Second season of Haiyore! Nyaruko-san.
I hate the characters so very, very much.
>>14746 How nice of you to share that.
>>14746 I sort of agree, Nyaruko is the only likable character in my opinion.
>>14780 Exactly my opinion on the matter. Hasuta and Kuuko just serve as annoyances and obstacles in Nyaruko's way really.
This show didn't miss a beat.
The new OP is catchy as hell. I might prefer it to the first season's OP.
>>14804 You don't even know how many times I listened to it before this show aired, it is extremely catchy.
>>14804 >>14856 Yes, I agree as well. I have a tab open with it that I've been listening to every 15 mins for the past few days.
>>14861 Why don't you just download it? It's much more convenient that way.
>>14877 I'm too lazy...
Someone care to remind me why everyone loves Mahiro so much?
\(・ω・\)SAND!(/・ω・)/WICH!\(・ω・\)SAND!(/・ω・)/WICH! ...but I still want a gay horse gay horse, I wanna gay horse.
>>14990 I'm just wondering becuase it seems the entire universe loves the guy with aliens sneaking their way onto earth just to see him or whatever. Even Cthuko the lesbian rival who hated him before seems to have a thing for him now.
>>15249 Because he is a harem MC. Every girl is automatically after his dick. Although I wouldn't technically call it a harem since it is obvious who will win, if MC stops being a raging faggot.
The EDs for this are really fun and great.
>>15251 Thats a given that should go without saying, I'm talking about in the anime universe reasons.
Red rocket! red rocket!
>>15795 I prefer the OP Live! Surrounded by all those guys.. so brazen!
3rd season- when?
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