No. 18964
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>Thought it was going to be fujobait, but it's not even close.
This show, I don't even. Let me try to gather my thoughts, it's pretty hard actually.
• First of all I love how the OP was at the beggining of each ep and ED almost always at the end. You know, they are called 'opening' and 'ending' for a reason. It's ridiculous that I actually have to praise a director for getting it right but it's so rare nowadays that it actually deserves a mention.
• Speaking of OP/ED, the first OP and the first ED were much better than the second ones. I knew they'll change them midway through but I was still upset about OP change. I think I'll download the first one. The second grew on me in the end but I still like it much less than the first. First ED felt much more 'playful' (in this happy-go-lucky way) than the second one. It was nice to have a rock-y OP that got me kinda hyped for the show (imagine that, OP serving it's purpose!) and a pop-y ED that served as a warm-down thing (imagine that, ED serving it's purpose!).
• Personally I liked the show the most during first 2-3 eps when Masayoshi was just a random retard who got his ass kicked by middle schoolers (pic kinda related). I read lots of short stories, some manga one-shots and I'll even watch a short film sometimes. With some adjustments (since it was obviously meant as a part of a 22 ep show, not a stand alone thing) I feel that ep 1 is a decent self-contained story.
• It's pretty easy to point out where the show went completely batshit (>>18024). Frankly I still have no idea whether this was a comedy show that pretended to be a serious show or a serious show that pretended to be a comedy. Or whether it was a meta show pretending not to be meta or a non-meta show which went all meta. I feel like I could rewatch this show 5 times while reading various notes compiled by hundreds of people and I'd still have no fucking idea what the hell am I watching. To put it simply it's ~deep~.
• I don't think I have much to say about any plot development. The finale was obviously Se7en-esque in nature but I don't even know what to say about it. In a way it was a very Masayoshi way to end the series.
• Sugita has a waifu, we knew all along but it deserves mentioning anyway.
• I'm a dirty shipper. At some point towards the end of the series I actually kinda wished Masayoshi would start dating his manager, uguu~ Makes crave some older-female younger-male manga. Also this might be the first time I saw a show with what was pretty much a yaoi end.
• I knew they'll bring back that kid. I mean, it was obvious but somehow I feel like mentioning it either way.
That's about it I think.