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File 138414911587.jpg - (19.10KB , 480x360 , hqdefault.jpg )
17911 No. 17911 [Edit]
Eyeshine is key component of all anime, one could even say that eye shine is the basis of all modern anime, its the most important building block.
What are your thoughts and feelings about eye shine?
Which anime do you think had the best eye shine?
Do you have any hopes for future eyeshine?
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>> No. 17914 [Edit]
File 138418142123.jpg - (200.67KB , 800x853 , 0147a4ecf895f580bb1f68d59a898a7e.jpg )
Eyeshine isn't moe, I hope it dies.
>> No. 17915 [Edit]
File 138419384428.jpg - (29.36KB , 704x400 , snapshot20081229030836.jpg )

eyeshine is best when you can, in real time, watch the aspirations, hopes, and dreams of a character die as the light fades from her eyes.
>> No. 18210 [Edit]
File 138725830781.jpg - (36.11KB , 600x338 , satoko.jpg )
Unless you're just doing a complete gradient having no lighting looks creepy. anymore than 2 spots looks glassy and is overkill unless you're going for an especially dramatic moment.
>> No. 18255 [Edit]
File 138779987123.jpg - (78.24KB , 1920x1080 , yemaxresdefault.jpg )
Glowing eye counts?
>> No. 18277 [Edit]
File 138802074214.jpg - (71.42KB , 663x585 , zSI.jpg )
You sicko
>> No. 18439 [Edit]
File 138950711826.jpg - (161.82KB , 1920x1080 , zSucky.jpg )
Guy on the right is blind.
>> No. 18452 [Edit]
File 138960570193.jpg - (40.23KB , 1280x1024 , zPolis.jpg )
Red-eye = evil?
>> No. 18561 [Edit]
File 139061479239.jpg - (149.91KB , 708x742 , shine on you crazy diamond.jpg )
Mo matter the amount and style, Kyoko can pull it on.

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