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File 137310940975.jpg - (184.03KB , 850x588 , sample-cead9bdc04ff05105ef10f579d538a82.jpg )
16421 No. 16421 [Edit]
Expand all images
>> No. 16433 [Edit]
File 137314284499.jpg - (174.99KB , 1920x1080 , just like this doll.jpg )
I guess this was pretty cute and all, but it was the first time I thought a loli slice of life was too sweet for me. I liked the scenes where they spoke english, it sounded pretty cute, but I guess I'll let this one slide unless something interesting happens.
>> No. 16464 [Edit]

The location of the house in England.
>> No. 16467 [Edit]
File 137322943294.jpg - (101.72KB , 1280x720 , Shoes.jpg )
>> No. 16482 [Edit]
File 137327640732.gif - (1.07MB , 720x405 , 1373263620101.gif )
>> No. 16483 [Edit]
File 137327642826.gif - (0.98MB , 720x405 , 1373264326446.gif )
>> No. 16493 [Edit]
File 137330749147.jpg - (700.49KB , 878x3031 , 1373296828_4226156.jpg )
>> No. 16494 [Edit]
I loved it. Hearing foreigners speak English is always adorable.

Another good factor is that the Japanese used was pretty basic and easy to follow. So if you're learning Japanese this is a good show to watch, especially if you're a beginner. The Japanese subtitles are also beneficial to learners.
>> No. 16500 [Edit]
File 137333862586.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , shot0279.png )
What a charming and adorable little show. Really felt like a spiritual successor to Ikoku Meiro no Croisée for a while there.
>> No. 16541 [Edit]
>too sweet for me.
Get out.

>> No. 16588 [Edit]
Dat face
>> No. 16594 [Edit]
File 137368133323.jpg - (129.46KB , 879x903 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
>> No. 16618 [Edit]
File 13737643019.jpg - (111.41KB , 1270x707 , 347436345.jpg )
>> No. 16727 [Edit]
This anime has gavein me diabetes!
>> No. 16765 [Edit]
Inject insulin!
>> No. 16773 [Edit]
File 137457193160.png - (1.30MB , 1920x1080 , ouaouaoua.png )
>> No. 16812 [Edit]
>> No. 16934 [Edit]
Insulin is ineffective against this level of sweetness.
>> No. 16995 [Edit]
File 137625343688.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , get a room already.png )
>> No. 17015 [Edit]
File 137645219051.jpg - (80.76KB , 1280x720 , [Mezashite] Kiniro Mosaic - 06 [D30F280F]_mkv_snap.jpg )
best episode so far.
>> No. 17042 [Edit]
File 137667229056.jpg - (127.74KB , 850x681 , sample-057d70aa46c7561dc0c67affd069af1f.jpg )
Karen's gaijin accent is the miracle of the universe.
>> No. 17055 [Edit]
File 137678455014.jpg - (117.16KB , 1297x730 , subtle advertising.jpg )
I was wondering what the connection between Yuyushiki and Kiniro Mosaic and read that they're from sister publications or something. and also read that yuyushiki had references to Kiniro Mosaic but I can't remember seeing anything like that aside from a promo poster for yuyushiki. what kind of references did yuyushiki make to this anime?
>> No. 17057 [Edit]
The Kiniro Mosaic anime didn't exist while Yuyushiki was airing.
>> No. 17059 [Edit]
Thanks captain obvious.
>> No. 17061 [Edit]
Obvious to you and I, perhaps, but the other guy didn't seem to realize that it's not possible to have references to an anime that doesn't exist.
>> No. 17062 [Edit]
File 137680897413.jpg - (406.58KB , 1500x1034 , 352d72eb17d6696c7040ac539616c3ef.jpg )
what other guy? you know Kiniro Mosaic isn't an original anime right? it was based on a manga just like Yuyushiki.
I suppose you also think it's impossible that the op to kaiji season 2 had a cameo appearance of Kurosawa in-spite of there being no Saikyou Densetsu Kurosawa anime?
or maybe it's also impossible how precure shows preview scenes from upcoming seasons since those season doesn't exist yet right?
>> No. 17071 [Edit]
The manga existed, sure, but the anime didn't. They can reference a manga all they want, but they can't reference the anime because it doesn't exist. To say that they somehow referenced the anime and not the manga is just wrong. There is a difference between those forms of media.
>> No. 17073 [Edit]
>they can't reference the anime because it doesn't exist
I hope you realize an anime doesn't get made overnight and both Kiniro Mosaic and Yuyushiki aired only a season apart , it did exist.
Both anime were produced in part by Sentai Filmworks and as stated before the two manga series are from sister publications (Yuyushiki from Manga Time Kirara and Kin'iro Mosaic from Manga Time Kirara Max) and by the way that poster was made before Kin'iro Mosaic aired. It's hardly "impossible" to promote an upcoming anime.
>> No. 17076 [Edit]
This is the best show in the world.
>> No. 17079 [Edit]

Drop the issue guys, at this point you're just arguing semantics and it's going nowhere (not to mention it serves little purpose aside of getting angry at each other).
>> No. 17084 [Edit]
It was a perfectly reasonable question, it's not my fault if he enjoys splitting hairs.
>> No. 17234 [Edit]
File 137872578732.jpg - (102.17KB , 1280x720 , Long hair.jpg )
Arrgh, this is killing me. Alice looks so cute with mid length hair in the OP and with her hair down. But the twintails are so generic and bland. Why oh why.
>> No. 17236 [Edit]
File 137873691770.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , Karen.png )
Yeah I agree, she looks much cuter with it down.

I also think Karen looks better without that ugly jacket.
>> No. 17270 [Edit]
File 137933106421.jpg - (101.21KB , 1280x720 , 8.jpg )

Here, let me rub it in a little more.

See that perfect hair lenght? See that cute ribbon? Do you like it? Well, too bad because we will only use it in one ep and then we'll keep reminding you how much better that design is every week in the OP.
>> No. 17271 [Edit]
File 137933134773.gif - (0.98MB , 720x405 , 1379303695776.gif )
>> No. 17323 [Edit]
>> No. 19715 [Edit]
Kin'iro Mosaic gang visit the Guchuumon wa Usagi Desu Ka cafe.
What happens?
>> No. 19716 [Edit]
The copyright police appear to break up the fun and force them all to go home.
>> No. 19718 [Edit]
The way I see it is they just have a few nice cups of office while talking about miscellaneous tangents. They'd eventually talk about the caff while complementing how nice the place is and stuff which would spark some chitchat with Kokoa and Chino. I could see Kokoa mistaking Aya for Rize and thinking she's skipping work with comedy ensuing. The day would probably end with Shinobu getting arrested after encountering and raping Sharo. Alice could easily develop a fascination with Chiya which would spark some jealousy in Shinobu but again she'd be in jail for raping Sharo. I'm sure they'd explain it's all just a comical misunderstanding and she'd get released in no time, at which point she'd find Sharo and immediately start molesting her.
>> No. 19720 [Edit]

Doubt it, both are from Kirara. Frankly nowadays almost every SoL out there is from Kirara (next season will have more another Kirara adaptation, Hanayamata).
>> No. 19739 [Edit]
This I gotta see. Someone make it happen!
>> No. 19851 [Edit]
DO IT! I want it too!
>> No. 20663 [Edit]
File 141116370629.png - (517.65KB , 419x605 , Ximgur_gallery_Z3ugB.png )
2nd season is "Hello!! Kin-iro Mosaic"

>> No. 22688 [Edit]
File 142828705876.jpg - (142.83KB , 1276x714 , my_haato.jpg )
>> No. 22786 [Edit]
All the downloads for this new seasons are horriblesubs and horriblesubs remakes, why is this?
If I wanted to watch crunchyroll I'd just go to their website
>> No. 22787 [Edit]
Yeah, I noticed that too, except for a few things.
>> No. 22788 [Edit]
Probably due to crunchyroll and fuckimation being cunts about copyrights and licensing would be my guess. Shit sucks because crunchyroll anime has such shitty audio and video quality and the OPs are never subbed, not to mention the occasional localization crap in their subs and censorship issues.
>> No. 22791 [Edit]
File 142896345833.jpg - (102.07KB , 1920x1080 , yuri confirmed gao gao.jpg )
So much engrish in that first ep. I couldn't decide if it was cute or annoying.
>> No. 22797 [Edit]
File 142903816339.jpg - (120.25KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic - 01 [1080p]_.jpg )
Who wouldn't?
>> No. 22803 [Edit]
I found it annoying. Stopped watching during the first episode and never picked it up again. That was almost two years ago now.
>> No. 22808 [Edit]
File 14291139382.jpg - (120.59KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic - 01 [1080p]_.jpg )
If I remember correctly it was mostly limited to the first ep of season one. First ep of season two is packed full of it too. Oddly enough the engrish almost sounds like shitty dub work. I think those type of high pitched voices really just don't work well in English.
>> No. 22869 [Edit]
File 14296004002.jpg - (98.12KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic - 02 [1080p]_.jpg )
Tell me about it...
At least this show makes it easier.
>> No. 22873 [Edit]
File 142970884687.jpg - (93.74KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic - 01 [720p]_m.jpg )
I watched s1 not that long ago and started with s2 last night, I have to say that I already love their new sensei.

This is one of those good sol shows that I can enjoy and rewatch and like all the girls.
>> No. 22875 [Edit]
File 142976410543.gif - (1.15MB , 500x281 , blonde_merchant.gif )
The relationship between Karen and Kuzehara is giving me critical heart failure.
>> No. 22876 [Edit]
File 142977063373.jpg - (89.18KB , 1920x1080 , Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic - 02 [1080p]_mkv_snapshot_12.jpg )
I always knew Youko would break aya's heart, but I never imagined she'd take such joy in doing it so many times.
>> No. 22882 [Edit]
I'm more than happy so far, Karen was my favorite girl and the interactions between the two of them are really cute.
>> No. 22933 [Edit]
File 143019739432.jpg - (129.64KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic - 03 [1080p]_.jpg )
So many things in this ep could easily be taken the wrong way...
>> No. 22969 [Edit]
File 143032943032.jpg - (93.53KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic - 03 [1080p]_.jpg )
Yeah that's not weird at all...
>> No. 22970 [Edit]
I think for what one of those useless floor vacuum would cost, they could have gotten themselves a robotic dog.
>> No. 22982 [Edit]
File 143039892452.jpg - (1.00MB , 2376x1680 , fa8bc6e119de03d989fc39a6a3e19444.jpg )
Kuzehashi is a fun character and I like her but I can't help but feel she stole the screentime from Honoka. (´・ω・`)
>> No. 23027 [Edit]
File 14308449739.jpg - (155.19KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic - 05 [1080p]_.jpg )
This ep was really something else.
>> No. 23029 [Edit]
Kuzehashi is cuter than Honoka though. She's also a good break from the usual formula of little girls in Kin'iro, and provides a wider range of possible situations and relations between the characters.

Aya looks silly in those glasses. I'm guessing such glasses just don't work for anime girls.
>> No. 23033 [Edit]
File 143098507655.jpg - (169.87KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic - 05 [1080p]_.jpg )
>> No. 23072 [Edit]
File 143124524885.jpg - (83.68KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic - 05 [1080p]_.jpg )
yuri confirmed?
>> No. 23104 [Edit]
File 143140207963.jpg - (161.04KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic - 06 [1080p]_.jpg )
Serves her right for stealing food out of people's hands.
>> No. 23114 [Edit]
File 143148212484.jpg - (132.76KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic - 06 [1080p]_.jpg )
I bet she used her own urine as an ingredient.
>> No. 23122 [Edit]
File 143155073325.jpg - (66.13KB , 823x974 , d50bb83f86e643db509e1833deaae878.jpg )
It never really occured to me before but Honoka and Aikawa are kinda similar.
>> No. 23139 [Edit]
I guess you can say 'love' is the special ingredient.
>> No. 23143 [Edit]
I never noticed that but you're right, they are a lot alike.
>> No. 23176 [Edit]
>> No. 23181 [Edit]
It's something stalkers do.
>> No. 23182 [Edit]
File 14320189103.jpg - (127.32KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic - 07 [1080p]_.jpg )
What a horrible mother.

Speaking of horrible, I think it's hilarious the engrish was bad in this ep I couldn't even understand half of what anyone was saying.
>> No. 23193 [Edit]
File 143220804979.jpg - (47.00KB , 225x350 , Akumako.jpg )
It's based on a real place;
>> No. 23194 [Edit]


>> No. 23204 [Edit]
File 143261861280.jpg - (104.65KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic - 08 [1080p]_.jpg )
instead of like an iron...
>> No. 23238 [Edit]
File 143321336064.jpg - (154.93KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic - 09 [1080p]_.jpg )
I love this show. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Kinda like that rat I swallowed alive, but without all the scratching away at my insides.
>> No. 23239 [Edit]
Is that even a good thing?
>> No. 23268 [Edit]
File 143383240980.jpg - (105.62KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic - 10 [1080p]_.jpg )
Shino is such an egg head.
>> No. 23314 [Edit]
File 143458935138.jpg - (253.52KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic - 11 [1080p]_.jpg )
You know, I've never really understood the appeal of cheerleaders. Tennis players are clearly where it's at.
>> No. 23315 [Edit]
File 14345925152.jpg - (154.38KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic - 11 [1080p]_.jpg )
Don't lie, you know you wanna.
>> No. 23319 [Edit]
File 14345939772.jpg - (214.27KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic - 10 [1080p]_.jpg )
I half expected to see ika show up.
>> No. 23365 [Edit]
It's over ;_;
>> No. 23370 [Edit]
File 143504359138.jpg - (136.36KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic - 12 [1080p]_.jpg )
She's got it so bad it's almost sad. Eventually they're gonna have to go their own ways right? Or do you think in latter years that Alice might move to japan and pick up a job there just to be with Shino?
>> No. 23405 [Edit]
File 143560709113.jpg - (54.76KB , 1280x720 , Ace wo Nerae.jpg )
I'm really, really behind (thanks Asenshi) but whatever, here goes anyway.
Didn't expect to see an Ace wo Nerae reference in Kinmoza of all things.

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