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File 137322001067.jpg - (115.06KB , 610x664 , 20130321_01.jpg )
16463 No. 16463 [Edit]
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>> No. 16475 [Edit]
I'm already in love with this.
>> No. 16480 [Edit]

Personally, it did nothing for me. Extremely pretty and simply a pleasure to look at, yes, but there's more to anime than just eyecandy. Will tune in next week but first ep left me with some lukewarm feelings.
>> No. 16521 [Edit]
File 137339837663.jpg - (141.00KB , 1280x720 , shot0001.jpg )
Living the life.
>> No. 16530 [Edit]
OP was a bit too much like Super Driver
>> No. 16642 [Edit]
File 137386323953.jpg - (80.95KB , 1280x720 , [Vivid] Uchouten Kazoku - 02 [FB1776A8]_mkv_snapsh.jpg )
>> No. 16643 [Edit]
I liked ep 2 much more than the first one. Maybe it was largely due to my misconception as to what the series will be like.

But man the production values. It's a real beauty and the OST is superb from what I've heard so far.
>> No. 16763 [Edit]
File 13744668985.jpg - (47.35KB , 1280x720 , [Vivid] Uchouten Kazoku - 03 [31A6608D]_mkv_snapsh.jpg )
This show is going places.
>> No. 16782 [Edit]
Zetsubou shita!
>> No. 16826 [Edit]
It gets better.
>> No. 16835 [Edit]
I usually find 'quirky' slice of life shows like this to be pretty dull but actually the three episodes so far have all been very entertaining. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact quite a lot of the history between the characters has been mentioned but not much has been explained.

It's also very pretty.
>> No. 16846 [Edit]

it's not slice of life.
Supernatural/adventure would be a better assessment of the show.
>> No. 16848 [Edit]

Slice of life seems like a damn good desription of this show to me, though.
>> No. 16879 [Edit]
Can't it be both?
>> No. 16881 [Edit]
File 137540338022.jpg - (79.19KB , 1280x720 , [Vivid] Uchouten Kazoku - 04 [80A2CC36]_mkv_snapsh.jpg )

According to spoilers, no...

Well, I mean if you count the soul-crushing sadness that's going to happen in the story as slice of life, sure. And I don't mean the joke-shit that's fixed/forgotten by the end of the episode
>> No. 16884 [Edit]

Episodic is a thing, slice of life another.
>> No. 16891 [Edit]

It's not episodic, there's a clear continuity here.

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