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File [Commie]_Turning_Girls_-_01_[909874D6]_mkv.torrent - (1.55KB , [Commie] Turning Girls - 01 [909874D6]_mkv.torrent )
16116 No. 16116 [Edit]
Replies: >>16122
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>> No. 16119 [Edit]
I've already watched it, it's nice.
>> No. 16122 [Edit]
Replies: >>16123
File 137160615791.jpg - (53.25KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Turning Girls - 01 [909874D6]_mkv_snapsho.jpg )

5 minutes of painful.
>> No. 16123 [Edit]

She's my favorite idol now.
>> No. 16224 [Edit]
File [Commie]_Turning_Girls_-_02_[65045D4B]_mkv.torrent - (1.30KB , [Commie] Turning Girls - 02 [65045D4B]_mkv.torrent )

>> No. 16226 [Edit]
>> No. 16232 [Edit]
File 137217447639.jpg - (51.58KB , 911x515 , 45854754645.jpg )
Too lewd.
>> No. 16236 [Edit]
Replies: >>16259
I watched the first one and now hate all of this.
>> No. 16259 [Edit]
File 137229515753.jpg - (62.25KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Turning Girls - 02 [65045D4B]_mkv_snapsho.jpg )

the second episode is significantly less painful to watch.

and made me chuckle in two places. Rather impressive for a 5min show.

I'm guessing the next two eps are going to cover the audiowhore being a denpa/lolicore addict, and the aloof/cheerful girl a massive S.
>> No. 16260 [Edit]
Replies: >>16285
File 137229656186.jpg - (74.40KB , 853x480 , 1364957419254.jpg )
I didn't enjoy the second episode as much as the first, hopefully it improves.

The show is fun though, as expected of the legendary studio behind INFERNO COPPAH
>> No. 16285 [Edit]
Replies: >>16288
I preferred it when it was called Ghost Rider.
>> No. 16288 [Edit]
No you didn't.
>> No. 16327 [Edit]
Replies: >>16329
File [Commie]_Turning_Girls_-_03_[22922517]_mkv.torrent - (1.71KB , [Commie] Turning Girls - 03 [22922517]_mkv.torrent )

another excellent episode                                  
>> No. 16329 [Edit]
Nana is the best girl, easily.
>> No. 16330 [Edit]
How many episodes this is going to be?
>> No. 16336 [Edit]
File 137278289890.jpg - (80.60KB , 648x628 , 75475473453245.jpg )
Fun episode. I hope that other girl treats her elephantiasis though.
>> No. 16675 [Edit]
File 137401437522.jpg - (165.81KB , 1265x702 , 43785536.jpg )
Best anime of this season in my opinion.
>> No. 16728 [Edit]
File 137419801194.jpg - (78.63KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Turning Girls - 04.jpg )
I love this series already. Watching women in their late twenties cling to juvenile interests is strangely endearing. And hilarious. Maybe I'm just that oversaturated with joshikousei and moeblobs at this point.
>> No. 16938 [Edit]
Replies: >>16940
File 137588436587.jpg - (106.98KB , 1280x720 , AnimeBancho - ターニングガールズ EPISODE .jpg )
That's it?! This series deserved way more episodes. Or Kaerun should get her own series, for she is the pinnacle of annoying-funny.
>> No. 16939 [Edit]
File 13758910418.jpg - (167.55KB , 1219x685 , The End of the line.jpg )
I just marathoned it.
This was fucking brilliant.
I'd really would have enjoyed more,
>> No. 16940 [Edit]
File 137589137860.jpg - (236.42KB , 1273x685 , net idol.jpg )
She worked pretty good with the rest but a series of her alone I could not stand.

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