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File 139059511196.gif - (383.49KB , 415x211 , nourin.gif )
18553 No. 18553 [Edit]
I'm also watching this but didn't bother making a thread before.

A former idol retires and starts living in a sort of farmer commune with a guy who happened to be huge fan of her. It's like an idol otaku dream series.

Ecchi and somewhat entertaining.
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>> No. 18557 [Edit]
File 139061170297.png - (443.84KB , 638x358 , scream.png )
It is fun.
>> No. 18559 [Edit]
File 139061213494.png - (532.63KB , 634x722 , farm work.png )
>> No. 18588 [Edit]
i'm pretty sure i'm watching this one too
>> No. 18602 [Edit]
File 139124999617.png - (327.77KB , 638x354 , the otaku sniper.png )
>> No. 18603 [Edit]
File 139125008720.jpg - (50.04KB , 636x359 , YES room.jpg )
I think that girl is trying to convey some kind of message but it's not entirely clear...
>> No. 18651 [Edit]
The message eludes me too.
>> No. 18680 [Edit]
Best Becky sensei since Pani Poni Dash?
>> No. 18697 [Edit]
I just watched all 5 episodes yesterday/today.

I haven't watched a simple ecchi comedy series for so long, so this was really refreshing to me, I actually laughed, the jokes in this really are good.
>> No. 18711 [Edit]
File 139261078537.jpg - (81.36KB , 1280x720 , [ChihiroDesuYo] Nourin - 03 (1280x720 10bit AAC) [.jpg )
It almost reminds me of baka-test, but with references as the main source of humor.

The answer is vague,
did she mean yes as an acknowledgement of me saying something to her or she might have meant no and phrased it in a 'yes' context.
In any case, I certainly wouldn't hurt the girl.
>> No. 18713 [Edit]
File 139261708412.jpg - (70.13KB , 630x356 , reaction.jpg )
I must say: I didn't especially like this episode.
>> No. 18732 [Edit]
Ep6 translation is out.
>> No. 18766 [Edit]
File 139303640617.jpg - (58.74KB , 638x358 , NTR'd.jpg )
What amazes me the most is this series really being about farming, instead of idolling, and turning out actually interesting.

Post edited on 21st Feb 2014, 6:45pm
>> No. 18892 [Edit]
File 139488085087.jpg - (69.10KB , 633x357 , NOL48.jpg )
I very much liked this episode, specially the ridiculing of both AKB marketing and organic food hype.
>> No. 18993 [Edit]
File 139623125980.jpg - (338.15KB , 759x2175 , that's all folks.jpg )
>tomato induced mahou shoujo Becchi
>quickly despairs and turns into a witch
>otaku sniper saves the day
>osananajimi wins
>the baby was a kangaroo
>public confession to oshimen
>harem ending
>lol no
>runaway cow

Fair enough.

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