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File 135900791393.jpg - (49.68KB , 640x352 , Madrame Final Form.jpg )
13637 No. 13637 [Edit]
Replies: >>13804

even though the show long since morphed from otaku-doing-otaku-things into sexy-moé-girls-having-relationship-trouble i still welcome this news with open arms.
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>> No. 13638 [Edit]
File 135900987851.jpg - (74.83KB , 500x305 , genshiken-newmembers.jpg )
Am I the only guy who actually enjoys Nidaime a lot? I especially like Yoshitake and Yajima, they're cool.
>> No. 13796 [Edit]
File 135978665932.jpg - (169.82KB , 565x400 , 01_maid.jpg )
Yeah, more GENSHIKEN
>> No. 13804 [Edit]
i thought it turned into more of fujoshi and crossdresser talking about homoerotic things.
>> No. 13807 [Edit]
Replies: >>18240
Cool! There aren't any other shows like Genshiken.
>> No. 18240 [Edit]
Otaku no Video?

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