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File 136981660933.png - (2.05MB , 1280x720 , [FFF] Hataraku Maou-sama! - 08 [4D57378C]_mkv_snap.png )
15863 No. 15863 [Edit]
Chii-chan gets special separate attention in the ED because why?

Because foreshadowing the upcoming destruction and grief?
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>> No. 15864 [Edit]
She's the only one in the cast that's not from Ente Isla or related to it. Ente Isla residents are behind the glass and the normie's staring at them from the outside.
>> No. 15865 [Edit]
File 136982071950.png - (522.49KB , 800x1000 , 36010274.png )
Not that I mind seeing more of her, but I must admit it's struck me as a bit strange too. I hope it's just to illustrate that she's from a different world and thus seperate from the others, but the previous ED focused exclusively on her as well so I don't know.

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