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File 138951374932.png - (1.14MB , 1280x720 , shaftshit-2014-01-11-23h42m04s205.png )
18444 No. 18444 [Edit]
The latest SHAFTshit is pretty much excellent, except for the title, which is pretty forgettable. This is typical SHAFTshit, with the geometric backgrounds and over the shoulder looks, so if thats what you enjoy then you should probably check this one out.
Expand all images
>> No. 18518 [Edit]
yeah, this show couldn't be shaftier
>> No. 18519 [Edit]
So Nisekoi is by SHAFT? I'll sure check it out then.
>> No. 18522 [Edit]
Feels like Sasami-san level of SHAFT: somewhat entertaining if you enjoy the direction style indeed, but over a rather petty argument. I've no expectations about this one but we'll see.
>> No. 18542 [Edit]
File 139051868019.jpg - (67.70KB , 1280x720 , [EveTaku] Nisekoi 02 [720p-Hi10P] [6E9C3390]_mkv_s.jpg )
At least it has the best faces of the season.
>> No. 18565 [Edit]
Blonde, blue-eyed... USAian?
>> No. 18566 [Edit]
>> No. 18577 [Edit]
i like this show
>> No. 18612 [Edit]
Yeah, it's been funnier than expected.
>> No. 18650 [Edit]
File 139183705740.png - (187.43KB , 500x313 , ZFCX.png )
Yuno is Raku’s mom!
>> No. 18654 [Edit]
File 139190968622.jpg - (328.71KB , 1117x1841 , Onodera pan.jpg )
So many eye candy...
I'm so Onodera-team.
>> No. 18655 [Edit]
File 139190972432.jpg - (135.33KB , 1113x627 , I wonder.jpg )
>> No. 18656 [Edit]
File 139190977810.jpg - (270.60KB , 810x1378 , do your thing.jpg )
Nice song.
>> No. 18663 [Edit]
I get kinda sad when every episode ends knowing that Onodera is not real.
>> No. 18665 [Edit]
File 139199285279.jpg - (127.46KB , 1120x622 , godammit.jpg )
Yeah. She's super charming.
>> No. 18668 [Edit]
onodera is fat and whats worse she thinks she can compensate for her obesity by being "cute" by having that lain haircut and moe by being a landlubber, which just makes her even more repulsive.
fatsos can't be cute and the harder they try the more it highlights how undesirable they actually are.
>> No. 18847 [Edit]
File 139418133212.png - (562.62KB , 1024x576 , Nisekoi-8-1b-1024x576.png )
I enjoyed this episode so much it was unsettling.
>> No. 18910 [Edit]
SHAFT knows how to have FUN. Remember that?
>> No. 18940 [Edit]
File 139555620448.jpg - (81.13KB , 652x367 , all out.jpg )
Beautiful. This was simply beautiful. And then became pathetic in an instant, as usual...


But the cliffhanger made up for it (hopefully).
>> No. 18946 [Edit]
>> No. 19035 [Edit]
File 139677932158.jpg - (51.75KB , 604x338 , nisekoi132.jpg )
>> No. 19036 [Edit]
File 139677957634.jpg - (63.91KB , 604x338 , nisekoi134.jpg )
... dang it; so saw it coming.

I bet those pendant things were just a weird toy fashion like the Hello Kitty padlock or the ELECTRON Mini Piano.
>> No. 19115 [Edit]
File 139796975490.jpg - (215.31KB , 686x1174 , no fucking clue.jpg )
Man, it's the total inopia in this series.
>> No. 19116 [Edit]
File 139796977964.jpg - (79.18KB , 681x391 , crumble.jpg )
Onodera's reactions are restrained but intense.
>> No. 19117 [Edit]
File 139796982021.jpg - (89.69KB , 694x784 , uncomfortable eva elevator.jpg )
Well played, SHAFT.
>> No. 19118 [Edit]
>> No. 19177 [Edit]
File 139858997151.jpg - (124.04KB , 666x758 , staying the night alone.jpg )
This show's levels of alexithymia start to get on my nerves...
>> No. 19182 [Edit]
I wish I could play a word-chain game with Onodera only to answer all her words with penis, dick and the like.
>> No. 19183 [Edit]
Do not read/watch Nisekoi. It is poorly written and total shit. Its as if the mangaka is getting revenge on us for getting his excellent manga Doule Arts cancelled. He must have felt vexed, and then decided to write the most cliched, audience pandering cash-grab of a manga possible, and we do nothing but hungrily lap it up.
>> No. 19201 [Edit]
File 139881829489.jpg - (51.59KB , 1000x555 , nisekoi-episode-16-8.jpg )
>Do not read/watch Nisekoi

But... but...
>> No. 19202 [Edit]
File 139881847172.jpg - (46.23KB , 1000x558 , nisekoi-episode-16-21.jpg )
She's trying her best.
>> No. 19203 [Edit]
File 139881849846.jpg - (53.34KB , 1000x556 , nisekoi-episode-15-27.jpg )
>> No. 19224 [Edit]
File 13991422149.gif - (1.04MB , 480x270 , 1399140238354.gif )
>> No. 19232 [Edit]
I can't choose which girl is the best girl in this show.
>> No. 19236 [Edit]
File 139927918480.jpg - (216.61KB , 1119x627 , I hardn.jpg )
I was mainly Onodera team but they're too pathetic together at this point. Kirisaki gave me a serious hard time during this episode
>> No. 19237 [Edit]
File 139928014071.jpg - (398.68KB , 1366x768 , nice art.jpg )
>> No. 19268 [Edit]
File 139976296036.jpg - (206.39KB , 768x857 , beach ep.jpg )
Beach filler episode...
>> No. 19269 [Edit]
File 139976299842.jpg - (152.42KB , 775x875 , godammit___.jpg )
...and they still managed to do so wrong.
>> No. 19270 [Edit]
File 13997630604.jpg - (300.74KB , 1358x768 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
>> No. 19273 [Edit]
I'm not sure if the term "filler" applies to a show like Nisekoi, where the storyline is not linear and there is little to no development. Even if it does, the events of this episode clearly shaped the relation of Raku and Chitoge, so I would hardly call it a filler.
>> No. 19274 [Edit]
I actually agree with you. I meant that what was supposed to be a carefree episode (like beach and onsen episodes usually are) ended up being really serious and for the worst. But I do am glad that the story sort of advanced somehow.
>> No. 19293 [Edit]
Normally I like the shy girl, but Onodera is too boring for me.
>> No. 19331 [Edit]
File 140039353128.jpg - (56.70KB , 770x435 , Juliet.jpg )
Poor one; she always has to take it for the team in the end. But I'm happy for Chitoge.
>> No. 19401 [Edit]
File 140095003283.jpg - (412.78KB , 1920x1080 , 6db487b1.jpg )
At last, it's finally over.
>> No. 19402 [Edit]
File 140095188741.jpg - (237.17KB , 1920x1080 , everything_there_is_good_in_humanity_personalized_.jpg )
She was my favorite girl in the end.
>> No. 19439 [Edit]
File 140108455174.jpg - (57.24KB , 1117x631 , bye.jpg )
Anticlimactic ending, like most of the show. But I enjoyed the Shaftening alright; would watch a second season (don't really care about the manga, though).

>> No. 19441 [Edit]
File 140111753920.jpg - (63.26KB , 850x637 , 20130610_02.jpg )
But the manga is really cute.
>> No. 19522 [Edit]
What's going on here?
>> No. 22649 [Edit]
File 142810000569.jpg - (99.86KB , 1272x708 , NISEKOI.jpg )
The OVA is out, and the new season starts next week. It's going to be great, with the first years now on the anime and things like that.

Raku and Haru are non exhaustively noting the qualities of Kosaki.
>> No. 22650 [Edit]
File 142810021210.jpg - (191.46KB , 1274x718 , first_years.jpg )
>> No. 22654 [Edit]

I wonder why white skin is so good.
>> No. 22657 [Edit]

Japan is very much like sub-Saharan Africa. Your social status is based on the color of your skin, with the dark skinned savages at the bottom and the fair skinned elite on top.
>> No. 22658 [Edit]
Because it looks nice. It's pure and clean and pretty. Dark skin looks dirty and ugly.
>> No. 22659 [Edit]
>> No. 22824 [Edit]
File 14293068308.jpg - (500.43KB , 1920x1080 , fucking_adorable.jpg )
Tsugumi is really cute.
>> No. 22912 [Edit]
File 143003740561.png - (1.19MB , 1280x720 , moe screencap2015-04-26-00h47m58s117.png )
>> No. 23218 [Edit]
File 143293410085.jpg - (1.45MB , 3832x3880 , supercute.jpg )
>> No. 23253 [Edit]
File 143352979349.jpg - (1.85MB , 3832x4720 , haru2.jpg )

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