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File 138929337627.png - (1.67MB , 1280x720 , quicktime-2014-01-09-10h44m51s119.png )
18387 No. 18387 [Edit]
i just watched the first ep of strange+
it was pretty much worth seeing, its only 3 min and it had a few decent jokes. apparently making the big black guy do moronic stuff is one of them, thats the only theme i really picked up so far
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>> No. 18405 [Edit]
File 138939961995.jpg - (50.21KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Strange+ - 01 [720p]_mkv_snapshot_0.jpg )
It's crazy like Tekyuu, I like it.

>big black guy

I think that he's just tanned.

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