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File 138303165173.jpg - (58.27KB , 510x287 , kana-and-chiaki-very-bored.jpg )
17734 No. 17734 [Edit]
looking at nyaa every day during a shitty season like this one is really fucking depressing
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>> No. 17735 [Edit]
Turn that frown upside down. Don't look at it as a season full of shitty anime, look at it as a chance to catch up on your backlog.
>> No. 17740 [Edit]
This. Also a good time to look back into recent seasons and probe for decent stuff that flew under my radar back at the time.
>> No. 17743 [Edit]
Just get your anime via RSS automatically and go through your backlog. Or make one.
>> No. 17745 [Edit]
File 138308764870.gif - (548.88KB , 273x720 , pluggu.gif )
backlogs are for noobs who haven't been watching anime for more than a few years. the people who have mastered the genre and maintain an ongoing interest in it live and die by the quality of contemporary anime so why don't you have some pluggu?
>> No. 17746 [Edit]
is this sarcasm? honestly cant tell
>> No. 17771 [Edit]

If you don't have any backlog you're the 'noob' here, unless you've finished like ~2000 TV series.
>> No. 18376 [Edit]
i require saus
>> No. 18378 [Edit]
File 138922537696.jpg - (118.18KB , 700x1000 , 132861203677.jpg )
>> No. 18848 [Edit]
Fight Ippatsu! Jūden-chan!!

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