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File 138136537159.jpg - (276.61KB , 1920x1080 , Ore no Nōnai Sentakushi ga Gakuen Love Come o Zen.jpg )
17506 No. 17506 [Edit]
Ep1 was over the top and pretty good for all its stupidity, and it certainly delivered on what the title promised.

The CR release for episode 1 has somewhat broken audio, so waiting for a proper release might be a good idea.
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>> No. 17515 [Edit]
File 13814365935.jpg - (67.50KB , 741x402 , cougar.jpg )
It's amusing.
I'll follow for the laughs.
>> No. 17698 [Edit]
File 138283786327.jpg - (49.73KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] NouKome - 03 [720p]_mkv_snapshot_20.jpg )
>so waiting for a proper release might be a good idea.

looks like nobody else bothered with the show.
which is a real shame.
>> No. 17699 [Edit]
What's keeping their skirts up in OPs pic?
>> No. 17700 [Edit]
TV version.
wait for the DVD.
>> No. 17702 [Edit]
Jesus's sacrifice.
>> No. 17772 [Edit]
>> No. 17831 [Edit]
File 138397875349.jpg - (79.62KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] NouKome - 05 [720p]_mkv_snapshot_20.jpg )
When will the OST be released?
>> No. 18090 [Edit]
File 138568350654.png - (442.17KB , 648x365 , la fille aux cheveux de line.png )
Good Lord: the awaken Chocolat was Yamato Nadeshiko; fucking perfect...
and then they ruined it. Unbelievable.
>> No. 18091 [Edit]
File 138568359141.png - (744.10KB , 650x1088 , Twilight of the gods.png )
That'd make sense.
>> No. 18092 [Edit]
File 13856837171.jpg - (69.14KB , 650x366 , btw_.jpg )
>> No. 18093 [Edit]
File 138568376561.png - (250.44KB , 652x363 , just do it.png )
These MCs...
>> No. 18137 [Edit]
File 138631393450.jpg - (56.61KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] NouKome - 09 [720p]_mkv_snapshot_07.jpg )
final episode next week.
>> No. 18145 [Edit]
Yeah, I can't believe it. This is so unresolved, even for an ecchi comedy.
>> No. 18170 [Edit]
File 138679689733.jpg - (76.94KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] NouKome - 10 [720p]_mkv_snapshot_10.jpg )
>This is so unresolved, even for an ecchi comedy.
>> No. 18172 [Edit]
File 138681730828.png - (379.45KB , 649x365 , true harem end.png )
I see.

It was fun, I guess. My only doubt is: Seira was the pregnant hiki goddess or her daughter? Meh. Chocolate was nice; would buy fig.
>> No. 18173 [Edit]
Its already over and wasnt that great of a series. It had some gags, but nothing spectacular.

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