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File 136553995263.jpg - (65.75KB , 562x470 , yuyushiki.jpg )
14851 No. 14851 [Edit]
Yuyushiki is out.
Expand all images
>> No. 14867 [Edit]
I wasn't interested in this show at all but checked the first episode out anyway, and I'm glad I did. It's a simple cute show that's funny, and that's all I ask
>> No. 14874 [Edit]
The eps aren't 5 min long, thank God. I was checking that on pretty much daily basis but I couldn't find any info before this ep was released. I was afraid it'll get the same treatment as Yama no Susume/Aiura etc.

So, now that I know it's actually 23 mins I'll download it and watched it later today.
>> No. 14880 [Edit]
Don't most Manga Time Kirara adaptions have full lenght episodes.
>> No. 14881 [Edit]
That's good to hear.
>> No. 14883 [Edit]
File 13656202903.jpg - (134.20KB , 1280x720 , Confirmed rekijo.jpg )
4 3 cute girls doing cute things: the anime. I feel I've seen that one before somewhere but I can't put my finger on it...

Yui = Yui
Pink haired girl = pink haired girl
I don't recognize the voice of that blue haired girl, though, and I'm too lazy to look it up.
>> No. 14884 [Edit]
File 13656203243.jpg - (159.24KB , 1280x720 , Weeaboos.jpg )
>> No. 14893 [Edit]
I'm glad Yui got more screentime in S3.
>> No. 14894 [Edit]
File 136565510859.jpg - (81.81KB , 1297x729 , 2cute.jpg )
sigh... aint that the truth.

Loved the first ep. Art seems a bit crummy, Yukari especially looked derpy but that just makes the anime more amusing I think.
And a club with zero members, that's got to be a first.
>> No. 14989 [Edit]
File 136604663440.jpg - (166.50KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Yuyushiki - 01.jpg )
Kids these days...
>> No. 15010 [Edit]
File 136618051567.png - (792.44KB , 1280x720 , deep fried horse cock.png )
I was decided to drop this show during this ep because there are about a billion similar animes and most of them are better, however i found that i quite enjoyed looking up the stuff they were talking about. In fact it took me well over an hour to watch this episode because i spent so much time reading wiki pages and following links during it, so i guess i'll watch this again next week.
>> No. 15024 [Edit]
File 136631082220.jpg - (104.22KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Yuyushiki - 02.jpg )

Trivia knowledge: the anime.
I thought < this title belonged to Laika all life long. Oh well.

But with this I have to add another activity to a list of things I'll never do with my cute female friends: wasting your time on looking up trivia on the net.
>> No. 15085 [Edit]
It's watchable, but just barely so. I'm better off dropping the series and watching something that's actually good.
>> No. 15109 [Edit]
So why do they keep calling the teacher 'mom'?
>> No. 15112 [Edit]

Don't tell me you never called your teacher(s) 'mom' by accident.

Seriously though I have no idea.
>> No. 15115 [Edit]
It's a nickname, because she's so motherly
>> No. 15116 [Edit]
They're not doing it accidentally.
>> No. 15125 [Edit]
File 13667763764.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , hooray.png )
I'm loving this show.
>> No. 15126 [Edit]
File 136677661161.jpg - (71.70KB , 1297x731 , japan is so fun.jpg )
>> No. 15128 [Edit]
This is getting thoroughly good.
>> No. 15132 [Edit]
File 136686763232.jpg - (83.67KB , 1296x729 , yes show us.jpg )
To the people who don't like this anime; What exactly were you expecting from it?
>> No. 15133 [Edit]
File 136687962812.png - (389.83KB , 1280x720 , realplayer-2013-04-23-23h41m44s95.png )
>> No. 15135 [Edit]
File 136688187961.jpg - (122.50KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Yuyushiki - 03 [064228A1].jpg )
The first two eps were so-so but this one was nothing short of spectacular. Best ep of SoL in recent memory. I honestly doubt YY S2 had anything that could top this.

But of course they won't top it since summer vacation will be over and instead of hanging out at Yui's place they'll be back in school. And school couldn't be possibly fun.

... This is my fetish by the way.
>> No. 15137 [Edit]
Maybe they'll have a sleep-over at school.
>> No. 15177 [Edit]
File 136713189148.jpg - (81.92KB , 497x1508 , how sex.jpg )
>> No. 15234 [Edit]
File 136737510220.jpg - (164.76KB , 1115x714 , 2362341234.jpg )
>> No. 15253 [Edit]
File 136743791778.gif - (2.93MB , 425x239 , 1367382140810.gif )
>> No. 15254 [Edit]
File 136743793565.gif - (0.96MB , 500x281 , 1367364716917.gif )
>> No. 15255 [Edit]
File 136743824497.jpg - (316.07KB , 1280x2160 , Holes.jpg )
Suddenly, symbolism.
>> No. 15257 [Edit]
File 136743962721.jpg - (56.94KB , 500x500 , 1366336552262.jpg )

>> No. 15258 [Edit]
File 136744097896.jpg - (94.84KB , 1296x731 , a very easy puzzle.jpg )
For the first few ep I was thinking they were just very good friends, but a lot of the stuff in ep4 was hard to ignore.
>> No. 15259 [Edit]
File 136744106528.jpg - (86.18KB , 1295x728 , love.jpg )
>> No. 15260 [Edit]
File 136744133466.jpg - (663.14KB , 1294x1450 , boobs.jpg )
>> No. 15264 [Edit]

Heh, glad I'm ont the only one who picked up on that. Net thing you know the girls will say they hate mushrooms.
>> No. 15269 [Edit]
Makes me wonder if there's a reason why girls in anime like this and yuru yuri can't just come out and say they're lesbians.
>> No. 15282 [Edit]

To be perfectly honest at very least here it feels like they might not realize it themselves.

That and making it vague has more widespread appeal as yuri fans can keep their goggles on and others can keep insisting they are just good friends.
>> No. 15285 [Edit]

There's a reason if it's called shoujo-ai and not yuri.
>> No. 15292 [Edit]
File 136761450382.png - (223.38KB , 912x617 , 1366755642132.png )

Pic related.

Also, shoujo ai is a stupid label 'recreated' by western fanbases. It has a different meaning in Japan an it definitely isn't used to describe yuri lite.
>> No. 15301 [Edit]

It'a actually used, not like shounen-ai but it's used.
>> No. 15307 [Edit]

Yes, it kinda is. But do you know in what context? Shoujo ai is usually linked to - to put it bluntly - peadophilia. While Japan does use shounen ai to describe yaoi lite it doesn't use shoujo ai for yuri lite.
>> No. 15380 [Edit]
File 13679683562.jpg - (158.45KB , 1280x720 , 1.jpg )
This fucking ep. I took a lesbillion of screencaps but it was so gay I don't even feel the need to post them.

Yui x Yukari OTP confirmed, Chinatsu got shafted again.
>> No. 15381 [Edit]
File 136796844554.jpg - (115.68KB , 1280x720 , 2.jpg )
>> No. 15382 [Edit]
This show really makes me question the traditional two pair relationship. If 3 people all like each other, why not?
>> No. 15383 [Edit]
...I'm gonna pick this up.
>> No. 15384 [Edit]

>> No. 15386 [Edit]
File 136797570366.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , jelly.png )
>Chinatsu got shafted again.
you mean Yuzuko right?
>> No. 15387 [Edit]
File 136797586977.jpg - (78.70KB , 1296x728 , batting.jpg )
Commie version
>> No. 15388 [Edit]
File 136798151249.jpg - (158.67KB , 1269x714 , 235235124213.jpg )
>> No. 15391 [Edit]
File 13679855391.jpg - (1.46MB , 1064x3000 , love.jpg )
>> No. 15395 [Edit]

Girl with short pink hair, voiced by Ookubo Rumi, falls in love with Yui but can't win against Yui's osananajimi and gets jealous about osananajimi's role as an osananajimi. Sounds like China Sue to me.
>> No. 15397 [Edit]
File 136801812985.png - (950.37KB , 1280x720 , TC.png )
I ended up liking this.
>> No. 15399 [Edit]
File 136803793372.jpg - (100.70KB , 1297x728 , Dont be a fag.jpg )
>> No. 15402 [Edit]
File 136808448725.jpg - (73.48KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] YUYUSHIKI - 04 [720p]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
It took me like 20 seconds to get this joke.
>> No. 15403 [Edit]
Explain it as you would to a child.
>> No. 15404 [Edit]
A child wouldn't understand it until it's older.
>> No. 15405 [Edit]
You're supposed to simplify it enough so that even a child could understand it.
>> No. 15406 [Edit]
File 136809506537.jpg - (443.68KB , 1280x720 , yuyusiki 04.jpg )
I hope this makes it clear enough for you.
>> No. 15407 [Edit]
Oh... I had guessed that it was a lesbian joke at first, but I had dismissed it as that and thought it might've been some sort of "intellectual" joke that I might've been misinterpreting when I saw the post about it, which was only furthered by >>15402.

I blame the Aku no Hana thread.

Anyway, thank you, >>15406.
>> No. 15409 [Edit]
File 136810257998.jpg - (173.44KB , 1920x1080 , 13661290639782.jpg )
Yuyushiki is so deep that close minded unintelligent Aku no Hana fans dismiss it as a normal SOL yuri comedy when in fact it is chock full of deep symbolism and grimdark plot twists. Simply look at the pic, it is deep foreshadowing of the dark plot twist to come.
>> No. 15411 [Edit]
File 136812580916.jpg - (661.67KB , 956x5000 , 1368054877188.jpg )

Why can't I hold all this foreshadowing.
>> No. 15413 [Edit]
Was anyone else disappointed after hearing "three girls in the data procession club", thinking it was going to be about technology, only to receive THIS?
>> No. 15414 [Edit]
More like the other way around in my case.
>> No. 15415 [Edit]
yeah, right here.
it sounded like it may have had potential, but its about as boring a show as i've seen.
>> No. 15418 [Edit]
It's too deep for you.
>> No. 15461 [Edit]

Nope. Got exactly what I expected, or rather, way more than I expected. My favorite anime this season.
>> No. 15504 [Edit]
>My favorite anime this season.

I might have to agree, it's a really fun show. The character designs are definitely... unique.
>> No. 15592 [Edit]
File 136861289392.gif - (920.52KB , 400x225 , 1368598625110.gif )
No Yurishiki love this week?

Halfway through by the way.
>> No. 15604 [Edit]
File 136862737170.png - (869.51KB , 1280x720 , ukftolutfvtyu.png )
This week's episode was pretty good.
>> No. 15609 [Edit]
File 136866500772.jpg - (193.68KB , 1192x1324 , 12365236234.jpg )
>> No. 15610 [Edit]

this one was better in my opinion

>> No. 15625 [Edit]

Yeah, this joke is getting stretched way too far by now.
>> No. 15752 [Edit]
File 136918061870.jpg - (79.25KB , 1296x728 , butt hurt.jpg )
I predict we'll be seeing a lot of this cap in the future.
>> No. 15754 [Edit]
File 136918209921.jpg - (73.85KB , 1296x728 , smells like yuri.jpg )
Is it just me or are they becoming more increasingly blatant with the yuri per ep?
>> No. 15755 [Edit]
File 136918242314.jpg - (63.49KB , 1297x728 , I think she means clitoris.jpg )
>> No. 15758 [Edit]
File 136921122066.jpg - (83.23KB , 1296x728 , in her butt.jpg )
>> No. 15773 [Edit]
I love this lesbian anime.
>> No. 15774 [Edit]
File 136932648925.jpg - (112.33KB , 1280x720 , Yuyushiki 07.jpg )
Being the third wheel must suck.
>> No. 15776 [Edit]
Does seem like she really prefers Yukari, and I don't blame her one bit.
>> No. 15867 [Edit]
File 136983536431.jpg - (98.04KB , 1280x720 , 1369775770562.jpg )
>> No. 15868 [Edit]
File 13698388511.jpg - (1.84MB , 3200x1800 , 1369623676067.jpg )
She reminds of Yasuna from KMB.
>> No. 15869 [Edit]
I like Yuzuko. I think that she's great and I'm sure that the others know that she's important to the group, even if they don't say anything about it.

The new episode is out? I've been waiting all week for it.
>> No. 15870 [Edit]
File 136985039698.png - (664.29KB , 1280x720 , tournament.png )
If I were a cute 2D girl, I'd be a lesbian for Yuzuko.
>> No. 15871 [Edit]
I'd rather be a lesbian for someone with better taste in videogames.
>> No. 15872 [Edit]
File 136985484948.png - (594.35KB , 1280x720 , good tastes.png )
She has good tastes. Which is something you apparently lack.
>> No. 15873 [Edit]
Your screen cap proves otherwise.
>> No. 15874 [Edit]
Your own post proves me right. You've already lost, just accept it and move on with your terrible taste in video games.
>> No. 15875 [Edit]
my tastes ^^^^^^^^^^ your tastes
>> No. 15949 [Edit]
File 137042843435.jpg - (222.29KB , 1280x2000 , Best girl.jpg )
Best girl.
>> No. 15950 [Edit]
File 137042845383.gif - (605.35KB , 640x360 , 1370403474027.gif )
Part two.
>> No. 15951 [Edit]
File 137042846989.gif - (968.23KB , 500x281 , 1370384040988.gif )
And three.
>> No. 15952 [Edit]
File 137042855040.jpg - (112.46KB , 1280x720 , Tamayura part 1.jpg )
These bubbles contain pure happiness.
>> No. 15953 [Edit]
File 137042857375.jpg - (102.40KB , 1280x720 , Tamayura part 2.jpg )
>> No. 15960 [Edit]
Seems this show is selling pretty badly in nippon. I doubt we'll ever see another season of it.
>> No. 15961 [Edit]
That sucks. I like this show.
>> No. 15962 [Edit]
Does this show actually talk about data and computers or is it all yuri and cute girls?
>> No. 15963 [Edit]
Mostly yuri and cute girls, sometimes they google random things to chat about once in a blue moon.
>> No. 15964 [Edit]
Don't listen to >>15963 It's a epic mindfuck 2deep4u adventure about 3 girls that go into the matrix to find the true purpose of life.
>> No. 16022 [Edit]
File 13709831513.jpg - (341.81KB , 1280x720 , 1370603962675.jpg )
I never realized but it looks like Yui's going commando.
>> No. 16023 [Edit]

she's very mature
>> No. 16024 [Edit]
File 137098540765.gif - (907.96KB , 500x281 , 1370968105401.gif )
>> No. 16025 [Edit]
Oh, you're right. I hadn't noticed and probably wouldn't have if you didn't point it out.
>> No. 16081 [Edit]
File 137133780475.jpg - (1.08MB , 1000x2813 , and then she became an otaku THE END.jpg )
Yuzuko being such a third wheel is starting to make this show a bit depressing...
>> No. 16124 [Edit]
File 137166708692.png - (672.32KB , 1280x720 , no mercy.png )
Lessons to live by.
>> No. 16241 [Edit]
File 137222980377.jpg - (532.78KB , 720x1215 , rape time.jpg )
>> No. 16256 [Edit]
File 137229450748.png - (0.99MB , 1280x720 , the end.png )
I'm gonna miss this show. I really liked it.

With the news that there being a big chance of not being a second season, I hope that the three end up living their lives together being as happy as they can be.
>> No. 16258 [Edit]
I'm just glad they didn't leave the show on a sad depressing note at the end.
>> No. 16264 [Edit]
File 137231849854.jpg - (100.58KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs]_YUYUSHIKI_-_12_[720p]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
It's over.

It was the highlight of my Tuesdays and now it's gone...

I didn't nearly expect to enjoy it as much as I did but this actually turned out to be better than I expected. It was unbelievable adorable and even though a lot of the girls banter felt so esoteric and banal their cute characters and interactions more than made up for it.

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