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File 136188053671.png - (0.99MB , 1280x720 , SHAFTed.png )
14148 No. 14148 [Edit]
Why are characters in SHAFT shows constantly doing this?
Whens the last time someone talked to you from this posture? OK, yeah I know that "Whens the last time someone talked to you?" is a bit of a wrong question, but you know what I'm trying to get at.
I think you have to do yoga for a long time to be able to talk like that without risking a significant neck injury
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>> No. 14150 [Edit]
It's a "running gag," like the random signs and filling up places of no animation with random scenery or placards.

Also see: Shinbo got lazy after SZS.
>> No. 14151 [Edit]
Because it looks somewhat menacing? they normally use it when characters are meant to show a threatening or fierce attitude, like you're been stalked or looked down by them or something.

However, repairing on it as an unrealistic anime feature is to uphold the inane and overlook the obvious, really.
>> No. 14153 [Edit]
Maybe it's a call for attention, like: "Hey! what is being said right now will be important a bit later. Pay attention!"
>> No. 14155 [Edit]
Please do not misuse spoilers.
>> No. 14156 [Edit]
>OK, yeah I know that "Whens the last time someone talked to you?" is a bit of a wrong question, but you know what I'm trying to get at.
Heaven forbid you should revise your question to not require a spoilered 'inb4.'
>> No. 14158 [Edit]
Because it's the pose of a smug pretentious faggot, which represents shaft very well.
>> No. 14160 [Edit]
>Whens the last time someone talked to you from this posture?

One week ago or something like that.
>> No. 14161 [Edit]
File 136190090028.jpg - (147.87KB , 640x724 , shaftshaftposeshaft.jpg )
I used to talk to people like that. If they were behind me I'd just twist my head straight back.

It's an unnatural way of talking so it helps to put the watcher on guard or be wary of that character.
>> No. 14167 [Edit]
Menma from Ano hi Mita Hana wasn't a SHAFT production, it was A-1.
>> No. 14168 [Edit]
ah, that's true.
didn't make the image myself, though.
but it IS the shaft pose.
>> No. 19521 [Edit]
File 140159709381.jpg - (531.77KB , 1280x3608 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Atelier Escha & Logy 08 went full SHAFT with head tilts everywhere
>> No. 19523 [Edit]
I was looking forward to watching that show once I finished playing the games. Thanks for ruining it for me.

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