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File 137144708145.jpg - (39.40KB , 480x592 , 1371421509275.jpg )
16093 No. 16093 [Edit]
when is someone going to sub the squidgril ova?
its been out for almost a week already
>> No. 16113 [Edit]
There are active threads for OVA, translation and general news... but not for long if you go on with the mini threads. Please try the catalog function.
>> No. 16197 [Edit]
its still not subbed wtf
>> No. 18183 [Edit]
anyday now
>> No. 18184 [Edit]
>> No. 19058 [Edit]
it got subbed a while ago
5/5 pretty good ovum
>> No. 19108 [Edit]
>Needing subs for a simple anime
Level up your nihongo.

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