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File 138438116759.png - (118.66KB , 1171x825 , jfog.png )
17931 No. 17931 [Edit]
i'm kind of surprised and disappointed that non of the GJ-bu grils made the saimoe finals
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>> No. 17937 [Edit]
why would you be surprised? you didn't honestly think saimoe was about moe or something like that did you? Everyone knows saimoe is about what characters from mainstream anime are the most well known and popular.
>> No. 17940 [Edit]
>Everyone knows saimoe is about what characters from mainstream anime are the most well known and popular.

That sounds like the definition of 'moe', unless we use different ones.
>> No. 17941 [Edit]
'moe' has nothing to do with popularity. You wouldn't call justin bieber or lady gaga 'moe' based souly on their popularity or main stream appeal would you?
>> No. 17943 [Edit]
I'm glad someone said this.
>> No. 17948 [Edit]

'Moe' is used to describe any traits that are deemed desirable by otaku. As such whatever is popular can technically be considered 'moe'.

Now I'm simplifying it a litte bit and the character who wins is not necessarily a perfect personification of what is currently considered moe but still, the character who wins wins because people took a liking to her for one reason or another.

If one wanted to determine which traits are really seen as most desireable (and thus moe) you'd have to use exactly that instead of the characters, i.e. run the tournament with 'blonde hair', 'brown eyes', 'nekomimi' etc. as 'participants'.
>> No. 17949 [Edit]
>by otaku
This isn't some contest by otaku for otaku anymore. It hasn't been about moe for years. It's all about recognition, and otaku aren't the only people voting on this shell of it's former self. Anyone can vote on this and normals along with foreigners ruined it like they ruin everything else.
>> No. 17951 [Edit]
you can all go on all day about how saimoe isn't moe or cool or whatever, but the reality if that tutsutsu tsutsutsutski is going to win this year and she is moe as all fuck. she isn't even my waifu, but i could help admiring her tremendously even though her show kinda sucked
>> No. 17952 [Edit]
I couldn't care less who wins this thing.
>> No. 17953 [Edit]
saimoe went to shit around 2008, and since the [gg] stunt that can be best summarized "vote X in saimoe [link provided] and we'll translate umineko VN" it's been nothing but pinoys and people with truly shit taste voting on who is the most popular waifu in the series they enjoyed the most.
>> No. 17958 [Edit]
File 138450204218.jpg - (32.05KB , 500x333 , 953182204d7c20ec1b160d5fc4e1f32a1373210045_full.jpg )
i looked at the saimoe chants and couldn't find tomoko anywhere. at first i thought it was a terrible injustice but then i remembered how unpopular she is.
>> No. 17964 [Edit]

>This isn't some contest by otaku for otaku anymore. It hasn't been about moe for years. It's all about recognition, and otaku aren't the only people voting on this shell of it's former self. Anyone can vote on this and normals along with foreigners ruined it like they ruin everything else.

Wow, that's some quality tinfoil hat. It's a 2ch tournament that managed to amass measly ~400 votes per match in the round of 16. Foreign voters have been effectively banned for ages. Ford Drivers couldn't give less of a damn.


Which is why foreign voters have been pretty much banned and the torunament went back to it's roots where only 2ch otaku are allowed to vote.

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