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File 136990655178.png - (327.08KB , 640x480 , ebay'd-2013-05-30-02h28m41s55.png )
15880 No. 15880 [Edit]
how come fansubs no longer have the "not for sale, rent or ebay" disclaimer?
are we allowed to sell, rent and ebay fansubs now?
what changed?
anyone want to buy or lease some used fansubbed anime?
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>> No. 15881 [Edit]
Maybe they got more tasteful and didn't want ugly unnecessarily crap all over the videos? like how some sub groups would plaster their name all over the anime with watermarks and shit. but really shit if I know.
>> No. 15882 [Edit]
Fansubbers used to promote official releases and even stop distributing their subs if a show got licensed. Physical copies of fansubs were also a thing, so the disclaimer could've been useful for those.

Then fansubbing became a proper warez scene and stopped giving a shit about official releases, licensing, or ``supporting the industry''.
>> No. 15883 [Edit]
They realized buying western releases does nothing to support the industry.
>> No. 15885 [Edit]
>are we allowed to sell, rent and ebay fansubs now?
>what changed?

Crunchy roll, funimation, etc.
Buy rights, send C&D's, then churn out series with shit for quality in both video and translation, generally much later than the fansubs would, and lastly expect to be paid for their trouble.
This quickly lead to >>15882.

Post edited on 30th May 2013, 11:01am
>> No. 15886 [Edit]
It isn't very professional to add such text on subs.
>> No. 15887 [Edit]
By the time CR as we know it and other simulcasts started appearing (in... 2009?), fansubbing had already been like it is now for a few years.

Nowadays CR is often better than TV in video quality, and fansubs often use CR's 1080p as the source when this is the case. Most fansubs for shows that CR simulcasts (as opposed to latecasting) are based on CR's script (Commie's 30 shows a season being the big example, but just about every group does the same thing).
>> No. 15888 [Edit]
>CR is often better than TV in video quality, and fansubs often use CR's 1080p as the source when this is the case
I avoid CR stuff like a plague, but tried watching one of their released a few days ago when nothing else was available yet. The audio quality alone was shit, sounded like it was recorded by leaving a mic in front of a speaker.
>> No. 15889 [Edit]
I was talking about video quality, which when CR's on top its game is better on CR than on TV. Audio-wise I haven't compared the two and CR sounds acceptable to me.

If a fansub release doesn't have a TV station logo and isn't a BD release, it's probably using CR.
>> No. 15891 [Edit]
>Then fansubbing became a proper warez scene and stopped giving a shit about official releases, licensing, or ``supporting the industry''.

Yeah pretty much. The whole point of fansubs in the first place was so people could see anime that wouldnt otherwise be available. Now its pointless, its no different to downloading music, movies or games.
>> No. 15892 [Edit]
Thats only true if the only anime you watch is the pleb tier shit on CR
>> No. 15893 [Edit]
like almost all the anime discussed on this board?
>> No. 15894 [Edit]
Can't expect people to talk much about what isn't subbed right?
I refer you to: http://tohno-chan.com/an/res/4363.html
I believe the problem is many fansubbers don't give a shit about what 'wouldn't otherwise be available'. All they care about is their e-penis and donations as they sub whatever is the most popular things out there. Even if that means they're the seventh group to sub it. I have nothing but respect for the guys who sub unpopular unlicensed anime. It bugs me to no end when popular anime A gets six sub groups on it while anime B C D E and F are completely ignored. What also really drives me nuts is when the only group subbing something stops half way in but continues on to sub stuff already subbed by a half dozen other groups (looking at you FFFpeeps and Underwater! The strike witches movie doesn't need yet another set of subs!). As much as I don't like CR, if not for them and the groups ripping or loosely copying their subs we'd all have a selection of maybe four 'pleb tier shit' anime each season.
>> No. 15895 [Edit]

Can you stop this 'pleb tier shit' thing? It makes you look like you're genuinely brain damaged.
>> No. 15897 [Edit]
What iF I am brAn damageEd you pLeb tier shit?!
>> No. 15909 [Edit]
File 137004814844.jpg - (119.12KB , 1280x720 , snapshot20091005223205.jpg )
then spell out plebeian correctly, as a true aristocrat speaking down upon the plebeians around him would.

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