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File 135721192639.jpg - (10.71KB , 300x400 , 1357208424989.jpg )
13041 No. 13041 [Edit]
Repost of a repost. I found this thread interesting so I thought I'd post it here.

"I saw those studies where a bunch of faces morphed together makes a very attractive face and thought it'd be cool to try it with anime.

This is an average of the heroines of the top 64 anime according to MAL."
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>> No. 13042 [Edit]
File 135721219536.jpg - (13.95KB , 300x400 , 1357208491151.jpg )
This one is from 32 anime from 00s and onwards.
>> No. 13043 [Edit]
File 135721256769.jpg - (11.32KB , 300x400 , 1357208538883.jpg )
32 90s anime.
>> No. 13044 [Edit]
File 135721264858.jpg - (10.49KB , 300x400 , 1357208593267.jpg )
32 80s anime.
>> No. 13045 [Edit]
File 135721318515.jpg - (8.95KB , 300x400 , 1357208639499.jpg )
And all 3 combined.
>> No. 13046 [Edit]
File 13572135233.jpg - (12.01KB , 300x400 , 1357208707039.jpg )
Males from anime 00s and onwards.
>> No. 13048 [Edit]
File 13572144309.jpg - (11.37KB , 300x400 , 1357208750819.jpg )
90s males.
>> No. 13049 [Edit]
File 135721469024.jpg - (10.29KB , 300x400 , 1357208802813.jpg )
Males from the 80s.
>> No. 13050 [Edit]
File 135721493185.jpg - (9.25KB , 300x400 , 1357208853991.jpg )
All 3 combined.
>> No. 13051 [Edit]
This is interesting.
>> No. 13052 [Edit]
Hey, Nausicaa

Hey, Shinji
>> No. 13054 [Edit]
He's too determined and confident to be Shinji.
>> No. 13056 [Edit]
This is great.
To my eyes at least, there seems to be a more dramatic shift from the eighties female to the nineties one, whereas with the male the more drastic change occurs between the nineties and two thousands. Much of that may be the hair color in the pictures, though.
>> No. 13057 [Edit]
File 135723099010.jpg - (160.99KB , 772x480 , honda_cast.jpg )
>Hey, Shinji

More like >>13043. In fact, I've always wondered if Shinji is supposed to be really effeminate (meaning good?) looking, since he's like the only male on NGE with a female facecut (even Kaworu is more manly, with his pointy chin).

Post edited on 3rd Jan 2013, 8:38am
>> No. 13059 [Edit]
File 135723409271.jpg - (20.30KB , 560x315 , average guy.jpg )
this is one is from all kyoani MCs
>> No. 13060 [Edit]
>> No. 13105 [Edit]
File 135745181098.jpg - (69.70KB , 550x413 , achess.jpg )
<- these are your anime faces
>> No. 13115 [Edit]

Me on the bottom left.
>> No. 13126 [Edit]
How unfortunate.
>> No. 13221 [Edit]
File 135774323573.jpg - (77.90KB , 500x673 , 1357738732809.jpg )
Might as well post this too.
>> No. 13820 [Edit]
File 135998081728.jpg - (72.98KB , 560x396 , 2013snow.jpg )
<- Super-deformed anime face.
>> No. 18244 [Edit]
File 138770893860.jpg - (109.21KB , 550x776 , zyuri.jpg )
I don't look like that!
>> No. 18245 [Edit]
Certainly. That's why I avoided Arise (is it any good?)
>> No. 18247 [Edit]
File 138773894450.jpg - (43.16KB , 1280x720 , [RIPinpieces] Ghost in the Shell Arise OAV - 01 [B.jpg )

it's good, for what it is.
It's a retelling of the story, set much earlier and with events playing out somewhat differently.
Aside from the Major, all the other character redesigns are quite good.
>> No. 18248 [Edit]

All the GitS (movies, S.A.C. and Arise) are ''retellings'' of Shirow's GitS.
>> No. 18260 [Edit]

I miss you 1980's man. With your thick neck, unpointed chin, prominent nose, and the dark brows above your eyes. I remember when we used to pilot the robot together, you in the cockpit, me watching from the TV. Now all I see are pale boys with girly-eyes and point-ed chins. The wasteland of ruined character designs.
>> No. 18261 [Edit]
The girls have less and less white in their eyes. It's like their irises are expanding. In ten years or so they'll be an ocean of sparkling color, without any white, like insects. We will be watching bug anime.

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