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File 138925614899.jpg - (578.57KB , 1920x1080 , Soni-Ani-SUPER-SONICO-THE-ANIMATION-Episode-1-001.jpg )
18381 No. 18381 [Edit]
My penis brought me here.
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>> No. 18382 [Edit]
can it show you the way out as well?
>> No. 18426 [Edit]
What is this?
>> No. 18436 [Edit]
File 138949624874.jpg - (144.85KB , 800x957 , 1-2-scale-super-sonico-figure.jpg )
Basically money milking of Nitro+ mascot's rack.

I must say: I thought I'd never dare buying a Sonico figure or the likes but, if this series proves entertaining, I might reconsider. She'd make even my Sena look modest.
>> No. 18482 [Edit]
File 138986909013.jpg - (147.29KB , 400x600 , Chesy.jpg )
A challenger has arrived!
>> No. 18525 [Edit]
File 139028771196.png - (1.19MB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] SoniAni - SUPER SONICO THE ANIMATIO.png )
Did anyone else enjoy this week's episode?
>> No. 18545 [Edit]
File 139055198225.jpg - (160.28KB , 1440x810 , super-sonico-the-animation-3-63.jpg )
It started off really stupidly and I thought: "that's it, I'm dumping it after this one". But then it got cute somehow: apart from sexy she's really cute and I'm hoping the manager may bring some plot/romance into this.

I have no high hopes but I'm gonna keep checking it a bit more.
>> No. 18546 [Edit]
File 13905525514.jpg - (152.26KB , 1440x810 , super-sonico-the-animation-3-49.jpg )
...yeah, she's cute.
>> No. 18547 [Edit]
File 139055719379.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , shot0603.png )
I wonder weather or not at any point during this series someone will address the headphones. So far it seems like everyone in the world is just going to accept that she seems to have been born with headphones permanently attached to her head.

Post edited on 24th Jan 2014, 12:06pm
>> No. 18550 [Edit]
My bet: she's like one of those highly functional autistic kids who can cope out as long as they have their security object with them and/or their insanity button is not pressed. For instance, Sonico can be fucked for all she's worth with no complains, but try to touch her ears and she'll pop out.
>> No. 18625 [Edit]
File 139149704145.jpg - (464.89KB , 668x3015 , tailor-made for happiness.jpg )
<--- Oh, but that's not about being a model, neither about being young and full of hope...

It's about being 2D: that's the secret of true femininity and guess what? you do have a chance there (unlike actual women).
>> No. 18672 [Edit]
Is that a rori Sonico?
>> No. 18681 [Edit]
>> No. 18730 [Edit]
Pointless but somehow fun? What sorcery is this?
>> No. 18731 [Edit]

Doesn't 'pointless' describe 95% of anime?
>> No. 18949 [Edit]
File 139573846646.jpg - (130.67KB , 914x1000 , ybed.jpg )
Buy the fig. DO IT!
>> No. 18981 [Edit]
File 139614660232.jpg - (144.69KB , 767x873 , the real deal.jpg )
I don't think I'll do it, in the end... but I'd totally buy one of her grandma.
>> No. 19019 [Edit]
>> No. 19329 [Edit]
File 140037957883.jpg - (180.92KB , 640x904 , y50.jpg )
<- Best version of Chaika..eh..Sonico

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