No. 16598
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それは違うよ, best character is freckles. Sad to see her get killed off again in this latest episode, even though it can't really be helped. I will admit a certain fondness for Celes, though.
Pacing in the second episode seems better than the first, but it kind of worries me that we aren't at the first trial yet after two episodes. Clearly the trial is next episode but I'm wondering how it's going to play out in comparison, as in how many episodes per chapter. Chapter one felt really short to me while playing so it's a bit worrying that they're spending so long on it in comparison. Then again, I can understand them wanting to make the show digestible to newcomers. Eh, we'll see I guess.
I will say that Monokuma is awesome animated, Nobuyo Ooyama is doing a great job with him.