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File 137438273739.jpg - (185.50KB , 1456x1028 , Kimi_no_Iru_Machi_full_932429.jpg )
16747 No. 16747 [Edit]
Is anyone here watching Kimi no Iru Machi?
I'm wondering if I should watch the OVÆ before picking up the TV anime.
Thank you in advance for your advice unless you're wrong.
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>> No. 16753 [Edit]
File 137439031441.jpg - (79.37KB , 650x366 , Kimi-no-Iru-Machi-01-1.jpg )
I am now. The art is really pleasant and I have a taste for melodrama too, so this seems enjoyable. Also: it somewhat feels like reading a VN, for some reason; maybe it's the pace, who knows.
>> No. 17106 [Edit]
File 137712680114.jpg - (142.50KB , 1248x684 , good.jpg )
I like how this series' guys are frontal and don't give shit to each other. Pity is a right disgusting and humiliating thing to entertain; Eba seems to be finally getting it, too.
>> No. 17188 [Edit]
File 137818569018.jpg - (189.12KB , 1212x875 , college Eba.jpg )
Dang, she got hotter. I so hope Haruto dumps Asuka soon; it'll be good drama.

I don't like Rin, though; her cheap chick tricks are too prefabricated.
>> No. 17189 [Edit]
>Is anyone here watching Kimi no Iru Machi?

i am not
>> No. 17240 [Edit]
File 137892268479.png - (716.32KB , 1122x624 , nice rack.png )
Allow me to correct myself: Rin isn't so bad; her plan was nice and mean.
>> No. 17242 [Edit]
File 13789233891.jpg - (102.33KB , 1121x623 , fair enough.jpg )
Yeah, cup a feel while you can...

Poor girl: she's SO gonna get dumped. But she got it coming; that's life.
>> No. 17372 [Edit]
File 13804122527.png - (629.96KB , 534x930 , the everyday complications of being scum.png )
Nice series.
Nice and fucked up.
Eba wins. The others suffer insanely. Someone must always pay.
Art was beautiful; pace was great; music was catchy.
Good cheesy story.

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