No. 14919
>what was said was >I hate this show because every single character is unlikeable and a bitch.
>someone said they don't like the show and they gave a simple reason why, that should be the end of it
And again that is just circular reasoning which comes down to "I don't like it" which isn't valid reason. Don't try to make this into sematic wars. Or am I not allowed to question your opinion? Why? Why can't you just say to yourself "my opinion is pretty useless because I can't give any valid reason, maybe I should not post"?
>this thread wouldn't have turned out this way if you could just accept that some people aren't going to like what you like.
No like I've said multiple times, example poster >>14796 didn't ruin the thread even tho he clearly implies he doesn't like the show. Like I've said multiple times, everyone is entitled to have their opinion, but if you can't make an argument for it, then prepare that you will get criticized. Because we are also entitled to have opinions and when my opinion is that your opinion is shit, because you cannot make any valid arguments for it, I am entitled to say it. Like you said
>This isn't /mai/, we shouldn't need to worry about hurting people's feelings.
It's not my fault that you can't make an argument so stop crying about it. Why are you expecting people to be nice and "let it be" when you don't say nice things by yourself?
>get real, at best images are use on imageboards to illustrate a person's message.
Again, if you disagree with post then feel free to criticize it, I don't really care. I am just trying to understand other posters and their reasons.
>here take this thread, it's a relatively active thread, and much of what people are posting is negative comments.
Has anyone said negative comments are wrong or unwanted? No. At quick glance I don't see any negative comments without valid arguments. I don't follow that thread, so please stop bringing up stuff that has nothing to do with this. Even if there were shitty posts, they don't justify your shitty posts.
>There's just not as much to say about any given topic when you stick to nice things.
Thanks for stating the obvious. Like I've said million times, critique is welcome because different kind of arguments grow into interesting discussions.
Post edited on 11th Apr 2013, 5:36am