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File 13892517763.jpg - (120.82KB , 415x600 , 103687l.jpg )
18380 No. 18380 [Edit]
It's like Akaza Akane, The anime (or Aki-Sora without the porn).
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>> No. 18389 [Edit]
This will make good watching as a 1-6 batch halfway through the season and then the rest at the end of March.
Three minute shows just aren't long enough to jerk off to on their own unless they're really amazing. Cyclops Shojo had maybe one or two eps that were nearly up to that standard, but they're pretty rare, however judging by just ep one this show might be able to pull that off as well.
>> No. 18538 [Edit]
they need to stop introducing all these lame side characters that i don't even give a fuck about and focus on the non blood related sibling relationship.
>> No. 18541 [Edit]
File 139051563826.jpg - (63.97KB , 636x357 , subject.jpg )
But the tit-slap was fucking amazing!
>> No. 18582 [Edit]
File 139112067314.png - (275.69KB , 636x360 , totally.png )
Yeah, you tell them.
>> No. 18592 [Edit]
File 139119489583.png - (1.30MB , 1280x720 , MSoffice-2014-01-31-00h32m25s202.png )
>> No. 18806 [Edit]
File 139365181299.jpg - (65.11KB , 636x357 , new year ga kita.jpg )
I haven't forget about this series.
>> No. 18830 [Edit]
File 139406533187.jpg - (60.00KB , 637x359 , with all my heart.jpg )
<---She couldn't hold it (fortunately)...

Actual Valentine's episode next week.
>> No. 18960 [Edit]
File 139603456579.jpg - (128.03KB , 633x717 , the beginning.jpg )
Should've seen this type of ending coming.
Anyway, it's over.

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