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17928 No. 17928 [Edit]
why are exiled destiny releases set up to default to end dubs with no subs. i have to go into two different menus to fix shit every fucking ep.
this is pretty much why i only dl exiled destiny as an absolute last resort.
>> No. 17929 [Edit]
In MPC you can just press A to switch the audio track and S to switch the sub track instantly, or you can go into the settings and default language to always be Japanese and English subtitles to always be on.
>> No. 17930 [Edit]
In mpv (any reasonable player) you can just press # (some key) to switch the audio track and j/J (some other key) to switch the sub track instantly, or you can edit the settings and default language to always be Japanese and English subtitles to always be on.
>> No. 17942 [Edit]
>you can edit the settings and default language to always be Japanese and English subtitles to always be on.
This is indeed what one should do, but it doesn't always work. Sometimes I find idiots who release videos with subs off but listed as eng subs(for use with eng audio as defualt)and 'jp' subs for English subtitles, where as others will have eng subs be English.
>> No. 17945 [Edit]
Fair point. I've ran into releases like that myself.
It can't be helped.

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