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File 136537296921.jpg - (274.93KB , 620x438 , 1359035761_1_2.jpg )
14808 No. 14808 [Edit]
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>> No. 14825 [Edit]
Pretty interesting first episode. MC seems to know his stuff. I like the 40k vibe the universe gives off, heres hoping there wont be an attempt to reach UNDERSTANDING between humans and inhumans like in nearly every other Japanese Sci-Fi (or fantasy for that matter) series.
>> No. 14837 [Edit]

First half of the first episode was like Sidonia no Kishi.
>> No. 14868 [Edit]
Reminded me more of macross frontier, but that's just me.

God forbid two species try to live in piece, but it could still happen. The concept seemed extremely unlikely in macross F but they still went that direction.
>> No. 14940 [Edit]
>God forbid two species try to live in piece

But that already happens in nearly every space alien show ever. I just want my fight to the end until either side gets exterminated.
>> No. 14970 [Edit]
Poor pirates.
>> No. 14973 [Edit]
Why pity criminal scum?
>> No. 14974 [Edit]

I was joking.
>> No. 15048 [Edit]
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>> No. 15070 [Edit]
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Caught up JUST in time to miss the livestream for episode 3 by about 10 minutes. I'm sad. I'm excited for this show since the cool world building and sensible protagonist kicked in. I'm sick of Starship Troopers ripoffs with dense idiots everywhere.
>> No. 15071 [Edit]
>I'm sick of Starship Troopers ripoffs
yeah, it's nice we now get a Waterworld ripoff instead!
>> No. 15079 [Edit]
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>> No. 15080 [Edit]
and most likely dropped. what a terrible, terrible episode, which will most likely set the tone for the rest of the series. seeing how this is supposed to be a rather light-hearted show, I dont see those hippies being punished for their nonsensical pacifism either.
>> No. 15081 [Edit]
As I understand it, naval Earth in Suisei no Gargantia is abundant with resources and exceptionally peaceful and conflict-free: it's shown that colonies get their power from magic energy waves that are found in spades as shown in an earlier episode, resources come from virtually infinite amounts of stuff to salvage in underwater ruins everywhere, and food seems to be a non-issue as well, though I don't know the specifics of it (maybe it was shown in one of the Gargantia montages? I can't recall). It's plausible that a setting with such an abundance of food, water, living space and resources could be quite hippie-y and peaceful and find Ledo's warfare appalling. This is in contrast to the space humans whose homeworld is overpopulated as implied by soldiers being thrown to their deaths like candy and permanently living in whatever space bases they have for their war effort and their robots and very seldom getting short temporary vacations on Avalon, and the Alliance being on the lookout for a new homeworld as stated by Ledo. The homeworld is also under constant threat of being destroyed by hostile aliens and the humans wage perpetual war against them with massive casualties. Ledo comes from space and brings the problems of the space humans to the peaceful, innocent naval Earth through unexpected results of his seemingly reasonable actions.

I agree that the show hasn't been too hot so far, especially on the exposition front and how this episode was handled. The female designs are also eyesores, everyone being a goddamn titty monster stripper for no reason in particular is seriously detracting enjoyment of this show.

Post edited on 22nd Apr 2013, 6:34am
>> No. 15087 [Edit]
>peaceful, innocent naval Earth
>exceptionally peaceful and conflict-free
I'm sorry but did you miss the part about the pirates blowing people up along with the implied intention of raping one of the women?

also, I haven't seen ep 3 yet but from the looks of >>15079 I doubt the two girls on the left are wearing tattered rags and chains as a fashion statement.
>> No. 15088 [Edit]
They seemed pretty enthusiastic about their position.
>> No. 15094 [Edit]
File 136668027328.jpg - (160.68KB , 1280x720 , sng.jpg )
Peaceful and innocent in contrast to space humans, who are waging genocidal war against aliens and having much higher mortality rates and less fluffy conflicts in general.

According to dialogue in EP3, Gargantians don't kill pirates, but rather negotiate with them and that holding people at gunpoint such as when the pirates boarded the ship is just for show and part of negotiation. In the scene shown in the picture Bellows says that the game's changed now that blood's been spilled, implying that they hadn't killed pirates attacking them in the past. Later the Commodore states that the pirates are coming for revenge and won't back down until blood's been spilled for compensation, and when the pirate queen attempts to kill the Commodore it's implied that killing the Commodore would settle the blood feud for the time being in some sort of weird equivalent exchange. So they've got some kind of truce with the pirates where they poke in to pillage every now and then, but no one gets killed out of mutual respect for human life (?!) and big murderous attacks are only done in response to grave derision.

There's some weird stuff going on in the setting that needs to be explained for the show to make sense, but the show hasn't done any satisfactory exposition on how the relationship between colonists and pirates works in the setting, why there's supposedly universal respect for human life on all sides, why the pirate assault in EP2 did not warrant Ledo killing the pirates (perhaps raping a bunch of sluts who don't mind and taking a small amount of stuff before being chased off by the defense patrols would've been all that happened or something?) and other things.

tl;dr: The show's a bit retarded and you should watch EP3 to see what I'm talking about.

Also, the two girls in the picture you're talking about are the pirate queen's two top goons or something, and the chains are indeed just a pirate fashion statement by the looks of it. They're displayed having a great old time and there's nothing suggesting slavery or imprisonment or anything like that.
>> No. 15103 [Edit]
File 136670787295.jpg - (221.53KB , 837x700 , butcher_bingo.jpg )
I am not watching this but you can enjoy the Urobuchi bingo while watching.
>> No. 15104 [Edit]
Wait, why did nobody tell this was written by Urobochi? Dropping right now.
>> No. 15105 [Edit]
You know, I was actually thinking the same thing when I saw the image and checked Mal to make sure.
I'm honestly surprised to see someone else on this board who would be bothered by that. If you don't mind my asking, what would you say you don't like about Urobochi?
>> No. 15113 [Edit]
File 136673188431.jpg - (445.31KB , 2404x1120 , 1366701963809.jpg )
I'm watching Gargantia because it's an ogiginal production, I couldn't care less about who wrote this anime, but I'm with>>15104
>> No. 15123 [Edit]
I might join.
>> No. 15205 [Edit]
>According to dialogue in EP3, Gargantians don't kill pirates, but rather negotiate with them and that holding people at gunpoint such as when the pirates boarded the ship is just for show and part of negotiation. In the scene shown in the picture Bellows says that the game's changed now that blood's been spilled, implying that they hadn't killed pirates attacking them in the past. Later the Commodore states that the pirates are coming for revenge and won't back down until blood's been spilled for compensation, and when the pirate queen attempts to kill the Commodore it's implied that killing the Commodore would settle the blood feud for the time being in some sort of weird equivalent exchange. So they've got some kind of truce with the pirates where they poke in to pillage every now and then, but no one gets killed out of mutual respect for human life (?!) and big murderous attacks are only done in response to grave derision.

so the pirates firing live ammo from their vietnam-era weaponry was done for show as if those weapons weren't capable of turning a human into a leaky piece of meat in a pool of blood in just a few seconds, and the pirate's threats that include stripping the other female they took captive as entertainment was just some sort of ruse?

At the very least, the part about urobutcher trying something entirely new seems to be the truth, the writing is terribly amateurish and contradicting in several places -- as one would expect of a one-trick pony attempting something entirely different.
>> No. 15212 [Edit]
>raping a bunch of sluts who don't mind
It's not rape if they don't mind.
>> No. 15317 [Edit]
This is sounding like Waterworld levels of silliness.
>> No. 15339 [Edit]
File 136779295452.jpg - (237.67KB , 1000x562 , 1367770684451.jpg )
Nice swimsuits.
>> No. 15342 [Edit]
File 136781083826.jpg - (81.33KB , 1280x720 , [UTW-Vivid]_Suisei_no_Gargantia_-_05_[h264-720p][F.jpg )

the strings are going to leave a very fun tanline.
>> No. 15344 [Edit]

Best swimsuit.
>> No. 15345 [Edit]
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>> No. 15346 [Edit]
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>> No. 15347 [Edit]
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>> No. 15348 [Edit]
Is this first Urobochi's anime with a beach episode?
>> No. 15349 [Edit]

He wrote only two episodes of Gargantia, you can't really call it Urobochi's anime.
>> No. 15352 [Edit]

there is no beach.
>> No. 15357 [Edit]
Which two ep? and who did the rest?
>> No. 15358 [Edit]

The first and the last IIRC.

Kazuya Murata.
>> No. 15360 [Edit]
Thanks, maybe I'll pick this back up.
>> No. 15363 [Edit]
Characters make my dick rock hard. Seeing Amy run around in that skimpy bikini drove me crazy.

It's also really good in almost every aspect imo.
>> No. 15364 [Edit]
I feel you man. I loved the beach episode.
>> No. 15371 [Edit]
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>> No. 15375 [Edit]
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>> No. 15378 [Edit]

How can they get away with this?
>> No. 15393 [Edit]
File 136799513519.jpg - (93.31KB , 1280x720 , [UTW-Vivid]_Suisei_no_Gargantia_-_05_[h264-720p][F.jpg )

That's a very good question.
>> No. 15394 [Edit]

You make it sound like Gargantia was borderline H.
>> No. 15529 [Edit]
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>> No. 15530 [Edit]
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>> No. 15538 [Edit]
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>> No. 15564 [Edit]
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>> No. 15566 [Edit]
File 13685445148.jpg - (74.13KB , 1280x720 , [UTW-Vivid]_Suisei_no_Gargantia_-_06_[h264-720p][1.jpg )
They can't do this on TV

they're not gonna get away with it
>> No. 15567 [Edit]

Yes they can.
>> No. 15568 [Edit]
That shit melted my brain. Should be stamped on one of those LSD sheets.
>> No. 15573 [Edit]
File 136856103724.jpg - (106.81KB , 821x1145 , 1368546197591.jpg )
By the way this show is targeted towards people in their late teens and early 20's who haven't experienced "the world" yet, and to help them get out there and realize it isn't so scary and bad.

If only the world was as nice to us as the Verdurous planet.
>> No. 15575 [Edit]

I want to live on the Gargantia.
>> No. 15577 [Edit]
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>> No. 15594 [Edit]
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>> No. 15595 [Edit]
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>> No. 15596 [Edit]
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>> No. 15597 [Edit]
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>> No. 15622 [Edit]
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>> No. 15708 [Edit]
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Fucking Hideouze.
>> No. 15709 [Edit]
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>> No. 15710 [Edit]
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>> No. 15858 [Edit]
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>> No. 15918 [Edit]
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This episode was awesome.
>> No. 15919 [Edit]
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>> No. 15920 [Edit]
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>> No. 15921 [Edit]
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>> No. 15922 [Edit]
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>> No. 15923 [Edit]
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>> No. 15924 [Edit]
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>> No. 15925 [Edit]
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>> No. 15926 [Edit]
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>> No. 15927 [Edit]
I love infodump episodes.
>> No. 15930 [Edit]
File 137024182838.jpg - (82.52KB , 1280x720 , [UTW-Vivid]_Suisei_no_Gargantia_-_09_[h264-720p][7.jpg )
no mecha show is complete without the shinji bend-forward-and-scream-while-giant-robot-murders moments.

otherwise Hideauze are a bunch of damned children that deserve to be wiped off the face of the universe for throwing the first stone in that conflict for such petty fucking reasons.
>> No. 15931 [Edit]
It's not stated who or what exactly originally started the war between Alliance/UN and the Evolvers/Hideauze on old Earth - given that Earth was fast becoming uninhabitable, war for the remaining space and resources could've been inevitable. The space Hideauze and space humans continue their endless war from Earth for no practical reason (it's not like space isn't big enough for both of them or anything).

The descendants of both species on Earth that survived the ice age no longer have the problem of space or resources - the
Earth Hideuze/whalesquids/Evolvers are powered by nanomachines that do turbo-photosynthesis and give them infinite energy for free, and the ocean floor is full of empty space for them to inhabit. The Earth humans live on the surface and also get infinite power from nanomachines, and have infinite food and water and salvage and no lack of sea to float their ships on.

So I guess the message of the show is: if all nations and species have infinite resources, no lack of living space, and get everything for free, then coexisting in peace all hippie-like is viable. It doesn't look like Urobuchi's too good at this whole substance thing, so it's best left at that.
>> No. 15934 [Edit]
File 13702500426.jpg - (143.07KB , 500x500 , 1370189973783.jpg )

>shinji bend-forward-and-scream-while-giant-robot-murders moments.

You should read/watch more mecha series pre-Evangelion.
>> No. 15936 [Edit]

Don't be retarded, Evangelion invented mecha
>> No. 15937 [Edit]
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>> No. 16010 [Edit]
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>> No. 16014 [Edit]
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Ledo had no problem annihilating the pirates in ep 2, and they were actually human. This character development of his feels horribly unnatural and it seems the writers plan to drag it out another episode or so.

On the bright side, Pinion's new found ego is going to bite him in the ass royally, letting filthy pirates join the ship, as if they'll change their nature and completely reform into law abiding ship workers... Didn't Japan learn this lesson with the brazillians quite recently?
>> No. 16016 [Edit]
File 137089476595.jpg - (122.12KB , 1440x810 , 1370783574732.jpg )

Ledo has problems with the Alliance's lies, nothing more.
>> No. 16020 [Edit]
File 137096621368.jpg - (47.91KB , 1280x720 , [UTW-Vivid]_Suisei_no_Gargantia_-_10_[h264-720p][F.jpg )
I recognized her almost immediately as Nero from milky holmes, went to check and sure enough.
>> No. 16039 [Edit]
I think it was seeing the little fetus things and the former-girl Hideaze freak that sparked his terribly unnatural angst. He never actually killed a kid, and those pirates were the "enemy"... and after Chamber's explanation he seems pretty cool with everything.

Plus, now he understands what peace is, after seeing how underdeveloped the humans/Hideaze are on Earth and their method of "cooperation."

It's not too OOC, but I am not looking forward to his fight with his superior in later episodes. That is going to be too much of a stretch.
>> No. 16046 [Edit]
I'm hoping to see Chamber being called-out on his programming..

Sure, his explanation to Ledo was logical... except that it's from an A.I that automatically deletes any information (as shown during the episode) that would provide alternative interpretations and outcomes.

That "The Alliance is the Pinnacle of Human Civilization" is classic fascist brainwashing too.
>> No. 16095 [Edit]
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>> No. 16096 [Edit]
Oppai Ooeeehhh!
>> No. 16100 [Edit]
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>> No. 16201 [Edit]
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Great battle.
>> No. 16320 [Edit]
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And it's over. Can't wait for the OVAs.
>> No. 16324 [Edit]
That was a pretty fantastic final episode. The show had it's flaws, but I think it was very good overall.

I teared up a bit at Chamber sacrificing himself. That sort of thing always gets to me.
>> No. 16325 [Edit]
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Never forget.
>> No. 16340 [Edit]
File 137280323715.jpg - (39.40KB , 680x382 , w8tG2NQ.jpg )
Just finished this series.

Enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. Episode 3 was the only real "weak link", the rest was solid (or near enough). I have a few complaints, and I suspect anybody else who finishes this series would too, but it was fun to watch all the same. I'd like to add while I can that Ledo and Chamber were absolutely great characters and definitely the best thing about the series.

Strong 7/Light 8 from me.

Rackage is a masterpiece of titty monster character design. Doujins immediately.
>> No. 17987 [Edit]
Episodes 14 and 15 are subbed now.

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