> No. 21521 [Edit]
Replies: >>21524
File 141842642511.jpg - (177.11KB , 738x790 , z20141213.jpg )
Chaste kiss on the cheek = lewd?
"Only USAians are so prudish."
>> No. 21524 [Edit]

I wish.
>> No. 21664 [Edit]
File 142031259262.jpg - (92.04KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi]_Happiness_Charge_Precure_46_[1280x720]_[B.jpg )
>> No. 21670 [Edit]
Replies: >>21677
Anyone feel like this show climaxed too early?
>> No. 21677 [Edit]
Replies: >>21679
File 142035169243.jpg - (42.74KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi]_Happiness_Charge_Precure_43_[1280x720]_[2.jpg )

They broke the formula, and any execution flaws associated with that can be overlooked for how well they managed expectations and then did something completely different, sort of.

Also, the many, many delicious stills.
>> No. 21679 [Edit]
Replies: >>21681
I wouldn't exactly call it a good thing though.

Even though Red has always been there, everything after taking down Queen Mirage and her 3 idiots feels really tacked on. The show has somehow managed to become even more dull now than before. Removing the 4 villains and replacing them with 1 who's a color swap of a good guy just isn't working for me.
>> No. 21681 [Edit]
Replies: >>21683
File 142041860933.jpg - (97.10KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi]_Happiness_Charge_Precure_46_[1280x720]_[B.jpg )

I don't entirely disagree with what you said,

but the Final climax has yet to happen.

I don't doubt that it will most likely not be as grand as the Mirage and henchmen fights (which were rushed much too much), but you are jumping ship a bit too early. There are still Three episodes to go, and judgement for how well the Grand Finale goes should be saved until AFTER it airs (or errors) to completion.
>> No. 21683 [Edit]
A lot of people jumped this ship a long time ago. Far as I'm concerned it already sank long ago, I'm just swimming in it's wake while waiting for the end.
>> No. 21712 [Edit]
File 142087511029.jpg - (64.28KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi]_Happiness_Charge_Precure_46_[1280x720]_[B.jpg )
<-- Says the person that showed up unannounced at the last second to save them?
>> No. 22003 [Edit]
Replies: >>22021
File 142264395785.jpg - (76.36KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi]_Happiness_Charge_Precure_49_[1280x720]_[F.jpg )
Bit of a few dumb few of questions here but I was wondering...
If the cures from various parts of the world ditched their home counties to hang out in japan and stare at the sky, who's protecting the places they came from?
If Queen Mirage used to be a cure, and she came back to her senses and got her mascot back too, why can't she become "Cure Mirage" again and help out the other cures? How come earth was visible from planet red but not the other way around? (I'm talking before whats his face tried to smash the two together or whatever) Is planet red meant to be mars? How come the moon never hit planet red being that close? wouldn't the orbits of the earth and the moon get really screwed up? why did the first few minutes of ep 48 feel so awkward? Why isn't there more of cure continental?
>> No. 22021 [Edit]
Replies: >>22026
File 142281192224.jpg - (82.60KB , 1280x720 , Baby don't hurt me.jpg )
Finally. Over.
I'm pretty sure this was the worst season yet. I don't think I have anything more to say.


>If Queen Mirage used to be a cure, and she came back to her senses and got her mascot back too, why can't she become "Cure Mirage" again and help out the other cures?

I think she actually did that in eps 48-49.
>> No. 22026 [Edit]
File 14228599247.jpg - (70.38KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi]_Happiness_Charge_Precure_49_[1280x720]_[F.jpg )
Still not as bad as max heart. not by a longshot.

And even at the end, Megumi still twists that knife around another 270 degrees.
Poor Seiji.

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