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File 136593951863.jpg - (245.29KB , 1013x1200 , 1365935655405.jpg )
14972 No. 14972 [Edit]
Mecha and vampires.
Expand all images
>> No. 14977 [Edit]
File 136597623967.jpg - (238.45KB , 600x900 , 22.jpg )
May contain spoilers
>> No. 14978 [Edit]
vampires? lame. My interest in this show has suddenly plummeted.
>> No. 14983 [Edit]

You canll them zombies if you want, we don't know what they are.
>> No. 14987 [Edit]
HorribleSubs released ep 1 today if there's anyone out there who cares. I'll watch it tomorrow probably.

Also this will have 2 season, both 13 eps long IIRC (S2 will air in Fall).
>> No. 15002 [Edit]
File 136614230218.jpg - (275.99KB , 1280x720 , 1366138424736.jpg )
>> No. 15020 [Edit]
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>> No. 15021 [Edit]
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>> No. 15022 [Edit]
File 136622116037.gif - (165.66KB , 276x302 , 1366213555439.gif )
>> No. 15025 [Edit]
>Valve rave
>> No. 15028 [Edit]
File 136636473968.gif - (1.68MB , 640x360 , 1365708106188.gif )
I'll be thoroughly disappointed if the mind possession power isn't used in a comedy episode.
>> No. 15030 [Edit]
File 136639801288.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , push it.png )
Why did it take him so long to push that button?
>> No. 15031 [Edit]
File 136640950020.jpg - (64.63KB , 1280x720 , [gg]_Valvrave_the_Liberator_-_01_[191CFABD]_mkv_sn.jpg )

it needed to be dramatic.

He needed to demonstrate that he had the resolve to shed his humanity to make them pay, and he needed to come to terms with his half-assed attitude wouldn't be enough to make anything that he wanted to happen actually happen.

and I really can't think of any possible way that the production staff could have conveyed those inner struggles of his in a way that would be worse than the path they chose. Seriously, it was so roundabout and unspecific that without the foreshadowing of "you didn't try to win, did you" and L-elf's outburst, you would have nothing to go by as for what the fuck the studio was trying to do there.

Not that it's important, anyway.>>15022 has the right idea about what this show is about.
>> No. 15032 [Edit]
File 136641722445.jpg - (39.38KB , 1280x720 , [gg]_Valvrave_the_Liberator_-_02_[3514DF30]_mkv_sn.jpg )
So stupid, I love it.
>> No. 15047 [Edit]
File 136645751396.jpg - (117.25KB , 1920x1080 , 1366451641823.jpg )
Poor girl.
>> No. 15063 [Edit]
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>> No. 15167 [Edit]
File 136705421852.jpg - (100.57KB , 1077x607 , 1366997363573.jpg )
>> No. 15168 [Edit]
Was it just me or did anyone else want MCs friend to smack some sense into him at the end of ep2?

Of all the ridiculously impossible scifi elements in this anime, the hardest thing to believe is that Japanese people aren't extinct in the future.
>> No. 15169 [Edit]
I found his reaction pretty understandable, especially after 3.
>> No. 15179 [Edit]
File 136714115769.jpg - (107.32KB , 1280x720 , 1366565415511.jpg )

It was just you.
>> No. 15289 [Edit]
File 136761114698.gif - (535.27KB , 476x268 , 1367569572815.gif )
>> No. 15290 [Edit]
Anyone else reminded of code geass at all?
>> No. 15291 [Edit]
File 136761429645.jpg - (52.50KB , 1280x720 , [gg]_Valvrave_the_Liberator_-_03_[BE1ED705]_mkv_sn.jpg )

Not really.

Sure, they are both by sunrise, and hence both have mechas in them piloted by high-school aged kids who have to battle armies of nations who are also led by high-school aged kids, while balancing being a dense school kid surrounded by girls who want nothing more than for him to ravage them, all the while the writers for the scenario are high on meth and opiates... but the same could be said for nearly every sunrise mecha show.
>> No. 15295 [Edit]
File 136761932614.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , geass.png )
You sure you're not forgetting something?
>> No. 15298 [Edit]
File 136764723019.jpg - (83.57KB , 1280x720 , [gg]_Valvrave_the_Liberator_-_03_[BE1ED705]_mkv_sn.jpg )

what's next, you're going to tell me there are 2-3 characters with similar personalities and VAs as geass?

or are you going to ask why Dio ditched famu to be a mecha pilot?
>> No. 15302 [Edit]
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>> No. 15303 [Edit]
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>> No. 15304 [Edit]
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>> No. 15305 [Edit]
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>> No. 15306 [Edit]
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>> No. 15369 [Edit]

So moe~
>> No. 15370 [Edit]
File 136794649834.jpg - (149.41KB , 1280x720 , 1367577924686.jpg )
>> No. 15372 [Edit]
Someone has a fan...
>> No. 15374 [Edit]
File 136795674060.jpg - (173.32KB , 1440x810 , 1366751795528.jpg )

Eruerufu is a pretty cool guy.
>> No. 15470 [Edit]
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>> No. 15473 [Edit]
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>> No. 15474 [Edit]
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>> No. 15475 [Edit]
File 136821238371.gif - (493.04KB , 320x181 , 1368122144948.gif )
>> No. 15490 [Edit]
VVV-tan is a good girl
>> No. 15493 [Edit]
Holy hell, I actually understood that.

I can feel my wizard powers powering me up!!!
>> No. 15495 [Edit]
File 13682857956.gif - (459.84KB , 480x270 , 1368270024765.gif )
>> No. 15644 [Edit]
File 136878993595.gif - (487.83KB , 512x288 , 1368759153888.gif )
New unit!
>> No. 15661 [Edit]
This thing is really stupid.Seriously, the way the characters act, the way the story plays out with the whole "our school is a country now yolo xD" and then they throw in the vampires piloting mechs part.What were they thinking? The OP is kinda catchy though and Shoko is cute. Can't decide if it's worth watching just for that.
>> No. 15663 [Edit]
It was probably one of those shows like Dog Days or Mahoromatic where the creators decided to throw together the most whacky and fun sounding things together for the purpose of fun and escapism. Except Mahoromatic and Dog Days did a much much better job at this.
>> No. 15666 [Edit]
File 136883331328.jpg - (92.95KB , 1280x720 , [gg]_Valvrave_the_Liberator_-_06_[91EBBF3A]_mkv_sn.jpg )
Shoko, L-elf and the ED are the saving graces of this anime.

You're on the right track, it's an over-the-top style show aimed at mecha fans, with all the classic tropes overdone and combined.

somebody's mind is in the gutter, there wasn't even tounge in that kiss.
>> No. 15667 [Edit]
I've also got mixed feelings about it. The OP is cool and so are the mecha, but a lot of the characters rub me the wrong way.
>> No. 15671 [Edit]
The plot of the kids starting their own state and stuff is definitely what the fuck worthy.
>> No. 15674 [Edit]
Really, rather than worrying about food supply they pig out and wreck stores. rather than worry about life support or the power supply they goof around. They also seem to place way to much faith in the MC and his mecha he hasn't been piloting for very long at all, demonstrated when he landed the thing in front of that crowd right over that girl.
>> No. 15676 [Edit]
The module has two big cities so I don't really think they have to worry about food much.
>> No. 15678 [Edit]
food tends expire. Most canned foods only last around 2 years and I don't see any kids lining up to be farmers.
>> No. 15679 [Edit]
File 13688689192.jpg - (368.28KB , 700x1050 , 1368296316361.jpg )
Watch it for the madness.
>> No. 15687 [Edit]
File 13689053573.jpg - (235.36KB , 1224x720 , 1368902363107[1].jpg )
>> No. 15688 [Edit]
File 136890726379.jpg - (68.70KB , 646x485 , 1368291522390.jpg )

Eruerufu the best.
>> No. 15689 [Edit]
In my honest opinion he's the only interesting character in the show.
>> No. 15690 [Edit]
File 136892187345.jpg - (156.39KB , 1920x1080 , 1368724170891.jpg )

What about this little devil?
>> No. 15724 [Edit]
eeeeeruereffufu youll pay for this!
>> No. 15737 [Edit]
File 136908008547.gif - (357.04KB , 480x270 , 1368694835512.gif )
>> No. 15739 [Edit]
I really wanted to like it. I tried really hard. Same creator as code geass so I though "just wait, it will get good".

But I was wrong. After the musical in episode 5 I couldn't watch it anymore. I don't even know how they could create something like this.
>> No. 15763 [Edit]
>I really wanted to like it.
Same here. I find the MC to be a really annoying little bitch, when he's not being unbelievably bland and boring.
It's cursed! it's cursed! I'm a monster now! blah blah blah! I wish I could slap him and tell him to shut the fuck up. This show would be a hundred times better without his incessant whining.

What about him?
>> No. 15778 [Edit]
Why on earth would you go and switch the beautiful ED song with something else!?
>> No. 15786 [Edit]
File 136939638757.gif - (470.11KB , 216x270 , 1369390000884.gif )

The new ED is not bad.
>> No. 15787 [Edit]
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>> No. 15788 [Edit]
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>> No. 15789 [Edit]
File 136939653051.gif - (454.94KB , 640x360 , 1369390023081.gif )
>> No. 15814 [Edit]
L-Elf leaving all those detailed sticky notes in the Valvrave cockpit is somewhat adorable.
>> No. 15817 [Edit]

It remind me of the sticky notes Double D's mom left him around the house in Ed, Edd n Eddy.
>> No. 15896 [Edit]
File 137000127086.gif - (2.40MB , 480x270 , 1369944205876.gif )
>> No. 15898 [Edit]
File 137002951836.gif - (2.24MB , 300x338 , onemanarmy.gif )
I like the way Kyuma looks on in awe.
>> No. 15910 [Edit]
I don't get why they always shit themselves over the valvrave overheating, when in the previous episode it overheated and gained special powers?
>> No. 15911 [Edit]
yeah that is a bit odd. I'm guessing it's becuase the thing stalls out and wont move for a while before getting those powers from the looks of it.
>> No. 15912 [Edit]
File 137007931353.jpg - (475.56KB , 900x604 , 1370011924419.jpg )
I would watch this.
>> No. 15979 [Edit]
File 137057821494.jpg - (61.14KB , 1280x720 , [gg]_Valvrave_the_Liberator_-_09_[95151096]_mkv_sn.jpg )
SHoko: 2
L-11: 0
>> No. 15981 [Edit]
File 137060577735.gif - (486.83KB , 512x288 , 1370546899624.gif )
>> No. 15982 [Edit]
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>> No. 15983 [Edit]
File 137060598123.gif - (485.28KB , 444x250 , 1370546868184.gif )
>> No. 15985 [Edit]
Why do they have battle ships on a space station?
>> No. 15986 [Edit]
fishing is boring otherwise.
>> No. 16008 [Edit]
To protect the super secret robots and VIP school.
>> No. 16021 [Edit]
From what? other battleships?
>> No. 16068 [Edit]
File 137120686890.jpg - (170.45KB , 1920x1080 , 1371142015282.jpg )
This episode was very stupid and silly.
>> No. 16070 [Edit]
File 137128052943.jpg - (33.11KB , 1280x720 , [gg]_Valvrave_the_Liberator_-_10_[B6145398]_mkv_sn.jpg )

VVV quite enjoyed herself.
>> No. 16071 [Edit]
File 137128439835.gif - (1.20MB , 427x239 , 1371275494805.gif )
I wonder if that sated her hunger
>> No. 16072 [Edit]
File 137128616786.gif - (975.93KB , 512x288 , 1371161586631.gif )
>> No. 16074 [Edit]
Dat face makes me laugh...
>> No. 16076 [Edit]
File 137131004899.jpg - (181.40KB , 1920x1080 , 1371141466152.jpg )
>> No. 16148 [Edit]
Next time a politician runs for office, they should forgot all that dumb gay shit about stability and efficient resource management and just announce a party!
Fuck the nerd I'd vote for the cute party chick to be our leader!
This is exactly why children aren't allowed to vote or run for office.

The whole thing seems a bit stupid if you ask me.
>> No. 16290 [Edit]
File 137242037813.jpg - (100.77KB , 1920x1080 , 1372352247455.jpg )
Maximum madness.
>> No. 16293 [Edit]
How do you go from characters braking out in song like >>15474 and stuff like >>15788 with only off camera deaths in the series, to the same chick getting raped on the floor of a park and schoolgirls getting blown up?
I don't remember 'neverland' being this dark...

I wanted to like this show but yeah... I'm not gonna follow up on the second half/season.
>> No. 16305 [Edit]
File 137255253338.jpg - (54.05KB , 1280x720 , [gg]_Valvrave_the_Liberator_-_12_[F9F3F5C5]_mkv_sn.jpg )
>I don't remember 'neverland' being this dark...

They have to include some form of drama or conflict, and due to the over-the-top feel that Sunrise is trying to go with, they have to one-up themselves every few episodes leading to the situation we have now.

the kicker is that with ever more tortuous acts committed unto or by the characters, it's still laughed off just as easily as they were when the series started one episode later.

>> No. 16307 [Edit]
File 13725539891.png - (203.74KB , 640x465 , visual5-450x302.png )
>> No. 16310 [Edit]
>They have to include some form of drama or conflict
yeah that's cool but I draw the line at rape.
>> No. 17501 [Edit]
Season 2 ~when?
>> No. 17826 [Edit]
Twilight for boys.

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