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File 138090665386.jpg - (156.83KB , 500x427 , coppelion.jpg )
17414 No. 17414 [Edit]
This started off dramatically.
Post-apocalyptic landscapes are neat.

In case you wondered about the name:
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>> No. 17415 [Edit]
I like the artwork and post-apocalyptic environment.

Hate the characters.
>> No. 17428 [Edit]
Awesome, just like the manga.
>> No. 17431 [Edit]
K-on + stalker
without the cute girls and without the stalker.
>> No. 17455 [Edit]
But with existentialist shit, retarded dialogue and scenery porn? If yes then I'm picking that shit up right now.
>> No. 17475 [Edit]
Coppelion is a cop-out!
>> No. 17486 [Edit]
what you mean?
>> No. 17493 [Edit]
The first episode of this seemed pretty mediocre.

Art style seems mediocre and the characters aren't exactly great. It seems like they didn't really know what kind of character they wanted MC to be.

I'll give it a couple more episodes though I guess.
>> No. 17507 [Edit]
File 13813773247.jpg - (159.40KB , 1093x615 , bye bye.jpg )
Wow, people die like rats in this series.
I like it.
>> No. 17512 [Edit]
File 138142372461.jpg - (93.83KB , 1280x720 , [Anime-Koi] Coppelion - 02 [h264-720p][08A06DCC]_m.jpg )

Oh, some forgettable characters introduced this episode died, and the character that didn't gets written out of the story and we get to start again at square one next week. It's not like it's the pilot episode where 15 mins. of characterization happens before what is perceived as a main character getting offed, only for them to change their mind on that and change the tone back to what it was in the beginning. Seriously, the only things worth noting that happened this episode was the title drop and television broadcast for backstory.

The only reasons I'm not dropping this show is because the setting and environment are beautiful, which starkly contrasts the characters at times and reminds me strongly of a low-budget green screen setting, and the giant robot and the doll that goes berserk from the OP.
>> No. 17513 [Edit]
File 138143539079.png - (27.10KB , 270x195 , 1380797135285.png )

Are you for fucking real?
>> No. 17575 [Edit]
File 138197323421.jpg - (94.95KB , 664x750 , future girl.jpg )
That's a very interesting way to put it.
It's like my dream future.
>> No. 17576 [Edit]
File 138197329023.jpg - (653.04KB , 1163x647 , coppelion 2.jpg )
The art is really something.
>> No. 17577 [Edit]
File 138197332183.jpg - (649.91KB , 1163x651 , coppelion 1.jpg )
>> No. 17579 [Edit]
File 138197383975.jpg - (717.92KB , 1158x648 , coppelion 0.jpg )
This art sort of reminds me of Matrix. Everything in there had a greenish/digital palette until the very end, after the revolution; according with some, the emergence of further colors symbolized the possibilities of the new Matrix imbued with choice (and faith).
>> No. 17593 [Edit]
File 138215817626.jpg - (147.98KB , 1280x720 , [Vivid] Coppelion - 03 [42A3373E]_mkv_snapshot_01_.jpg )
When that blur effect isn't an obscured mass of artefacts, the OP and ED suddenly look so much better.
>> No. 17805 [Edit]
File 138387566296.jpg - (97.87KB , 1118x620 , can I into panic.jpg )
With all the tabloids and rumors about Fukushima probably turning the world into a wasteland, at least this series' cliche subject can be put into some contemporary context.

To have some genetically engineered pretty schoolgirls to save all the hikikomori left behind looks like a... double edged plan to me.
>> No. 17806 [Edit]
File 138387572634.jpg - (174.57KB , 1116x620 , you bet.jpg )
>> No. 17828 [Edit]
File 138396415126.jpg - (82.76KB , 1280x720 , [Vivid] Coppelion - 05 [A98F8078]_mkv_snapshot_12_.jpg )

This post ruptured a spleen.
>> No. 17830 [Edit]
Pepper gorgeous nice art.
>> No. 17994 [Edit]
File 138467065992.jpg - (148.35KB , 1280x720 , [Vivid] Coppelion - 07 [914F7ECB]_mkv_snapshot_21_.jpg )
Just, why.
I mean, I get the message. They are trying to demonstrate "that girl is batshit crazy and has the mental capacity of a block of solid cement", but still.


the hugely thick black outlines of the characters between the beautifully drawn backgrounds and the simple character designs gives the feeling of a low-budget green screen effect.
>> No. 18046 [Edit]
File 138523754262.jpg - (82.81KB , 1280x720 , [Vivid] Coppelion - 08 [CB92ACB9]_mkv_snapshot_02_.jpg )
Odeko-chan and her sister's designs are amazingly well done.

Everything else about her and her sister is completely fucking retarded.And they get written out of the series after their one episode. So much for getting my hopes up from the OP.
>> No. 18078 [Edit]
File 138561492852.jpg - (204.51KB , 1118x626 , no-sense.jpg )
As expected, robots' souls are gentler.
>> No. 18097 [Edit]
hat the fuck is wrong with her head
>> No. 18098 [Edit]
She's half-cooked, in every way.
>> No. 18099 [Edit]
File 138570687148.jpg - (58.72KB , 1280x720 , [Vivid] Coppelion - 08 [CB92ACB9]_mkv_snapshot_04_.jpg )

Absolutely nothing. It's perfect the way it is.
>> No. 18278 [Edit]
File 138802658380.jpg - (221.88KB , 1118x620 , oh__.jpg )
Rushed ending for a rather meh plot.
Good art.

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