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File 13888610828.jpg - (258.13KB , 1024x768 , 1388847726549.jpg )
18318 No. 18318 [Edit]
The director of Fractale is going to save anime in a new direction, gunning for the im@s idol audience and using unexperienced, still-in-training idols for VAs.

I think he'll actually be able to make his production company break even with this.
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>> No. 18319 [Edit]
>gunning for the im@s idol audience and using unexperienced, still-in-training idols for VAs.
oh boy, it's akb0048 all over again.
>> No. 18321 [Edit]
File 138887999665.jpg - (45.74KB , 620x454 , 1303419335379.jpg )
>Haruka Tomatsu as Karina
It's been saved. Close call, Yamakan. Close call.

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