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File (アニメ)_Alice_in_Cyberland_(ありす_in_Cyber.torrent - (17.22KB , (アニメ) Alice in Cyberland (ありす in Cyber.torrent )
17724 No. 17724 [Edit]
i want to watch this but no seeds
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>> No. 17725 [Edit]
That's very sad.
>> No. 17726 [Edit]
Приехали... ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌


Post edited on 28th Oct 2013, 3:15pm
>> No. 18660 [Edit]
the torrent is active
>> No. 18677 [Edit]
File Alice_in_Cyberland.torrent - (34.01KB , Alice in Cyberland.torrent )

Here you go, I must warn you though, this in 256x190 VHS quality, it's literally worse than watching a typical gif.
>> No. 18678 [Edit]
File 139210289222.png - (93.72KB , 256x190 , shot0002.png )
Pic related.

At worst.
>> No. 18679 [Edit]
File 139210292646.png - (52.82KB , 256x190 , shot0003.png )
A more bearable shot.
>> No. 18690 [Edit]
Unrelated, but a long time ago when I was homeschooled I took this Japanese course with video lessons. They were worse than this, and the teach recommended realplayer.

Now those videos are really nostalgic to me and I can't find them. The main character was David, I think.
>> No. 18691 [Edit]
i think there were some haruhi educational videos made to teach japanese children english. i don't remember haruhi speaking much english, so i consider that a faux pas on the part of whom decided to license those characters in a way that was unharmonious with their storyline, but whatever.
>> No. 18727 [Edit]
Old anime is old

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