No. 16629
While I might be a big fan of moe, this show makes me understand a bit why some people might say 'moe is ruining anime' This anime was trying to be a lot more moe than I expected. It's like Upotte and K-on's bastard child, and I don't think it goes together very well at all. Everything was just so Pink and fluffy and sparkly... which is fine on it's own but it's just strange to go from cute girls having cake and tea, to having them get down and dirty in a forest and shooting at each other while still being cute. I don't think it's bad so far by any means, The contrast just seems a bit much. I like my cute girls doing cute things, and I don't consider rolling around in dirt and shooting at each other to be all that cute. Upotte didn't go overboard with moe stuff, which is why that show worked in my opinion. Here it's like they're trying to have their cake and shoot it too.
and really, school uniforms are expensive in japan, especially at prestigious privet schools aren't they? seemed a bit strange to show such disregard those girls have for their uniforms. but maybe dress codes there are lax and teachers don't care if students attend class in ripped up muddy uniforms?
Post edited on 14th Jul 2013, 3:48am